Thema: Mais
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Alt 11-01-2006, 19:36   #37
letzter welterklärer
Benutzerbild von simplify
Registriert seit: Jul 2002
Ort: Chancenburg, Kreis Aufschwung
Beiträge: 35.725
der preis von mais wird in den usa und in südamerika entschieden. entscheidend ist dabei das wetter. da sich in den usa bisher kein harter winter eingestellt hat, ist die neue saat bisher nicht gefährdet.

anders sieht es angeblich brasilien aus, da soll für die jahreszeit eine grosse trockenheit herrschen, die natürlich nachteilig auf die ernte wirken kann.

March <CH6> up 1/4 cent at $2.13-1/2 per bushel,
deferreds unchanged to up 1-1/2 cents.
Firmer on positioning ahead of USDA reports on Thursday.
Some early support from follow-through after Tuesday's late
rally, which was tied to short-covering and corn/soy spreading.
Traders expecting USDA early Thursday to reveal numbers that
are more bearish for soy than for corn. A slowdown in farmer
sales also giving nearby contracts some buoyancy.
* Funds bought 1,500 contracts by midday, traders said.
* Export activity featured Taiwan's purchase of 60,000
tonnes of U.S. corn.
* Meteorlogix weather said there are indications that
significant moisture will move into Argentine corn and soy
areas Thursday through Sunday. But southern Brazil seen staying
hot and dry most of this week.
* An average of analysts' estimates pegged 2005 U.S. corn
production at 11.069 billion bushels, slightly above the USDA's
latest forecast for 11.032 billion. On average, analysts
forecast U.S. 2005/06 corn end stocks at 2.370 billion bushels,
below the USDA's December estimate for 2.419 billion.
* Cash basis bids for corn in the Midwest early on
Wednesday were mostly steady and farmer selling was slow.

Der ideale Bürger: händefalten, köpfchensenken und immer an Frau Merkel denken
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