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Alt 25-04-2007, 21:06   #511
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von Starlight
Registriert seit: May 2002
Beiträge: 33.345

n-tv (Live-Stream)

Wallstreet Marktbericht

DOW JONES 13089.89 135.95 +1.05%
NASDAQ COMPOSITE 2547.89 23.35 +0.92%
NASDAQ 100 1881.33 22.46 +1.21%
S&P 500 1495.41 15.00 +1.01%
SEMICONDUCTOR 441.72 -4.45 -1.00%
BIOTECHS 837.65 4.27 +0.51%
AMEX INTERNET 209.74 2.20 +1.06%
DAX 7343.08 72.76 +1.00%

Wall Street schließt fester - DJIA deutlich über 13.000 Punkten

Mit einer Rally auf breiter Front haben die Aktien an Wall Street am Mittwoch auf gute Konjunkturdaten und Unternehmenszahlen reagiert. Der Dow-Jones-Index für 30 Industriewerte (DJIA) hatte wenig Mühe, die 13.000 Punkte zu überspringen, was die Investoren weiter befeuerte. Der DJIA ging 1% bzw 136 Punkte fester aus dem Handel und schloss auf 13.090 Punkten. Ein neues Verlaufs-Allzeithoch markierte er bei 13.107 Punkten. Der S&P-500 gewann 1% oder 15 Punkte auf 1.492 Punkte. Der Nasdaq-Composite stieg um 0,9% oder 23 Punkte auf 2.548.
Das Beige Book zeitigte keine größere Auswirkung. Die Federal Reserve hat das nur schwache Wachstum hervorgehoben. Die meisten Regionen der USA hätten im März und April nur ein moderates Wachstum der Wirtschaft verzeichnet. Gleichzeitig seien die Verbraucherpreise allgemein stabil geblieben.

Amazon.com haussierten mit 27% auf 56,81 Dollar, nachdem das Unternehmen im ersten Quartal seinen Gewinn mehr als verdoppelt hat. Mit einem Gewinn von 0,26 USD je Aktie wurden die Analystenprognosen von 0,15 USD deutlich übertroffen. Im zweiten Quartal rechnet Amazon.com mit einem Umsatz von 2,7 Mrd bis 2,85 Mrd USD, während Analysten bislang von 2,69 Mrd USD ausgehen.
Alcoa verteuerten sich um 5,1% auf 35,76 Dollar nachdem das Unternehmen mitgeteilt hat, die Veräußerung des Geschäftsbereichs Verpackungen und Verbraucherprodukte zu planen.

Markus Koch - © Wall Street Correspondents

NASDAQ 100 Top Gewinner /Verlierer

Dow 30 Top Gewinner/Verlierer

NASDAQ Volume Leaders DOW JONES Volume Leaders UP- and DOWNGRADES

Dow Jones Industrial

Nasdaq Composite

Nasdaq 100


NASDAQ 100 Stocks -- Chart-Überblick

Dow Jones INDU30 Stocks -- Chart-Überblick


Alle Angaben in $


S&P 100 S&P 500



© GodmodeTrader



Apple earnings soar 88% in second quarter
Apple Inc. said Wednesday that earnings soared 88% in its second fiscal quarter thanks to booming sales of iPods as well as the company's line of Mac computers. The consumer electronics maker said earnings for the quarter came in at $770 million, or 87 cents a share, compared to earnings of $410 million, or 47 cents a share, for the same period last year. Sales for the quarter grew more than 20% to $5.26 billion. Analysts were expecting earnings of 64 cents a share on revenue of $5.17 billion for the quarter, according to estimates from Thomson Financial.

Qualcomm profit rises 22% on higher sales
Qualcomm Inc. reported late Wednesday fiscal second-quarter profit rose 22%, helped by higher sales of cell phone chips that use the company's technology. The company said net income rose to $726 million, or 43 cents a share, including the cost of employee stock options, from $593 million, or 34 cents, a year earlier. Excluding option costs and other charges, the company said it would have earned 50 cents a share. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial expected the company to earn 48 cents a share, excluding the cost of employee stock options. Sales rose 21% to $2.22 billion, more than than the $2.19 billion expected by analysts.

Rambus 1Q Rev Up 6%; Sees Options Probe Impact Of $190M
Rambus Inc. said first-quarter revenue rose 6% to $50.1 million, but couldn't report full results because of a pending options-backdating investigation. The Los Altos, Calif., technology licensing company said it doesn't expect to be able to file its 10-Q for the quarter by the May 10 deadline. The company said it currently expects the impact of options backdating to be about $190 million. Rambus had 2005 revenue of $157.2 million.

Xilinx 4Q Net Fell 21% As Rev Declined 6%
Xilinx Inc.'s fiscal fourth-quarter profit fell 21% to $87.6 million, or 27 cents a share, from $110.7 million, or 32 cents a share, a year earlier, due partly to declines in defense, wireless and consumer-application sales. Excluding stock-based compensation, the company earned $98.5 million, or 30 cents a share. The San Jose logic-chip maker said Wednesday that revenue for the quarter ended March 31 fell 6% to $443.5 million from $472.3 million in the year-earlier quarter.

