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The Long Emergency: Surviving the End of Oil, Climate Change, and Other Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century (Taschenbuch)
von James Howard Kunstler (Autor)
Erschienen: 08.2006
ISBN-10: 1-84354-454-7
EAN: 9781843544548
Einband: kartoniert/broschiert
Erschienen bei: Atlantic Books
Seitenzahl: 320
Gewicht: 299 g
Stilrichtung: Geschichte / Politik
Sprache(n): Englisch
EUR 9,99
From Publishers Weekly
The indictment of suburbia and the car culture that the author presented in The Geography of Nowhere turns apocalyptic in this vigorous, if overwrought, jeremiad. Kunstler notes signs that global oil production has peaked and will soon dwindle, and argues in an eye-opening, although not entirely convincing, analysis that alternative energy sources cannot fill the gap, especially in transportation. The result will be a Dark Age in which "the center does not hold" and "all bets are off about civilization's future." Absent cheap oil, auto-dependent suburbs and big cities will collapse, along with industry and mechanized agriculture; serfdom and horse-drawn carts will stage a comeback; hunger will cause massive "die-back"; otherwise "impotent" governments will engineer "designer viruses" to cull the surplus population; and Asian pirates will plunder California. Kunstler takes a grim satisfaction in this prospect, which promises to settle his many grudges against modernity. A "dazed and crippled America," he hopes, will regroup around walkable, human-scale towns; organic local economies of small farmers and tradesmen will replace an alienating corporate globalism; strong bonds of social solidarity will be reforged; and our heedless, childish culture of consumerism will be forced to grow up. Kunstler's critique of contemporary society is caustic and scintillating as usual, but his prognostications strain credibility. (May)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: Gebundene Ausgabe .

From Booklist
Kunstler established a writing career criticizing American suburbia (e.g., The Geography of Nowhere, 1993), and his animosity against his bete noire does not abate here. It's a wide--casting, statistics-studded ramble through energy production and technologies, world economic and political history, and climatology that culminates in predictions that the suburbs are doomed. His assertions are always self--confident, sometimes immodestly so, as when he dismisses in toto any possibility that the market, or technologists, will rescue contemporary civilization from a world of declining oil production. Discerning an imminent future of protracted socioeconomic crisis, Kunstler foresees the progressive dilapidation of subdivisions and strip malls, the depopulation of the American Southwest, and, amid a world at war over oil, military invasions of the West Coast; when the convulsion subsides, Americans will live in smaller places and eat locally grown food. Credit Kunstler with an energetic argument, but whether he has achieved his stated goal--waking up an ostensibly somnolent public--via his relentless and alarmist pessimism remains to be seen.

When Technology Fails: A Manual for Self Reliance & Planetary Survival: A Manual for Self-Reliance and Planetary Survival (Taschenbuch)
von Matthew Stein (Autor)
Taschenbuch: 405 Seiten
Verlag: Clear Light Publishers (Januar 2001)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1574160478
ISBN-13: 978-1574160475
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 27,9 x 21,6 x 2,3 cm
Erschienen: 05.2007
ISBN-10: 1-933392-83-5
EAN: 9781933392837
Einband: kartoniert/broschiert
Erschienen bei: Chelsea Green Pub
Seitenzahl: 405
Gewicht: 1166 g
Sprache(n): Englisch
Provides information that will help the average person prepare for the uncontrollable forces and events that will affects everyone on the planet within the next 20 years. A user friendly 'bible' in the tradition of the Whole Earth Catalogue, this book is the first to offer basic instructions and recommended resources for the wide range of skills and technologies necessary for self-reliant living and achieving mastery of all kinds of emergency conditions. A directory of resources and an instructional guide to sustainable technology required in an increasingly unstable world, it outlines survival strategies for dealing with changes that affect food, water, shelter, energy, health, communications, and essential goods and services.

When Technology Fails: A Manual for Self-Reliance, Sustainability, and Surviving the Long Emergency
von Matthew Stein
Taschenbuch: 424 Seiten
Verlag: Chelsea Green Pub Co; Auflage: Revised and Sec. (18. August 2008)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1933392452
ISBN-13: 978-1933392455
EUR 20,99
If ever there was one book to have when the lights go out, "When Technology Fails" is it. In this revised edition--the first edition was written pre-9/11 when global warming was still considered a fringe idea--author Mat Stein offers readers skills to make them more self-sufficient, sustainable, and prepared for any climatic disaster, as well as simple green building techniques. <BR>
No single book can teach all there is to know, so Stein has included a resource guide at the end of each chapter to direct readers toward other resources, including books, web sites, and suppliers of the materials discussed. The book covers a wide range of topics--everything from green building, renewable energy, and emergency preparations to basic self-healing and self-reliance techniques to survive crises. This new edition also includes a chapter on joining and building sustainable communities, ending the book on a positive proactive note.

