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Alt 18-01-2011, 14:16   #1
TBB Starmember
Registriert seit: Jun 2010
Beiträge: 496
Thumbs up NWTT- 1.4 Moz Gold - Merger abgeschlossen $

NWTT - NW Tech Capital - Merger News $$$
WKN: A0NBNW | ISIN: US62948J1034 | NWTT

Pressemitteilung / PenStox.de: NW Tech Capital (NWTT) bringt Fusion mit kanadischem Goldförderungsunternehmen zum Abschluss
DJ Pressemitteilung / PenStox.de: NW Tech Capital (NWTT) bringt Fusion mit kanadischem Goldförderungsunternehmen zum Abschluss

Über 500.000 Besucher am Wochenende, allein nur in den USA - WOW $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

âEUR<(Dies ist eine Mitteilung von PenStox.de. Für den Inhalt ist ausschließlich PenStox.de verantwortlich)

NW Tech Capital (NWTT) bringt Fusion mit kanadischem Goldförderungsunternehmen zum Abschluss

HENDERSON, NEVADA - 17.Januar 2011 - NW Tech Capital Inc. (PINK SHEETS: NWTT) (http://www.nwtechcapital.com) freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass die Fusion 7662491Canada Incorporated (Canada Corp.) zum Abschluss gebracht wurde.

Die Fusion zwischen den beiden Unternehmen ist nun abgeschlossen und NWTT freut sich Canada Corp. als sein Tochterunternehmen zu haben. Das lizenzierte Grundstück von Canada Corp. liegt günstig entlang eines hochwertigen Goldgürtels, der Gold von hoher Qualität enthält. Das Grundstück ist strategisch optimal innerhalb eines Gebiets mit gut belegten, historischen und gegenwärtigen Anzeichen von Gold platziert. Die bisherigen Explorationsarbeiten am Grundstück belegten, dass Gold auf dem Anwesen vorhanden ist und das Unternehmen fährt daher mit der Explorationsphase fort.

NWTT beabsichtigt durch die Fusion mit Canada Corp. einen Einstieg in den kanadischen Bergbausektor sowie eine Steigerung des Unternehmenswerts für seine Aktionäre. Beide Unternehmen freuen sich auf eine lange Zusammenarbeit und NWTT wird die Öffentlichkeit im Hinblick auf das Tochterunternehmen über alle Entwicklungen informieren.

Das Unternehmen plant zwischen dem 14. Januar (dem Tag der Veröffentlichung dieser Pressemitteilung) und Anfang nächster Woche eine Topografie des Explorationsstandorts auf die OTC-Markets-Website zu stellen sowie alle weiteren Informationen, die im Bezug auf diese Fusion von Belang sind.

Weiter Unternehmensmeldungen und -ereignisse: Das Silber-Abbau-Projekt in Britisch Kolumbien, Kanada, ist noch immer im Gange. Die Fusion mit dem Öko-Beleuchtungs- sowie dem Malerunternehmen ist nach wie vor aktiv im Gespräch, das Unternehmen sucht jedoch nach dem geeignetsten Kandidaten, so dass seine Aktionärsbasis bestmöglich davon profitieren kann.

Es werden in Kürze weitere Einzelheiten bekannt gegeben.

NWTT - NW Tech Capital - WKN: A0NBNW - Merger $$$ NW Tech Capital (NWTT) Finalizes Merger With Canada Gold Mining Company
Date : 01/14/2011 @ 3:45PM Friday
Source : MarketWire
Stock : NW Tech Capital Inc. (NWTT)
Quote : 0.0005 0.0001 (25.00%) @ 4:31PM
NW Tech Capital Inc. (PINK SHEETS: NWTT) (http://www.nwtechcapital.com) is pleased to announce that merger 7662491 Canada Incorporated (Canada Corp.) has finalized.
The merger is now finalized between these two companies. NWTT is happy to have Canada Corp. under its wing. Canada Corp. licensed property is well located along a quality gold belt that contains high grade gold. The property is strategically placed within an area with well-documented, historic and present, gold manifestation. The previous property explorations proved the presence of gold on the property and the company continues the exploration phase.