LSI Logic's profit more than doubles; forecast falls short
LSI Logic Corp. reported late Wednesday its first-quarter profit more than doubled to $30 million, or 7 cents a share, up from $13 million, or 3 cents a share, in last year's same period. Sales for the three months ended April 1 fell 2% to $465 million, below Wall Street's forecast.

Akamai Technologies' profit rises 67%
Akamai Technologies on Wednesday reported first-quarter net earnings of $19.2 million, or 11 cents a share, up 67% from $11.5 million, or 7 cents a share, in the year-ago period. Excluding certain items, the company posted a profit of $50.7 million, or 28 cents a share. company said revenue in the three months ended March 31 rose 53% to $139.3 million from $90.8 million in the comparable period last year. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial were expecting, on average, a per-share profit of 28 cents on revenue of $139 million.

PMC-Sierra Posts Larger 1st-Quarter Loss; Sees Improved Business Environment
PMC-Sierra Inc. said Wednesday its first-quarter loss widened from the year ago period, largely due to hefty restructuring charges.
Net loss for the quarter was $15.8 million, or 7 cents per share, larger than its first quarter 2006 loss of $14.3 million, or 8 cents per share. Revenue for the quarter was $103.7 million, up 18 percent from $87.8 million in the year ago period.

Fiserv Inc 1Q EPS 66c Vs EPS 64c
Fiserv Inc.'s first-quarter earnings fell to $113.6 million, or 66 cents a share, from a year-earlier profit of $116.2 million, or 64 cents a share

Cytyc Corp 1Q Loss 45c/Shr Vs EPS 24c
Cytyc Corp.'s swung to a first-quarter loss of $51.2 million, or 45 cents a share, from a year-earlier profit of $29.4 million, or 24 cents a share. Excluding $89.5 million in acquisition charges, earnings were $38.3 million, or 32 cents a share. The Marlborough, Mass., medical technology company said net sales rose 20% to $168.9 million from $140.5 million a year ago.

Avaya quarterly profit surges 50%
Avaya late Wednesday reported fiscal second-quarter net earnings of $57 million, or 13 cents a share, up from $38 million, or 8 cents a share, in the year-ago period. Excluding restructuring charges, earnings were $64 million or 14 cents a share, compared with $50 million, or 11 cents a share, last year.

Ariba Reports Results for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2007
Total revenues for the second quarter of fiscal year 2007 were $73.4 million, as compared to $73.7 million for the second quarter of fiscal year 2006. Subscription and maintenance revenues for the quarter were $34.2 million, as compared to $31.4 million for the second quarter of fiscal year 2006. Within subscription and maintenance revenues, subscription software revenue was $15.7 million for the quarter, as compared to $13.6 million for the second quarter of fiscal year 2006. Services and other revenues for the quarter were $39.2 million, as compared to $42.4 million for the second quarter of fiscal year 2006.

Net loss for the second quarter of fiscal year 2007 was $5.1 million, or $0.07 per share, as compared to a net loss for the second quarter of fiscal year 2006 of $2.6 million, or $0.04 per share.

NASDAQ After Hours Most Active

US-Earnings Kalender für April 2007


Nasdaq 100 Future

Nasdaq 100 After Hours Indicator

S&P500 Future

©Charts powered by Dresdner Bank

Crude Oil (light, NYMEX)

Donnerstag, 26.04.2007

• 08:00 - ! DE Außenhandelspreise März
• 08:00 - ! DE Großhandelsumsatz März
• 09:00 - EU EZB Ratssitzung
• 14:30 - ! US Erstanträge Arbeitslosenhilfe (Woche)
• 16:00 - US Help Wanted Index März
• 16:30 - ! US EIA Erdgasbericht (Woche)
• 17:00 - US Ankündigung 3- u. 6-monatiger Bills
• 18:15 - US Rede Dallas Fed-Präsident Fisher
• 18:30 - US Rede Fed-Gouverneur Mishkin
• 19:00 - US Auktion 5-jähriger Notes
• 22:30 - US Wochenausweis Geldmenge

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Geändert von Starlight (25-04-2007 um 22:27 Uhr)
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Alt 25-04-2007, 21:47   #512
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von Starlight
Registriert seit: May 2002
Beiträge: 33.345
aktuelle Nachbörse (23h30)
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Geändert von Starlight (25-04-2007 um 22:33 Uhr)
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Alt 26-04-2007, 21:10   #513
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von Starlight
Registriert seit: May 2002
Beiträge: 33.345

n-tv (Live-Stream)

Wallstreet Marktbericht

DOW JONES 13105.50 15.61 +0.12%
NASDAQ COMPOSITE 2554.46 6.57 +0.26%
NASDAQ 100 1889.57 8.24 +0.44%
S&P 500 1494.25 -1.17 -0.08%
SEMICONDUCTOR 441.72 -4.45 -1.00%
BIOTECHS 836.80 -0.85 -0.10%
AMEX INTERNET 211.80 2.06 +0.98%
DAX 7387.02 43.94 +0.60%

Wall Street: Corporate America gibt weiter Gas

Am Donnerstagmorgen mussten sich die US-Börsen noch um ihre jüngsten Rekordstände mühen, zum Handelsschluss bilanzierte man dann aber doch wieder solide Gewinne. Der Dow-Jones-Index schloss mit einem Plus von 15 Zählern oder 0,1 Prozent auf 13 105 Punkten und stellte damit schon wieder ein neues Allzeit-Hoch auf.

