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Alt 08-03-2015, 21:41   #16
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Thumbs up Hanergy’s solar car ambition: achievable or starry-eyed dream? http://www.ejinsight.

Hanergy’s solar car ambition: achievable or starry-eyed dream?


Hanergy Thin Film Power (HTF, 00566.HK) chairman Li Hejun surprised media on Monday when he pledged to launch three to five solar car models by October.

But industry experts doubt if such an ambitious plan is workable at all with the current solar power technology.

Last month, HTF fully acquired gallium-arsenide (GaAs) solar developer Alta Devices. Its thin film solar technology has a conversion efficiency that is considered the highest in the world. HTF hopes to develop its own solar cars using this technology.

According to Hanergy’s design, a solar car, weighing about a ton, that is placed under average light intensity for four hours will able to run for 80-100 kilometers under normal conditions.

Solar-powered vehicles are nothing new. Some public vans in Hong Kong are installed with solar panels on the roof, but these only complement gasoline as a power source.

Eric Cheng Ka-wai, a professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Hong Kong Polytechnic University who designed the solar panels used in the public vans, told Ming Pao Daily that solar technology, at its current state, cannot achieve the result predicted by Li.

“The conversion efficiency of the monocrystalline silicon solar panel is around 25 percent. Though the GaAs that HTF possesses has a higher conversion efficiency of around 30.8 percent, the figure is still below 50 percent,” Cheng was quoted as saying.

Therefore, it would be quite hard for a solar car which is solely powered by sunlight, to travel for 60 kilometers or longer continuously, he said.

However, Li remains confident about solar technology and its potential to change the world.

His idea of solar cars looks a bit stretched, and Hanergy would be hard pressed to deliver vehicles comparable to the efficiency of other green cars using more mature technology, such as electric cars and vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells.

Nevertheless, mobile device charging, another market Li is eyeing, might be a more realistic target.

There will be more than 6 billion mobile phones in use around the world by 2020, the group said, and feeding the power needs of these handsets is a big business.

– Contact us at english@hkej.com

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Alt 09-03-2015, 06:59   #17
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Schreiben hier chinesische Puscher-Computerprogramme?

Es ist auffällig dass die Puscher-IDs nie diskutieren, selbst wenn man sie persönlich hier anspricht!

Ich kann nur davon abraten chinesische Dumpingaktien zu kaufen

1. Weil genau wegen diesen Dumpingunternehmen deutsche Arbeitsplätze eingestampft werden.

2. Weil die Aktie in Hong Kong um über 2000% hochgepuscht wurde um sie jetzt in diversen Börsenforen dem deutschen Aktienmichel als den Supertip anzubieten

3. weil die Aktionäre irgendwie wie Roboter sind und auf persönliche Anfragen oder Diskussionsansätze nie antworten

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Alt 16-03-2015, 10:58   #18
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Thumbs up http://www.hkex.com.hk/eng/invest/company/quote_page_e.asp?WidCoID=0566&WidCoAbbName=

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Alt 16-03-2015, 23:48   #19
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Thumbs up http://www.mistbreaker.com/sustainability/solar-powered-cars-might-become-reality-yea

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Alt 17-03-2015, 07:38   #20
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Bist du ein chinesisches Puscher-Computerprogramm, was auf Fragen nicht antworten kann und auch keine Diskussionen führen kann?

Erst in HongKong den Kurs hochtreiben und dann in deutschland einen "Dummen" finden wollen, der die Aktien zu höchstkursen abkauft.....

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Alt 17-03-2015, 13:18   #21
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Benutzerbild von Goldlöckchen
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Ich befürchte, da bekommst du keine Antwort drauf
Das Schwierigste, was es in der Welt zu verstehen gilt, ist die Einkommensteuer. - Albert Einstein
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Alt 17-03-2015, 16:22   #22
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Ich befürchte, da bekommst du keine Antwort drauf
Aber für die Chinesen gibt es eine Fette Faust aufs Auge.....Wir haben deren ihren Dumpingmüll so langsam satt!


1:0 für SolarWorld im Euro-Cup gegen Canadian Solar, ReneSola & Co
Dienstag, 17. März 2015 16:19

BRÜSSEL (IT-Times) - Keine guten Nachrichten für Solarmodule-Hersteller, die in China produzieren und nach Europa exportieren. Die EU untersucht das Handelsgebaren einzelner chinesischer Solarmodule-Hersteller.

Mit der Entscheidung der Europäischen Union, drei in China ansässige Hersteller von Solarmodulen aus der Minimum Import Price (MIP) Rahmenvereinbarung wegen Umgehung von Minimum-Importpreisen und Importmengen im Jahr 2013 auszuschließen, droht nun auch in Europa weiterer Ärger für in China ansässige Solarmodule-Hersteller.