By merging with Canada Corp., NWTT is looking to enter into the Canadian mining segment and increase the company value for the shareholders. These companies look forward to a long working relationship, and NWTT will advise the public on all developments regarding this subsidiary.

Between now (the release of this news) and early next week the company intends to post on OTC Markets web site topography of the exploration site and any other relevant information relating to this merger.

In other company news and events, the silver mining venture based in British Columbia, Canada is still in the play. The eco-lighting and paint company mergers are still alive, however the company seeks the most appropriate fit for the company to best benefit its shareholder base.
*My Posts should Not be used by Anyone to make Any Financial and or Unethical Decisions. Just my opinion. All material posted by me is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell stocks.

NWTT - Mining 1.4 Moz of gold

Go to: http://nwtechcapital.com/canada.php

Click business

Go to the bottom of the page

click this


"...Three principal deposits have been identified to date (that would have been 2004), including the Boston, Doris (North and Central) and Madrid deposits that have measured and indicated resources estimated at containing some 1.4 Moz of gold."

It looks like the they discover 1.4moz of gold* deposit back in 2004 and left it because the price of gold was so low. Now that Gold is $1,400 per oz they are going after the deposit under NWTT. The key word above is including (these areas). As they say, we are sitting on a Gold Mine!!! - in my opinion.

Do I understand this correctly???

*What does MOZ stand for? Million Ounces (mining)

1,400,000 ounces x $1,400 = almost 2 billion dollars!!!!!!

Historic Exploration Data Found-> Dragonwing's Files:

NWTT - 5 Reverse Mergers in the works - 2 completed since August 2010!! The first Bermal was completed last summer. The 2nd Canada Gold Mining Company was completed on Friday Jan 14, 2011 and the 3rd silver mining venture based in British Columbia, Canada is still in the play. The 4th eco-lightingis still in the play. The 5th Chinese paint company merger is still alive.

"The property explored by Canada Corp. (7662491 Canada Inc.) is situated by Alcona Bay, with the closest venture adjacent to the Canada Corp. (7662491 Canada Inc.) property is located 30 kilometers away.

The property consists of two main zones; the Alcona Mine zone and 1.75 kilometres westerly, the “99” trenches zone. There are numerous other old workings on the claims and the surrounding area, some with substantial gold values."


Alcona Mine Area & 99 Trench Area sample maps

The full assessment report:

Report on Sioux Lookout Area

NW Tech Capital - Aktie
WKN: A0NBNW | ISIN: US62948J1034 | NWTT

New Millennium Property: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

The gold showings on the New Millennium Property have been sampled by several unrelated parties including the prospectors, the Ministry of Mines and Northern Development, 1179785 Ontario Ltd. (the optionor of the property), and MPH Consulting. In all instances there is general agreement between the sample sets with individual samples being obtained by all the parties that are anomalous to highly anomalous in gold content.

The systematic exploration work completed to date on the New Millennium Property has been confined to the Alcona Mine and the northwest extension. Two other gold bearing zones some distance away from the mine area have been located and sampled with analyses indicating gold values ranging from trace to several ounces/ton. The gold showings also occur in association with extensive alteration phenomena that may be associated with substantial gold deposits.

Drilling and trenching/stripping activities have been undertaken in the Alcona Mine and northwestern extension by Alcona Mines Limited and by Cream Silver/ Valerie, and by early unknown prospectors and in 1999 to 2002 by Joe Riives in the “99” Trench and Trench Lake areas. 1179785 Ontario Ltd. completed four new trenches near the Alcona shaft in August 2003. The trenches were dug using a Kanats T-150 tracked excavator and the exposures were then washed with a Wajax portable fire pump. Trenching exposed a complex series of foliated volcanic rocks, quartz porphyry and numerous sulphide bearing quartz veins. Minor chalcopyrite, pyrite and galena was noted in the veins and to a lesser extent the adjacent wallrocks. Two trenches were dug on the Central Vein immediately southeast of the shaft, and two trenches exposed the Number 1 and Number 2 veins immediately northwest of the shaft. All trenches encountered mineralized veining and sheared mineralized host rocks with analytical results in the range of 0.015 g Au/t (trace oz Au/T) to 5.74 g/t (0.17 oz/T). A total of 23 samples including a combination of channel and grab samples of bedrock were taken during the program.