Der marktbreite S&P-500-Index verlor hingegen einen Zähler auf 1494 Punkte, und die Hightech-orientierte Nasdaq kletterte um 6 Zähler oder 0,27 Prozent auf 2554 Punkte.

Es waren erneut vor allem starke Quartalszahlen, die Kauflaune auf das Parkett brachten. Im Dow schloss 3M als stärkster Wert mit einem Plus von 4,6 Prozent. Der Bildschirm- und Folienspezialist hatte am Morgen einen stärkeren Quartalsbericht als erwartet abgegeben. Umsatz und Gewinn lagen über den Prognosen, und von Prudential gab es umgehend eine Aufstufung.

Zweitstärkste Dow-Aktie war General Motors mit einem Plus von 4,5 Prozent. Der größte amerikanische Automobilhersteller fuhr im Windschatten der Konkurrenz:

Am Morgen hatte Ford einen Verlust gemeldet, der deutlich schmaler war als befürchtet. Für die ersten drei Monate des laufenden Jahres beträgt der Fehlbetrag nut 282 Millionen Dollar oder 15 Cent pro Aktie. Vor allem höhere Umsätze im Ausland und günstige Währungsverhältnisse halfen dem strauchelnden Unternehmen.

Zu den großen Dow-Stützen gehörte ferner ExxonMobil. Der Öl-Multi blickt für das vergangene Quartal zwar auf einen leichten Umsatzrückgang, hat aber den Gewinn erneut um 10 Prozent auf 9,28 Milliarden Dollar oder 1,62 Dollar pro Aktie ausgebaut. Das ist besser als erwartet, zudem profitiert man natürlich vom hohen Ölpreis, der am Donnerstag trotz einer leichten Korrektur über 65 Dollar schloss.

Weitere Dow-Gewinner waren Pfizer und die Papiere von McDonald´s und Verizon Communications.

Im Hightech-Sektor waren alle Augen auf Apple gerichtet: Bei dem Konzern schlägt das Geschäft mit iPod und Mac weiterhin alle Erwartungen. Der Umsatz wurde um 20 Prozent gesteigert, der Gewinn um 88 Prozent. Beides liegt deutlich über den Prognosen, was auch an einer Kostensenkung und billigeren Komponenten, vor allem im Flash-Bereich, zu tun hat. Die Aktie kletterte um 4 Prozent.

Auch Xilinx gehörte zu den Tech-Gewinnern. Der Chip-Hersteller schloss mit einem Plus von 3 Prozent, nachdem auch hier Umsatz und Gewinn im abgelaufenen Quartal besser als erwartet gemeldet wurden.

Größter Gewinner im Sektor war hingegen Amazon.com mit einem Plus von fast 10 Prozent. Der Online-Händler setzte am Donnerstag seine Rallye vom Vortag fort, die nach starken Quartalsdaten bereits für einen Zugewinn von 26 Prozent gesorgt hatte

Markus Koch - © Wall Street Correspondents

NASDAQ 100 Top Gewinner /Verlierer

Dow 30 Top Gewinner/Verlierer

NASDAQ Volume Leaders DOW JONES Volume Leaders UP- and DOWNGRADES

Dow Jones Industrial

Nasdaq Composite

Nasdaq 100


NASDAQ 100 Stocks -- Chart-Überblick

Dow Jones INDU30 Stocks -- Chart-Überblick


Alle Angaben in $


S&P 100 S&P 500



© GodmodeTrader



Microsoft beats estimates thanks to Vista, Office sales
Microsoft Corp. said late Thursday its fiscal third quarter profit rose 65%, as the company benefitted from initial sales of heavily-marketed new products including its Vista operating system. The world's biggest software maker said it earned $4.93 billion, or 50 cents a share in the period ended March 31, compared to $2.98 billion, or 29 cents a share during the period a year earlier. Meanwhile revenue rose to $14.4 billion from $10.9 billion. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial had expected Microsoft to post earnings of 46 cents a share, on revenue of $13.89 billion.

Broadcom earnings fall 48% in first quarter
Broadcom Inc. said Thursday that first-quarter earnings slipped by 48% despite a small increase in sales. For the quarter ended March 31, the company said earnings were $61 million, or 10 cents a share, compared to earnings of $117.7 million, or 20 cents a share, for the same period last year. The company said non-GAAP earnings came in at $175.1 million, or 29 cents a share. Revenue was up slightly to $901.5 million compared to $900.6 million last year. Analysts were expecting earnings of 27 cents a share on revenue of $897.2 million, according to Thomson Financial.

ON Semiconductor 1Q EPS 18c Vs EPS 12c
A Thomson Financial survey of analysts, on average, expected earnings of 18 cents a share for the quarter. Analysts' estimates usually exclude items. The Phoenix provider of semiconductor device's revenue rose 12% to $374.2 million from $334 million. The company expects second-quarter revenue of about $375 million to $385 million.