Peak Everything: Waking Up to the Century of Decline in Earth's Resources (Taschenbuch)
von Richard Heinberg (Autor)
EUR 16,99
Taschenbuch: 224 Seiten
Verlag: Clairview Books (5. November 2007)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1905570139
ISBN-13: 978-1905570133
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 23,2 x 15,6 x 2,2 cm
The 20th century saw unprecedented growth in population, food production and energy consumption. As the population shifted from rural areas to urban cities, the human impact on the environment increased dramatically. The 21st century has ushered in an era of decline in a number of crucial areas: global oil, natural gas and coal extraction; minerals and ores, such as copper and platinum; economic growth; yearly grain harvests; fresh water; climate stability; and, population. To adapt to this profoundly different world, we must now begin to make radical changes to our attitudes, behaviours and expectations."Peak Everything" addresses many of the cultural, psychological and practical changes we will need to make as nature rapidly dictates our new limits. This latest book from Richard Heinberg, author of three acclaimed books on Peak Oil, touches on the most important aspects affecting humanity at this momentous time.
A combination of wry commentary and sober forecasting on subjects as diverse as farming and industrial design, "Peak Everything" indicates how we might make the transition from the Age of Excess to the Era of Modesty with grace and satisfaction, while preserving the best of our collective achievements. A must-read for individuals, business leaders and policy makers who are serious about effecting real change.

Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies (Taschenbuch)
von Richard Heinberg (Autor)
ab EUR 10,77
Taschenbuch: 320 Seiten
Verlag: Clairview Books; Auflage: 2New Ed (31. Juli 2007)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1905570007
ISBN-13: 978-1905570003
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 23 x 15,8 x 3 cm
Without oil, what would you do? How would you travel? How would you eat? What would everyday life be like? The world is about to change dramatically and permanently as a result of oil depletion. Within the next few years, the global production of oil will peak. Thereafter, even with a switch to alternative energy sources, industrial societies will have less energy available to do all the things essential to their survival. We are entering a new era as different from the industrial one as the latter was from mediaeval times. "The Party's Over" deals head-on with the imminent decline of cheap oil. It shows how oil and war have been closely related for the past century, and how competition to control oil supplies is likely to lead to new resource wars in the Middle East, Central Asia, and South America.
Tracing the crucial role of fossil fuels in the rise of industrialism, Heinberg discusses the degree to which energy alternatives can compensate for oil, and recommends: a managed transition to a slower-paced, low-energy, sustainable society in the future; a global programme of resource conservation and sharing implemented by the US - the world's foremost oil consumer and the most mightily armed nation in world history - in concert with other countries; and realistic ways for families, communities, nations, and the world to prepare for the coming crisis. A riveting wake-up call that does for oil depletion, what Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" did for the issue of chemical pollution - i.e. raising to consciousness a previously ignored global problem of immense proportions - "The Party's Over" is essential reading for all those concerned with the future of modern life as we know it.

Peak Oil Survival: Preparation for Life After Gridcrash: A Guide to Life After Gridcrash (Taschenbuch)
von Aric McBay (Autor)
EUR 8,45
Taschenbuch: 128 Seiten
Verlag: The Lyons Press; Auflage: 1 (Oktober 2006)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1592281273
ISBN-13: 978-1592281275
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 22,4 x 15 x 1 cm
Oil and energy are not the limitless resources they were once thought to be, and at some point in the foreseeable future, these supplies will run out. "Peak Oil Survival" is the ultimate guide to planning for this eventuality, showing readers how to survive when the food, transport, and energy industries sputter to a halt. With its clear, simple instructions and easy-to-read diagrams, this volume explains how people can protect their families in a time of crisis and live comfortably "off the grid".

Peak Oil Prep: Prepare for Peak Oil, Climate Change and Economic Collapse (Taschenbuch)
von Mick Winter (Autor)
EUR 10,95
Erschienen: 11.2006
ISBN-10: 0-9659000-4-5
EAN: 9780965900041
Einband: kartoniert/broschiert
Erschienen bei: Sustainable Living
Seitenzahl: 248
Gewicht: 367 g
Sprache(n): Englisch
How you can help your family, neighborhood and community prepare for Peak Oil, climate change, and economic collapse and live a more sustainable, money-saving lifestyle. A practical handbook of ideas, suggestions, and book and Internet resources.

Powerdown: Options and Actions for a Post-carbon Society (Taschenbuch)
von Richard Heinberg (Autor)
EUR 16,99
Taschenbuch: 224 Seiten
Verlag: Clairview Books; Auflage: 2Rev Ed (30. Juli 2007)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1905570104
ISBN-13: 978-1905570102
Größe und/oder Gewicht: 23 x 15,6 x 2,2 cm
Resource depletion and population pressures are about to catch up with us, and no one is prepared. Oil is running out and, if the Western world continues with its current policies, the next decades will likely be marked by war, economic collapse, and environmental catastrophe. The political elites, especially in the US, have shown themselves to be unwilling to deal with the situation, and have in mind a punishing game of 'Last One Standing'. There are alternatives. A 'Powerdown' strategy, for example, would aim to reduce per-capita resource usage in wealthy countries, develop alternative energy sources, distribute resources more equitably, and reduce the human population humanely but systematically over time. It could save us, but will require tremendous effort and economic sacrifice."Powerdown" speaks frankly to these dilemmas.
Avoiding cynicism and despair, it begins with an overview of the likely impacts of oil and natural gas depletion and then outlines four options for industrial societies during the next decades: Last One Standing: the path of competition for remaining resources; Powerdown: the path of cooperation, conservation, and sharing; Waiting for a Magic Elixir: wishful thinking, false hopes, and denial; and, Building Lifeboats: the path of community solidarity and preservation. Finally, the book explores how three important groups within global society - the power elites, the organized opposition to the elites (the 'activist' movements), and ordinary people - are likely to respond to these four options. Timely, accessible and eloquent, "Powerdown" is clarion call to urgent action.

After Collapse: The Regeneration of Complex Societies (Gebundene Ausgabe)
von Glenn M. Schwartz (Herausgeber), John J. Nichols (Herausgeber)
ab EUR 39,89

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