The 1999 and 2000 trenching by Joe Riives opened up historic trenches discovered in the course of prospecting the current claims. Approximately 200 grab samples have been taken by several parties from various parts of the property including the Alcona area with analytical results in the range of 0.003 g Au/t (trace oz Au/T) to 178.15 g/t (5.2 oz/T). No drilling has been completed in these areas.

The 2003 Alcona Trenches were mapped in detail and marked for sampling by John Wakeford, P.Geo, the geological consultant for the Optionor. Similarly there are no detailed maps of the 1988-1990 trenches in the same area. All of the marked sites were sampled using a portable masonry saw with diamond cutting blades. The sample records are kept in duplicate in a field notebook and a numbered sample book. Two numbered tags were then placed inside the sample bags. These were submitted to the Accurassay Laboratories in Thunder Bay, Ontario for gold and other analyses.

Sample preparation at the various laboratories was done according to standard industry practice by crushing, splitting and pulverizing the core or rock samples to obtain pulps for assay and/or geochemical analyses. Gold determinations were made for the most part using one assay ton portion fire assays with atomic absorption finish (“FA+AA”). A rigorous series of in-laboratory duplicate, reference and blank sample analyses were carried out. One MPH sample was tested for 34 elements by aqua-regia acid digestion and conventional ICP-AES analysis.

MPH is unable to comment on sample security other than for those samples collected by Mr. Coates in September 2002 in connection with the predecessor report. The 6 grab samples were taken by MPH from outcrop, and were continuously in the possession of Mr. Coates from collection in the field until delivery to the laboratory. MPH was given full and unrestricted access to the property, and project database.

To date there are no known records of modern multidisciplinary exploration work outside of the mine area. Even the showings unearthed by Joe Riives could be further opened up and more systematically sampled by channel rather than grab sampling. It is therefore apparent that the New Millennium Property has significant untested exploration potential that may be readily evaluated by as yet untried modern methods. The favourable location of the property vis-à-vis accessibility and exploration expertise should allow such work to be completed inexpensively by Canadian standards.



NWTT Float Lock UP By IHUB Members!!!!*

"Never know. if there is 1.4Moz of gold there and Gold proces hold that 2 billion dollars makes NWTT worth 40 cents a share just from the gold alone. That's pre expense, but it also doesn't include the green company they are currently bidding on, the paint company they want to buy, and the silver mine company they want. Add it all up and I wouldn'r be surprised to see over $1 by the end of 2011. " IHub Poster

NWTT Float Lock UP By IHUB Members! FLOAT ONLY 322 MILLION!!!!**

$$$ NWTT the next multi-Penny mover..Wake-up People..1.4-1.5 million ounces of Gold...What a Life-Changer here......

NW Tech Capital Inc. (NWTT)

NW Tech Capital Inc. has finalized its merger with 7662491 Canada Incorporated.

NWTT is happy to have 7662491 Canada Incorporated (Canada Corp.) under its wing. This promising company has excellent prospects and is well-located along a quality gold belt that contains high grade gold.

Canada Corp.'s licenced property is strategically placed within an area of well-documented gold manifestation. Previous explorations proved the presence of gold on the property, and the company continues its exploration phase.

By merging with Canada Corp., NWTT is looking to enter the Canadian mining segment and increase the company's value for shareholders.

Gold prices have never before been more favorable for an extended period of time, and this reflects well for 7662491 Canada Inc. and NWTT.