Microsemi Swings To 2Q Loss;Oper Costs More Than Triple
Microsemi Corp. swung to a second-quarter loss of $19.6 million, or 26 cents a share, from a profit of $13.6 million, or 20 cents a share, a year earlier, as operating expenses more than tripled. The Irvine, Calif., circuit maker's revenue rose 26% to $106.7 million from $84.9 million in the year-ago period. Operating expenses rose to $61 million from $18.2 million. On average, analysts expected revenue of $106.3 million, according to a poll by Thomson Financial.

Openwave swings to quarterly loss as revenue falls
Openwave Systems Inc. late Thursday reported a fiscal third-quarter net loss of $32.5 million, or 35 cents a share. Excluding amortization of intangibles and stock-based compensation, among other items, earnings were $18.5 million, or 20 cents a share, compared with $20.5 million, or 21 cents a share, a year ago. Revenue in the three months ended March 31 fell to $71.1 million from $113 million last year, the company said. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial were expecting, on average, a per-share loss of 9 cents on revenue of $70 million.

McAfee 1Q EPS 28c Vs 25c
McAfee Inc.'s first-quarter net income rose 13% to $46.2 million, or 28 cents a share, from $40.9 million, or 25 cents a share, a year earlier. Excluding items, earnings were 44 cents a share, compared with 37 cents a share a year ago. Revenue climbed 16% to $314.2 million from $272 million. As previously announced, these results are preliminary as McAfee will restate its historical financial statements to record additional non-cash charges from past stock-option grants. McAfee intends to restate its results as soon as practicable

SanDisk swings to small loss
SanDisk Corp. late Thursday reported it swung to a small loss in the first quarter, hurt by steep price cuts for flash-memory chips used in consumer electronics. SanDisk posted a loss of $575,000, or breakeven on a per-share basis, compared with a profit of $35 million, or 17 cents a share a year ago. For the three months ended April 1, SanDisk said sales rose 26% to $786 million, outpacing Wall Street's forecast.

Flextronics 4Q Net Nearly Tripled As Sales Rose 32%
Flextronics International Ltd.'s fiscal fourth-quarter earnings nearly tripled to $121 million, or 20 cents a share, from $43 million, or 7 cents a share, a year earlier as net sales climbed 32%. Excluding stock-based compensation, restructuring and other charges, adjusted net income rose 24% to $122 million, or 20 cents a share, from $98 million, or 16 cents a share, in the year-earlier period. said that net sales for the quarter ended March 31 climbed to $4.68 billion from $3.53 billion a year earlier.

KLA-Tencor quarterly profit surges 60%
KLA-Tencor Corp. after Thursday's closing bell reported fiscal third-quarter net earnings of $154.8 million, or 76 cents a share, up 60% from $96.7 million, or 47 cents a share, in the year-ago period. The company said the third quarter of fiscal 2007 included $62 million in pre-tax charges. The San Jose, Calif.-based chip-equipment maker said revenue in the three months ended March 31 rose to $716.2 million from $519.6 million in the comparable period last year. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial were expecting, on average, a per-share profit of 78 cents on revenue of $709 million.

Foundry Networks 1Q Prelim Rev $135.8M Vs $114M
Foundry Networks Inc.'s preliminary first-quarter revenue was $135.8 million, up 19% from $114 million a year earlier. The computer hardware company didn't offer income results because of continued work on its previously announced earnings restatement.

Integrated Device Tech 4Q Losses 2c/Shr Vs 13c

Cohu 1Q Net Income Fell 51%, Sales Down 6%

Amdocs 2Q EPS 40c Vs EPS 38c

MEMC Elec Materials 1Q EPS 58c Vs EPS 29c

Secure Computing 1Q Loss Narrows; Rev Up 26%

Western Digital 3Q EPS 53c Vs EPS 45c

NASDAQ After Hours Most Active

US-Earnings Kalender für April 2007


Nasdaq 100 Future

Nasdaq 100 After Hours Indicator

S&P500 Future

©Charts powered by Dresdner Bank

Crude Oil (light, NYMEX)

Freitag, 27.04.2007

• 01:30 - US Rede San Francisco Fed-Präsidentin Yellen
• 08:00 - DE Tarifliche Monatsgehälter u. Stundenlöhne Januar
• 10:00 - ! EU EZB Leistungsbilanz Eurozone Februar
• 14:30 US BIP 1. Quartal
• 14:30 - ! US Arbeitskosten 1. Quartal
• 16:00 - ! US Verbraucherstimmung Uni Michigan April

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Geändert von Starlight (26-04-2007 um 21:35 Uhr)
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Alt 26-04-2007, 21:16   #514
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Ort: Bayern
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Vielen Dank star - Du weißt ja ich bin Fan von diesme thread!
Schöne Grüße
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Alt 26-04-2007, 21:31   #515
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von Starlight
Registriert seit: May 2002
Beiträge: 33.345

n-tv (Live-Stream)

Wallstreet Marktbericht

DOW JONES 13105.50 15.61 +0.12%
NASDAQ COMPOSITE 2554.46 6.57 +0.26%
NASDAQ 100 1889.57 8.24 +0.44%
S&P 500 1494.25 -1.17 -0.08%
SEMICONDUCTOR 441.72 -4.45 -1.00%
BIOTECHS 836.80 -0.85 -0.10%
AMEX INTERNET 211.80 2.06 +0.98%
DAX 7387.02 43.94 +0.60%

Wall Street: Corporate America gibt weiter Gas

Am Donnerstagmorgen mussten sich die US-Börsen noch um ihre jüngsten Rekordstände mühen, zum Handelsschluss bilanzierte man dann aber doch wieder solide Gewinne. Der Dow-Jones-Index schloss mit einem Plus von 15 Zählern oder 0,1 Prozent auf 13 105 Punkten und stellte damit schon wieder ein neues Allzeit-Hoch auf.

