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Alt 15-12-2004, 16:41   #169
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Aus der FTD vom 13.12.2004
Schokofirmen rechnen mit steigendem Kakaopreis
Von Sabine Rössing, Hamburg

Die schwankenden Kakaopreise machen vor allem deutschen Produzenten immer mehr zu schaffen. Im kommenden Jahr dürfte der Rohstoff für Tafelschokolade, Pralinen und Weihnachtsmänner noch teurer werden.


Cocoa Up on Fund Buying, Ivorian Tensions
Friday December 3, 4:24 pm ET

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Cocoa prices rose 3.5 percent on Friday as commodity funds bought on technical signals, a falling dollar and prospects of more political violence in Ivory Coast, grower of 40 percent of the world's cocoa.

In other U.S. commodity trade, grain futures rallied on short covering from steep losses this week, but ample global supply continued to burden the market.

On the New York Board of Trade, the March cocoa contract rose $58 to $1,710 a tonne, the highest closing price since $1,753 on Nov. 15.

Buying accelerated after prices rose above the key chart point at $1,677, lifting cocoa to a 17-day high at $1,714.

The head of militant supporters of Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo called for a mass demonstration on Dec. 11, demanding that France pull its peacekeeping troops out of the former French colony.
Mob violence erupted in Ivory Coast early last month after France crippled the Ivorian air force in response to a bombing raid on the rebel north, which killed nine French soldiers.

"The fact that we were going out on the close above $1,700 may have attracted some options-related buying and a little bit of nervous buying ahead of a weekend of planned protests," said a cocoa analyst in New York.

Geändert von Benjamin (19-04-2005 um 14:35 Uhr)
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