Very - Strong buy by Barchart.com

Auf Platz 4 by DD Machine

Direct link to Canada's Governmental website showing NWTT's mining company is in fact a real entity: http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cd-dgc....g/cs04675.html

The mining company that NWTT has merged with is 7662491 Canada Inc. Run a simple "control-F" search for that corporation and it is very easily found. The spread of fear uncertainty and doubt is not cute when you have the information before you

$$$$$$$$$$$$ S T R O N G B U Y $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

NWTT Fundamental Valuation$$ Consideration…

Below are some thoughts that I have put together through logical deduction to show how NWTT ”could” be fundamentally justified to trade between .122 to $3.12 per share.

This past Friday, 14 Jan 2011, NWTT released news right before the market closed of completing their merger with a Canadian Gold Mining Company:

Within the posts below, it is considered that ”possibly” NWTT is about to release some kind of confirmation of having gold existing on its property from this Canadian Gold Mining Company merger in the amount of 1.4 million ounces:

Many investors have confirmed with the company that there will “not” be a reverse split.

The company also released a response to a question within the previously NWTT news below indicating that investors should expect to see a NI 43-101 on their gold property from the merger:

Q: Does the gold mine contain any NI 43-101 compliant data?

A: All of the exploration work on property has been done by 43-101 recommendation. All information about the past work on property will be made available.

For further understanding of the importance of having a NI 43-101, read below:

If the company releases confirmation of 1.4 million ounces of gold, given that the price of gold is at least $1400 per ounce, this would warrant a total valuation for NWTT as indicated below…

1,400,000 ounces of gold x $1400 per ounce = $1,960,000,000 in Gold Valuation

This would mean that the $1,960,000,000 would be considered Revenues from the 1.4 million ounces of gold pulled from the ground.

I think it would be fair to consider a 75% Net Expense Margin which would leave a 25% Net Profit Margin to consider as Net Income to derive an Earnings Per Share (EPS). I use such an amount because I believe it to be conservative for our purpose of deriving an EPS. Anyone can use the Substitution Property to use different margins higher or lower if they like, but the formulas used below are consistent with basic accounting principles for deriving an EPS. This means that the amount to be derived for Net Income under this thought would be below…

.25 Net Profit Margin x $1,960,000,000 Revenues = Net Income
$490,000,000 = Net Income

Now we can derive an Earnings Per Share (EPS) for NWTT. Keep in mind that this is simply a speculative fundamental valuation from the information that we know of from us investors here doing our due diligence (DD) to see if our NWTT investment is as good as some of us believe. So far so good, but the valuation won’t be considered an ”actual” valuation until the company releases numbers to justify what we believe and hope for. The formulas below are used to derive an EPS for now for us to consider…

Net Income ÷ Outstanding Shares (OS) = EPS

From the derivation above, we know what the Net Income is for our purposes within this post and below is confirmation that the OS is 4,757,459,479 shares:

490,000,000 Net Income ÷ 4,757,459,479 OS shares = EPS
.102 = EPS

Now we must consider multiplying the EPS with a Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio to determine where NWTT should fundamentally trade with knowing that a P/E ratio is a growth rate for the stocks that exist and trade within the same industry and sector as NWTT. Within the link below, we can clearly see that the P/E ratio for the Gold Industry is 30.60 for gold stocks:

However, below, I will calculate a first conservative share price for NWTT from using 12 as a conservative P/E Ratio. Observe below…

12 P/E Ratio x .102 EPS = $1.22 per share valuation

This means that NWTT ”could” very well fundamentally be worth and trade in the area of $1.22+ per share from the due diligence (DD) that is being speculated about if it turns out to be at least as expected by many who are pro NWTT.