Der marktbreite S&P-500-Index verlor hingegen einen Zähler auf 1494 Punkte, und die Hightech-orientierte Nasdaq kletterte um 6 Zähler oder 0,27 Prozent auf 2554 Punkte.

Es waren erneut vor allem starke Quartalszahlen, die Kauflaune auf das Parkett brachten. Im Dow schloss 3M als stärkster Wert mit einem Plus von 4,6 Prozent. Der Bildschirm- und Folienspezialist hatte am Morgen einen stärkeren Quartalsbericht als erwartet abgegeben. Umsatz und Gewinn lagen über den Prognosen, und von Prudential gab es umgehend eine Aufstufung.

Zweitstärkste Dow-Aktie war General Motors mit einem Plus von 4,5 Prozent. Der größte amerikanische Automobilhersteller fuhr im Windschatten der Konkurrenz:

Am Morgen hatte Ford einen Verlust gemeldet, der deutlich schmaler war als befürchtet. Für die ersten drei Monate des laufenden Jahres beträgt der Fehlbetrag nut 282 Millionen Dollar oder 15 Cent pro Aktie. Vor allem höhere Umsätze im Ausland und günstige Währungsverhältnisse halfen dem strauchelnden Unternehmen.

Zu den großen Dow-Stützen gehörte ferner ExxonMobil. Der Öl-Multi blickt für das vergangene Quartal zwar auf einen leichten Umsatzrückgang, hat aber den Gewinn erneut um 10 Prozent auf 9,28 Milliarden Dollar oder 1,62 Dollar pro Aktie ausgebaut.

Weitere Dow-Gewinner waren Pfizer und die Papiere von McDonald´s und Verizon Communications.

Im Hightech-Sektor waren alle Augen auf Apple gerichtet: Bei dem Konzern schlägt das Geschäft mit iPod und Mac weiterhin alle Erwartungen. Der Umsatz wurde um 20 Prozent gesteigert, der Gewinn um 88 Prozent. Beides liegt deutlich über den Prognosen, was auch an einer Kostensenkung und billigeren Komponenten, vor allem im Flash-Bereich, zu tun hat. Die Aktie kletterte um 4 Prozent.

Auch Xilinx gehörte zu den Tech-Gewinnern. Der Chip-Hersteller schloss mit einem Plus von 3 Prozent, nachdem auch hier Umsatz und Gewinn im abgelaufenen Quartal besser als erwartet gemeldet wurden.

Größter Gewinner im Sektor war hingegen Amazon.com mit einem Plus von fast 10 Prozent. Der Online-Händler setzte am Donnerstag seine Rallye vom Vortag fort, die nach starken Quartalsdaten bereits für einen Zugewinn von 26 Prozent gesorgt hatte

Markus Koch - © Wall Street Correspondents

NASDAQ 100 Top Gewinner /Verlierer

Dow 30 Top Gewinner/Verlierer

NASDAQ Volume Leaders DOW JONES Volume Leaders UP- and DOWNGRADES

Dow Jones Industrial

Nasdaq Composite

Nasdaq 100


NASDAQ 100 Stocks -- Chart-Überblick

Dow Jones INDU30 Stocks -- Chart-Überblick


Alle Angaben in $


S&P 100 S&P 500



© GodmodeTrader



Microsoft beats estimates thanks to Vista, Office sales
Microsoft Corp. said late Thursday its fiscal third quarter profit rose 65%, as the company benefitted from initial sales of heavily-marketed new products including its Vista operating system. The world's biggest software maker said it earned $4.93 billion, or 50 cents a share in the period ended March 31, compared to $2.98 billion, or 29 cents a share during the period a year earlier. Meanwhile revenue rose to $14.4 billion from $10.9 billion. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial had expected Microsoft to post earnings of 46 cents a share, on revenue of $13.89 billion.

Broadcom earnings fall 48% in first quarter
Broadcom Inc. said Thursday that first-quarter earnings slipped by 48% despite a small increase in sales. For the quarter ended March 31, the company said earnings were $61 million, or 10 cents a share, compared to earnings of $117.7 million, or 20 cents a share, for the same period last year. The company said non-GAAP earnings came in at $175.1 million, or 29 cents a share. Revenue was up slightly to $901.5 million compared to $900.6 million last year. Analysts were expecting earnings of 27 cents a share on revenue of $897.2 million, according to Thomson Financial.

ON Semiconductor 1Q EPS 18c Vs EPS 12c
A Thomson Financial survey of analysts, on average, expected earnings of 18 cents a share for the quarter. Analysts' estimates usually exclude items. The Phoenix provider of semiconductor device's revenue rose 12% to $374.2 million from $334 million. The company expects second-quarter revenue of about $375 million to $385 million.