Statt sich an die MIP-Übereinkunft zu halten, sollen von diesen Unternehmen in 2013 Solarmodule nach Europa exportiert worden sein werden, die nicht in China gefertigt wurden, um diese Handelsbeschränkungen zu umgehen. Bei den drei betroffenen Unternehmen soll es sich um die chinesischen Solarmodule-Hersteller ReneSolar und ET Solar sowie um die kanadische Canadian Solar (CSI) handeln, die insbesondere in China engagiert ist, so verschiedene Medienberichte.

Die EU hat diese Unternehmen beschuldigt, Solarmodule von anderen Ländern außerhalb Chinas nach Europa exportiert zu haben, um den festgelegten Minimum-Importpreis von 0,53 Euro/W sowie jährliche Mengenbeschränkungen zu umgehen, die zwischen der EU und der chinesischen Regierung seinerzeit mit dem MIP-Vertrag ausgehandelt wurden......
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Alt 18-03-2015, 02:03   #23
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Thumbs up Hanergy Thin Film Power Group, Code via HongKong:0566. $$$ http://www.chinadaily.com.

Hanergy Thin Film Power Group, Code via HongKong:0566. $$$
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Alt 18-03-2015, 08:36   #24
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Hanergy Thin Film Power Group, Code via HongKong:0566. $$$

Nein nicht kaufen! da will euch jemand seine in HongKong hochgepuschten Aktien aufschwatzen!

Kauft lieber Made in Germany und scheißt Auf Hanergy einen großen haufen, die belügen euch doch......

Hanergy ist Dreck!
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Alt 18-03-2015, 08:37   #25
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Zitat von Goldlöckchen Beitrag anzeigen
Ich befürchte, da bekommst du keine Antwort drauf
meinste das sind chinesische Computerprogramme, die nur die Aktie puschen sollen?

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Alt 23-03-2015, 00:21   #26
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Thumbs up Hanergy TFP NEWS $$$ Opens 60 Stores,Centers $$$ http://www.forbes.com/sites/russell

Hanergy TFP NEWS $$$ Opens 60 Stores,Centers $$$



Business 3/22/2015 @ 7:53PM 14 views
China Thin-Film Solar Leader Hanergy Opens 60 Stores, Centers Across Country
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Hanergy Thin Film Power Group, the thin-film solar power equipment and product company led by Chinese billionaire Li Hejun, opened 60 retail stores and “user-experience centers” around the country on Saturday in a bid to boost its brand and sales among retail customers, Hanergy said on Sunday.

Hanergy also on Saturday launched an online sales site, hanergyshop.com, and another site on Alibaba, according to a statement.

The stores partly highlight rooftop solar panels that Hanergy hopes will become a main source of future revenue. Hanergy said it plans to increase the number of user experience centers to 300 throughout China this year and to 1,500 worldwide by 2017.

Hanergy, whose founder Li made some of his early money in the hydropower business, has since 2013 has acquired thin-film related intellectual property from overseas businesses Solibro, MiaSolé, Global Solar Energy and Alta Devices, turning itself into China’s top company in that niche. Li’s push into solar energy comes amid a big government effort to increase solar’s use to combat the country’s appalling air pollution.

A five-times rise in the Hanergy’s Hong Kong-traded’s shares in the past year have drawn skepticism from some analysts about its valuation. Hanergy’s market cap stood at $36 billion after Friday’s close, compared with just $6 billion for First Solar, the big U.S. thin-film solar panel maker. Most of the Hong Kong-listed company’s business has in the past been done with its unlisted parent company, though that share is declining.

Li ranks No.1 among mainland Chinese on the Forbes real-time billionaires list with an estimated fortune of $30 billion.

-Follow me on Twitter @rflannerychina
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Alt 23-03-2015, 01:34   #27
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Thumbs up 300 Stores this Year and 1500 Stores Worldwide by 2017 The stores partly highlight r

300 Stores this Year and 1500 Stores Worldwide by 2017

The stores partly highlight rooftop solar panels that Hanergy hopes will become a main source of future revenue. Hanergy said it plans to increase the number of
user experience centers to 300 throughout China this year and to 1,500 worldwide by 2017
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Alt 23-03-2015, 08:17   #28
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Hanergy eine Betrügerfirma?

Finger Weg! Das riecht nach Börsenbeschiss!