Here’s something else that must be considered. I used the word ”could” for some other reasons that must be considered. The valuation above is considering that NWTT ”could” trade at $1.22 per share if NWTT would capture the 1.4 million ounces of gold in 1 year. I don’t know the plans for any of their drill programs as much more would need to be released from the company to confirm their per year goals for the amount of gold they plan on capturing. Below is a consideration from over a 1 to 10 year time frame to justify where NWTT should fundamentally trade if they confirm the 1.4 million ounces of gold based on the $1.22 share price derived from 12 as the P/E Ratio:

1 Year = ($1.22 ÷ 1) = $1.22 per share price
2 Years = ($1.22 ÷ 2) = $.61 per share price
3 Years = ($1.22 ÷ 3) = $.406 per share price
4 Years = ($1.22 ÷ 4) = $.305 per share price
5 Years = ($1.22 ÷ 5) = $.244 per share price
6 Years = ($1.22 ÷ 6) = $.203 per share price
7 Years = ($1.22 ÷ 7) = $.174 per share price
8 Years = ($1.22 ÷ 8) = $.152 per share price
9 Years = ($1.22 ÷ 9) = $.135 per share price
10 Years = ($1.22 ÷ 10) = $.122 per share price

So as you can see, even if it took NWTT 10 years to capture the valuation of the 1.4 million ounces of gold from the model above, it would be fundamentally worth .122 per share. If I had to guess, I would think that they would have a plan to capture the 1.4 million ounces of gold within a 4 to 6 year time frame.

Now, let’s consider the share price as we did above, but this time, let’s use what really would be considered ”a more accurate speculation” considering the use of 30.60 from the link above indicating and confirming to be the ”actual” P/E Ratio for the gold industry as of today:

30.60 P/E Ratio x .102 EPS = $3.12 per share valuation

Again, the $3.12 valuation above is considering that NWTT would capture the 1.4 million ounces in 1 year. Now let’s consider a per year breakdown per years for 1 year up to 10 years, like we did above, for how long it could take for NWTT to capture the 1.4 million ounces of gold based on the $3.12 share price derived from 30.60 as the P/E Ratio:

1 Year = ($3.12 ÷ 1) = $3.12 per share price
2 Years = ($3.12 ÷ 2) = $1.56 per share price
3 Years = ($3.12 ÷ 3) = $1.04 per share price
4 Years = ($3.12 ÷ 4) = $.78 per share price
5 Years = ($3.12 ÷ 5) = $.624 per share price
6 Years = ($3.12 ÷ 6) = $.52 per share price
7 Years = ($3.12 ÷ 7) = $.445 per share price
8 Years = ($3.12 ÷ 8) = $.39 per share price
9 Years = ($3.12 ÷ 9) = $.346 per share price
10 Years = ($3.12 ÷ 10) = $.312 per share price

So as you can see, even if it took NWTT 10 years to capture the valuation of the 1.4 million ounces of gold from the model above, it would be fundamentally worth .312 per share. Again, if I had to guess, I would think that they would have a plan to capture the 1.4 million ounces of gold within a 4 to 6 year time frame.

Below are some more thoughts that I think NWTT investors should understand as to why NWTT is different and better than others in the past in my opinion:

To add…

NWTT has 5 Reverse Mergers of which 2 are already completed:
1st -- The Bermal merger was completed last summer.
2nd -- The Canadian Gold Mining Company was completed this past Friday, 14 Jan 2011.
3rd -- The Silver Mining Venture based in British Columbia, Canada recently announced to still be in play.
4th -- The eco-lighting merger was recently announced to still be in play.
5th -- The Chinese Paint Company merger was recently announced to still be in play.

The ball is in NWTT’s court as all they have to do now is to prove what many of us pro NWTT shareholders already believe and hope they will prove with its valuation and the market should fundamentally realize where NWTT should be trading. As you can see from thoughts above, regardless to what P/E Ratio is considered for this newly merged Canadian Gold Mining Company, we are golden.

New Filing: NW Tech Capital, Inc. (NWTT) Shares Information on Its New Subsidiary:
Canada Corp.