Microsemi Swings To 2Q Loss;Oper Costs More Than Triple
Microsemi Corp. swung to a second-quarter loss of $19.6 million, or 26 cents a share, from a profit of $13.6 million, or 20 cents a share, a year earlier, as operating expenses more than tripled. The Irvine, Calif., circuit maker's revenue rose 26% to $106.7 million from $84.9 million in the year-ago period. Operating expenses rose to $61 million from $18.2 million. On average, analysts expected revenue of $106.3 million, according to a poll by Thomson Financial.

Openwave swings to quarterly loss as revenue falls
Openwave Systems Inc. late Thursday reported a fiscal third-quarter net loss of $32.5 million, or 35 cents a share. Excluding amortization of intangibles and stock-based compensation, among other items, earnings were $18.5 million, or 20 cents a share, compared with $20.5 million, or 21 cents a share, a year ago. Revenue in the three months ended March 31 fell to $71.1 million from $113 million last year, the company said. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial were expecting, on average, a per-share loss of 9 cents on revenue of $70 million.

McAfee 1Q EPS 28c Vs 25c
McAfee Inc.'s first-quarter net income rose 13% to $46.2 million, or 28 cents a share, from $40.9 million, or 25 cents a share, a year earlier. Excluding items, earnings were 44 cents a share, compared with 37 cents a share a year ago. Revenue climbed 16% to $314.2 million from $272 million. As previously announced, these results are preliminary as McAfee will restate its historical financial statements to record additional non-cash charges from past stock-option grants. McAfee intends to restate its results as soon as practicable

SanDisk swings to small loss
SanDisk Corp. late Thursday reported it swung to a small loss in the first quarter, hurt by steep price cuts for flash-memory chips used in consumer electronics. SanDisk posted a loss of $575,000, or breakeven on a per-share basis, compared with a profit of $35 million, or 17 cents a share a year ago. For the three months ended April 1, SanDisk said sales rose 26% to $786 million, outpacing Wall Street's forecast.

Flextronics 4Q Net Nearly Tripled As Sales Rose 32%
Flextronics International Ltd.'s fiscal fourth-quarter earnings nearly tripled to $121 million, or 20 cents a share, from $43 million, or 7 cents a share, a year earlier as net sales climbed 32%. Excluding stock-based compensation, restructuring and other charges, adjusted net income rose 24% to $122 million, or 20 cents a share, from $98 million, or 16 cents a share, in the year-earlier period. said that net sales for the quarter ended March 31 climbed to $4.68 billion from $3.53 billion a year earlier.

KLA-Tencor quarterly profit surges 60%
KLA-Tencor Corp. after Thursday's closing bell reported fiscal third-quarter net earnings of $154.8 million, or 76 cents a share, up 60% from $96.7 million, or 47 cents a share, in the year-ago period. The company said the third quarter of fiscal 2007 included $62 million in pre-tax charges. The San Jose, Calif.-based chip-equipment maker said revenue in the three months ended March 31 rose to $716.2 million from $519.6 million in the comparable period last year. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial were expecting, on average, a per-share profit of 78 cents on revenue of $709 million.

Foundry Networks 1Q Prelim Rev $135.8M Vs $114M
Foundry Networks Inc.'s preliminary first-quarter revenue was $135.8 million, up 19% from $114 million a year earlier. The computer hardware company didn't offer income results because of continued work on its previously announced earnings restatement.

Integrated Device Tech 4Q Losses 2c/Shr Vs 13c

Cohu 1Q Net Income Fell 51%, Sales Down 6%

Amdocs 2Q EPS 40c Vs EPS 38c

MEMC Elec Materials 1Q EPS 58c Vs EPS 29c

Secure Computing 1Q Loss Narrows; Rev Up 26%

Western Digital 3Q EPS 53c Vs EPS 45c

Columbia Sportswear quarterly profit rises 34%

NASDAQ After Hours Most Active

US-Earnings Kalender für April 2007


Nasdaq 100 Future

Nasdaq 100 After Hours Indicator

S&P500 Future

©Charts powered by Dresdner Bank

Crude Oil (light, NYMEX)

Freitag, 27.04.2007

• 01:30 - US Rede San Francisco Fed-Präsidentin Yellen
• 08:00 - DE Tarifliche Monatsgehälter u. Stundenlöhne Januar
• 10:00 - ! EU EZB Leistungsbilanz Eurozone Februar
• 14:30 US BIP 1. Quartal
• 14:30 - ! US Arbeitskosten 1. Quartal
• 16:00 - ! US Verbraucherstimmung Uni Michigan April

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Geändert von Starlight (26-04-2007 um 22:19 Uhr)
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Alt 26-04-2007, 21:50   #516
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Thanks OMI , da jetzt mein Urlaub vorbei ist , habe ich wieder mehr Zeit für diesen Thread

weitere Earnings

InfoSpace swings to quarterly loss; updates outlook
InfoSpace Inc. late Thursday reported a first-quarter net loss of $540,000, or 2 cents a share. During the same period a year ago, the Bellevue, Wash.-based Internet and mobile search provider posted net earnings of $3.01 million, or 9 cents a share. Adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization were $9 million compared with $12.7 million last year. Revenue in the three months ended March 31 fell to $86.6 million from $90.3 million in the same quarter last year

CNet reports net loss of $9.1 million; 10% gain in sales
CNet Networks Inc. , the No. 9 ranked Internet destination, late Thursday said it's net loss widened on the cost of its stock options investigation, while sales increased 10%. For the quarter ended March 31, CNet reported a loss of $9.1 million, or 6 cents a share, compared to last year's loss of $1.3 million, or a penny a share. CNet's sales rose to $92.1 million from last year's $83.4 million. Analysts were expecting a loss of 4 cents share on revenue of $92.4 million.