Dubioser Ökokonzern Hanergy
Der rätselhafte Aufstieg des chinesischen Solarkönigs Li Hejun
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Alt 30-03-2015, 12:26   #29
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Thumbs up Hanergy Thin Film’s Profit Surges on Sales and Disposals by Bloomberg News 2:04 AM PD

Hanergy Thin Film’s Profit Surges on Sales and Disposals
by Bloomberg News
2:04 AM PDT
March 30, 2015


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(Bloomberg) -- Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd., the Chinese solar-panel maker whose market value has swollen to $36 billion, said full-year profit surged 64 percent following the sale of five power projects in China.

Net income totaled HK$3.31 billion ($427 million), up from HK$2.02 billion a year earlier, according to a Hong Kong stock exchange filing. The company restated its 2013 profit after acquisitions of Hanergy Solar U.K. Ltd. and Global Solar Energy Inc. from the earlier HK$2.07 billion. Sales rose almost threefold to HK$9.6 billion.

Hanergy sold the photovoltaic power plants in China in 2014 for 1.42 billion yuan ($229 million), a net gain of about 778 million yuan, according to the statement. The full-year profit caps a tumultuous year for Hanergy, which has become the world’s biggest solar company by value and made its chairman, Li Hejun, a billionaire.

Li owns more than half of the shares in Hanergy Thin Film and controls the company through a closely held Beijing-based parent called Hanergy Holding Group Ltd. Shares of the listed company have more than quadrupled in the past six months, making Li among China’s richest men and raising questions about whether the stock is overvalued.

Valuation questions -- and the pattern of trades in the company’s stock -- have prompted Hanergy to issue at least two statements rebutting suggestions that either the company or its chairman manipulated its share price.

About 61 percent of the company’s revenue comes from sales it makes to the parent company Hanergy Group and its affiliates, according to the statement today.
Receivables Surge

The statement also showed that Hanergy Thin Film’s receivables surged 86 percent last year to HK$4.3 billion, with the parent company responsible for about half of the outstanding sum. A footnote in the document said the parent company settled its account as of today.

Instead, Hanergy said the surge in Hanergy Thin Film’s value may be a result of the Chinese government’s focus on the environment and renewable energy.

Hanergy has a market value of HK$279.9 billion, higher than all other listed Chinese solar companies combined and six times the value of Tempe, Arizona-based First Solar Inc., the biggest producer of thin-film solar panels.

A year ago, the Kowloon headquarters of Hanergy Thin Film housed a little-noticed subsidiary of Li’s Hanergy Holding, which initially was a hydroelectric-dam operator with more than 6 gigawatts of projects.
Four Acquisitions

The company has been investing in thin-film technology since 2009. It’s bought four overseas companies since 2012 -- the U.S. producers Global Solar Energy Inc., Miasole Inc. and Alta Devices and the Solibro unit of Germany’s Q-Cells.

Last month, the company said it would partner with vehicle designers to develop cars to be powered entirely by sunlight. Hanergy’s latest semi-annual earnings report identifies the automotive sector as an “important strategic direction” for the group.

But the company’s rapid growth, and Li’s promises of an energy revolution, have brought scrutiny to the company.

The Financial Times newspaper started raising questions about Hanergy on Jan. 28, when it published a story dissecting accounting practices including the company’s disclosure that most of its solar-panel sales come from its parent company. The shares have almost doubled since then.
Wildly Inflated

On Feb. 27, analysts Charles Yonts and Johnny Lau at CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets in Hong Kong issued a report saying Hanergy’s shares were wildly inflated. Jenny Chase, lead solar industry analyst at Bloomberg New Energy Finance, published a note on March 6 saying Hanergy is working with “unproven” technology and that it hasn’t detailed solar-project installations that would help justify its valuation.

Three analysts, Penny Chen of BNP Paribas Equity Research, Kenny Tang of AMTD Asset Management Ltd. and Andrew Zamfotis of Eva Dimensions LLC, couldn’t be reached for comment today.

Then on March 25, the FT wrote another story showing that Hanergy’s shares listed in Hong Kong tend to rise in the final 30 minutes of the trading day. The newspaper said the pattern is unlikely to occur randomly or because of electronic algorithms.

Following the report, Hanergy issued a statement dismissing the story as “innuendo.” All of Li’s share trading activities have been properly recorded and disclosed and he hasn’t engaged in any alleged market misconduct, Hanergy said.

The company has also sought to rebut earlier criticisms. Hanergy published a statement on Feb. 2 reassuring investors about the health of its finances and on March 4 said it expected full-year earnings to rise more than 55 percent.

To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Feifei Shen in Beijing at fshen11@bloomberg.net; Aibing Guo in Hong Kong at aguo10@bloomberg.net

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Reed Landberg at landberg@bloomberg.net Abhay Singh, Randall Hackley
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Alt 31-03-2015, 00:34   #30
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Thumbs up http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nachrichten-aktien/hanergy-thin-film-power-group-ltd.

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