Henderson, NV, Jan 17, 2010 - NW Tech Capital Inc. (NWTT; http://www.nwtechcapital.com)
management shares information about the property licenced by its subsidiary Canada Corp.,
including details abotu the previous property exploration and property maps.
Canada Corp. (7662491 Canada Inc.)
Kenora Mining Division
Northwestern Ontario

The property is situated in the Zarn Lake claim map G2277, 23 km south of the town of Sioux
Lookout. Access to the property is by highway 614 and recently constructed logging roads. The
claim group consists of 3 unpatented claims 1166839, 3004267 and 3017697, granted with
100% ownership to NWTT’s subsidiary in Canada.

The regional geology is mostly underlain by archean rocks of the Superior Province of the
Canadian Shield. The claim area falls within the Wabigoon subprovince rock units consisting of
narrow, generally easterly or north-easterly trending belts of mixed volcanics, intrusive and
sedimentary rocks, separated by large granitic intrusive units. The majority of the historic gold
producers are hosted within the Wabigoon subprovince, including two currently advanced
projects: Treasury Metals at Dryden with 1, 000,000 oz proven gold ore and the Goldlund mine
in Echo Township with production over 17,500 oz gold from an open pit from 1982 to 1985.
Currently Tamaka Gold Corp. has an inventory of 1.5 million oz gold at 1.2 grams/ton at

The Canada Corp. property is situated within a 100+ kilometer gold belt stretching northeasterly
from Laurentian Goldfields property just south of the town of Dryden to Rosnel on the Canadian
National Railway.

Within this gold belt are numerous old workings and currently active projects including Treasury
Metals at Thunder Lake, Goldlund mine in Echo Township, Neepawa Island and Fortune River
claims at Alcona Bay on Minnitaki Lake. The Canada Corp. property is situated between Alcona
Bay and Northwest Copper gold project at Black Lake near Rosnei.

The northeastern portion of the gold belt is described as a deformation zone having large
intrusive units on three sides. The property area is underlain by a sequence of north easterly
trending mafic flows, mafic volcaniclastics, tuffaceous units and metasediments. These have
been intruded by a series of mafic to felsic intrusive porphyries and dikes. The best assays are
associated with westerly trending quartz veins flanked by shear zones and quartz stock works

The property consists of two main zones; the Alcona Mine zone and 1.75 kilometers westerly,
the “99" trenches zone. There are numerous other old workings on the claims and the
surrounding area, some with substantial gold values.

Construction at the Alcona mine started in the late 1930's and eventually reached a depth of
325 feet with 485 feet of cross cuts and drifting. Horwood (1937) reports that the number 1
vein assayed 6.29 of gold/ton across the average width of 17 inches for 100 feet at the west end,
and 0.50 oz gold/ton across an average width of 22 inches for 150 feet at the east end. The #2
vein assayed 0.28 oz gold/ton across 18.5 inches for 250 feet.

More recently, in 1979 Oriana Development drilled 9 holes over the #1 and #2 veins and
intersected the #3 vein. Cream Silver cut a grid over the Alcona area in 1988, but fell short of
the “99" trenches. Several new targets were identified through geophysical work, followed by
stripping, mapping, and sampling. The area tested by stripping and trenching extends 650
meters westerly from the mine shaft and terminates at a low black spruce swamp. The easterly
extension is 125 meters. The stripping exposed several east -west trending shear zones hosting
quartz sulphide veins, quartz stockworks units and other altered rock units containing variable
amounts of pyrite, calcopyrite, spaltrite, galina, gold and silver. No evidence of channel
sampling has been observed.

In 2002 the property was optioned to numbered company 117985 Ontario Ltd. A grid with 100
meter spacing was cut over most of the claims followed by limited stripping (trenches A, B, C,
and D), sampling, and mapping. A induced polarization and magnetic survey provided by Dan
Patrie Exploration Ltd. and plotted by M.P.H. Consulting Ltd. revealed 23 new targets for
stripping and/or drilling. The current claim holder has also prospected and sampled the Alcona
zone with multi gram gold and silver assays in several stripped areas.