Baidu.com quarterly profit, revenue more than double
Baidu.com Inc. late Thursday reported first-quarter net earnings of 85.5 million yuan ($11.1 million), or 2.47 yuan per share (32 cents), up from 35.2 million yuan, or 1.02 yuan a share, in the year-ago period. Excluding share-based compensation expenses, earnings for the 2007 first quarter came in at 2.82 yuan per share (37 cents). Revenue rose to 275.6 million yuan ($35.7 million) from 135.6 million yuan last year. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial were expecting, on average, a per-share profit of 33 cents on revenue of $34.4 million. The Beijing-based Internet search provider forecast second-quarter revenue of 378 million yuan to 388 million yuan ($48.9 million to $50.2 million).

Western Digital 3Q EPS 53c Vs EPS 45c
Western Digital Corp.'s third-quarter net income rose to $121 million, or 53 cents a share, from $102 million, or 45 cents a share, in the year-earlier period. The Lake Forest, Calif., data storage company's revenue rose to $1.41 billion from $1.13 billion. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial predicted, on average, per-share earnings of 47 cents on revenue of $1.35 billion. Western Digital also said Tim Leyden will rejoin the company May 7 as executive vice president of finance.

Microchip Technology Inc. late Thursday reported fiscal fourth-quarter net earnings of $127.7 million, or 57 cents a share, up 69% from $75.6 million, or 35 cents a share, in the year-ago period. Excluding certain items, earnings for the fourth quarter of 2007 came in at $81.3 million, or 37 cents a share. The Chandler, Ariz.-based semiconductor company said revenue in the three months ended March 31 rose 4.5% to $258.2 million from $247.2 million in the comparable period last year. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial were expecting, on average, a per-share profit of 33 cents on revenue of $252 million. The company forecast fiscal first-quarter earnings of 37 cents a share, or 40 cents a share excluding certain items, on sequential revenue growth of about 5%. Analysts are looking for a per-share profit of 35 cents

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Geändert von Starlight (26-04-2007 um 22:31 Uhr)
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Alt 18-07-2007, 21:17   #517
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Wallstreet Marktbericht

DOW JONES 13918.22 -53.33 -0.38%
NASDAQ COMPOSITE 2699.49 -12.80 -0.47%
NASDAQ 100 2037.98 -3.80 -0.19%
S&P 500 1546.17 -3.20 -0.21%
SEMICONDUCTOR 441.72 -4.45 -1.00%
BIOTECHS 788.71 -0.32 -0.04%
AMEX INTERNET 232.41 -2.04 -0.87%
DAX 7893.61 -144.60 -1.80%

Wall Street: Viele Sorgen stoppen die Rallye

Bei 14 000 Punkten wurde Anlegern die Luft zu dünn – nach einer tagelangen Rekordrallye im Dow Jones und den übrigen Indizes legten die amerikanischen Börsen am Mittwoch den Rückwärtsgang ein. Konjunktursorgen, die Hypothekenkrise, enttäuschende Bilanzkonferenzen und ein steigender Ölpreis trugen dazu bei.

Zur Wochenmitte verlor der Dow-Jones-Index zeitweise dreistellig. Nachdem er noch am Vortag ein neues Hoch in Angriff genommen hatte, rutschte er letztlich um 53 Zähler oder 0,4 Prozent auf 13 918 Punkte ab. Der marktbreite S&P-500-Index verlor 3 Zähler oder 0,21 Prozent auf 1546 Punkte, und die Nasdaq gab um 12 Zähler oder 0,47 Prozent auf 2699 Punkte ab.

Gründe für die kleine Kurskorrektur gab es viele: Der Ölpreis kletterte im Laufe des tages über 75 Dollar pro Fass. Am Morgen waren zudem die Verbraucherpreise mit einem stärkeren Anstieg als erwartet gemeldet worden. Das war umso enttäuschender als die Erzeugerpreise am Vortag rückläufig gemeldet worden waren und Erwartungen für einen nachlassenden Inflationsdruck geweckt hatten.

Dass der Inflationsdruck etwas nachlasse meint zwar Ben Bernanke, der am Mittag vor dem Kongress sprach, doch hatte der Chef der Notenbank andere schlechte Nachrichten: Die Hypothekenkrise mit den Auswirkungen von faulen Krediten dürfe sich zunächst eher zuspitzen als abbauen.