The “99" trench zone was discovered during 1929 followed by manual stripping and blasting. To
date no work record of any kind has been found. From all appearances the area has been
abandoned for several decades previous to the discovery by the current claim holder in 1998.
During 1999 the old workings were extended by mechanical stripping and washing, followed by
sampling and mapping all 9 trenches. The area containing the trenches measures about 600 x
400 feet. The quartz veins containing sulphides are generally quite narrow and contain variable
amounts of gold, including some high grade.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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Alt 18-01-2011, 20:17   #2
TBB Starmember
Registriert seit: Jun 2010
Beiträge: 496
Thumbs up Bermal Contracting Ltd. (NWTT) $250,000 Flagstone Order

Bermal Contracting Ltd. (NWTT) $250,000 Flagstone Order

NW Tech Capital (USOTC:NWTT)
Intraday Stock Chart
Today : Tuesday 18 January 2011

NW Tech Capital Inc. (PINK SHEETS: NWTT) (www.nwtechcapital.com) subsidiary Bermal Contracting Ltd. is pleased to announce that it is in negotiations with a commercial development company to supply it with up to $250,000 CAD worth of flagstone for its newly built condominium development.

This development company has expressed an interest in using Bermal's popular black flagstone for the interior and exterior finishing of the 16 condo units that are under construction. The company is looking to order approximately 15,000 square feet of sheet rock for this order worth up to $250,000. Bermal's black flagstone is a favorite among customers, and Bermal is the only quarry in the region to produce this color.

The development company owns and operates 6 various companies, and this deal would provide Bermal with a great opportunity to get its product out. Bermal believes that working with this development company could become an ongoing project and offer a serious growth opportunity for the company. The company expects the transaction to close shortly.

In other company news and events, NWTT will be appointing new officers, directors and board members as a result of the recent 7662491 Canada Incorporated (Canada Corp.) mining merger completion. (Announcement of Jan. 14, 2011) The company will post certain filings of this event with OTC Markets shortly.

The company confirms that other previously announced mergers are still in play.

More day to day operational updates and other news will follow shortly and on a timely basis.

Safe Harbor Statement

Information in this news release may contain statements about future expectations, plans, prospects or performance of NW Tech Capital Inc., that constitute forward-looking statements for purposes of the Safe Harbor Provisions under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words or phrases "can be," "expects," "may affect," "believed," "estimate," "project" and similar words and phrases are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. NW Tech Capital Inc. cautions you that any forward-looking information provided by or on behalf of NW Tech Capital Inc. is not a guarantee of future performance. None of the information in this press release constitutes or is intended as an offer to sell securities or investment advice of any kind. NW Tech Capital Inc.'s actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, some of which are beyond NW Tech Capital Inc.'s control. In addition to those discussed in NW Tech Capital Inc.'s press releases, public filings, and statements by NW Tech Capital Inc.'s management, including, but not limited to, NW Tech Capital Inc.'s estimate of the sufficiency of its existing capital resources, NW Tech Capital Inc.'s ability to raise additional capital to fund future operations, NW Tech Capital Inc.'s ability to repay its existing indebtedness, the uncertainties involved in estimating market opportunities, and in identifying contracts which match NW Tech Capital Inc.'s capability to be awarded contracts. All such forward-looking statements are current only as of the date on which such statements were made. NW Tech Capital Inc. does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which any such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.


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Investor Relations Department Inquiry

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Alt 19-01-2011, 07:03   #3
TBB Starmember
Registriert seit: Jun 2010
Beiträge: 496
Thumbs up NWTT - 5 Reverse Mergers in the works - 2 completed since August 2010!! The first Ber

NWTT - 5 Reverse Mergers in the works - 2 completed since August 2010!! The first Bermal was completed last summer. The 2nd Canada Gold Mining Company was completed on Friday Jan 14, 2011 and the 3rd Silver Mining Venture based in British Columbia, Canada is still in the play. The 4th Eco-lightingis still in the play. The 5th Chinese Paint Company merger is still alive.
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