Bereits am Morgen hatte Bear Stearns zu den von Risikokrediten belasteten Hedgefonds Details vorgelegt: Zwei mehr als 10 Milliarden Dollar schwere Fonds, die in großem Stil in Risiko-Hypotheken investiert hatten, sind nur noch 9 Prozent ihres Wertes vom vorigen Quartal. Die Aktie verlor erneut 1 Prozent.

Mit Bear Stearns verloren auch die übrigen Banken, nachdem ein Analyst die Aktien von Goldman Sachs und Lehman Brothers, von Merrill Lynch und Morgan Stanley auf „Verkaufen“ abgestuft hatte. Die Finanzpapiere von Citigroup, J.P. Morgan Chase und Bank of America wurden derweil auf „Halten“ degradiert.

Den größten Druck auf den Markt üben zur Wochenmitte jedoch einige Konzerne mit Quartalszahlen aus. United Technologies und J.P. Morgan Chase hatten jeweils über den Erwartungen gemeldet und gaben dennoch deutlich nach. Der ebenfalls Dow-notierte Tabak- und Konsumriese Altria Group fand sich ebenfalls unter den Verlierern, obwohl der Gewinneinbruch nicht so stark ausgefallen war wie erwartet.

Größter Dow-Verlierer war der Chip-Hersteller Intel mit einem Abschlag von 5,2 Prozent. Anleger fürchten um die Bruttomargen, die mit 46,9 Prozent deutlich unter den Erwartungen der Anleger liegen. Intel schiebt das vor allem auf Probleme im Flash-Bereich.

Auch Pfizer gab deutlich nach, da man für das vergangene Quartal auf einen Gewinneinbruch um 48 Prozent blickt und damit deutlich schlechter dasteht als befürchtet. Der Einbruch geht vor allem auf schwache Umsätze mit Lipitor zurück, dem Cholesterinsenker und bisher größten Umsatzbringer. Zwei weitere Medikamente haben ihren Patentschutz verloren und sehen ebenfalls fallende Umsätze.

Auch mit dem Internet-Portal Yahoo ging es um 5 Prozent bergab. Der Gewinn ist im vergangenen Quartal um 2,2 Prozent auf 160,6 Millionen Dollar gesunken, da die Kosten stärker gestiegen sind als der Umsatz. Unternehmenschefin Susan Decker verspricht neue Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Effizienz, doch Anleger beruhigt das nicht.

Markus Koch - © Wall Street Correspondents

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Dow 30 Top Gewinner/Verlierer

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Nasdaq Composite

Nasdaq 100


NASDAQ 100 Stocks -- Chart-Überblick

Dow Jones INDU30 Stocks -- Chart-Überblick


Alle Angaben in $


S&P 100 S&P 500



© GodmodeTrader



IBM earnings increase almost 12%

IBM Corp. on Wednesday reported a second-quarter profit of $2.26 billion, or $1.55 a share, up from $2.02 billion or $1.30 a share a year ago. Revenue grew by 8.6% to $23.77 billion from last year's $21.9 billion. Excluding a gain from the sale of its printing systems business, IBM would have earned $1.50 a share. The company topped the estimates of analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial, who forecast IBM to earn $1.47 a share on $23.07 billion in revenue. IBM's its results were helped by strong sales from its global services business, which posted revenue of $13.1 billion

EBay earnings surge 50% on PayPal growth; listings fall

EBay Inc. said Wednesday that earnings surged 50% in the second quarter, thanks mostly to strong growth in its online payments business that offset a continued slowdown in the online auction giant's core marketplace listings. For the quarter ended June 30, eBay reported earnings of $375.8 million, or 27 cents per share, compared to earnings of $250 million, or 17 cents a share, for the same period last year. Excluding the impact of items such as stock options, the company said earnings for the quarter would have been $471 million, or 34 cents a share, beating the 32 cents per share expected by analysts, according to consensus estimates from Thomson Financial. Revenue for the quarter came in at $1.83 billion, up 30% from $1.4 billion for the same period last year and ahead of the $1.78 billion expected by analysts. The company also issued a forecast for the current period that was in line with Wall Street's estimates.

Juniper Networks Swings To 2nd Quarter Profit; 2nd Quarter '06 Had $1.2B Charge

Juniper Networks Inc. swung to a second-quarter profit, as the prior-year quarter included an impairment charge of $1.2 billion. The Sunnyvale, Calif., networking-equipment maker swung to a second-quarter profit of $86.2 million, or 15 cents a share, from a year-earlier loss of $1.21 billion, or $2.13 a share. Excluding acquisition-related costs, the cost of accounting for stock-option payments and other items, the company had non-GAAP earnings of $116 million, or 20 cents a share. Revenue for the quarter rose 17% to $664.9 million from $567.5 million. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial expected, on average, earnings of 20 cents a share on revenue of $650 million. Analyst earnings forecasts typically exclude unusual items. Juniper shares were down $1.17, or 4.2%, at $26.81 in after-hours trading on Nasdaq.

Dell To Buy SilverBack Tech; Financial Terms Not Disclosed

Alliance Data Systems 2nd Quarter EPS 55c Versus EPS 55c

Alliance Data Systems Corp.'s second-quarter net income fell slightly to $44.1 million from $44.8 million a year earlier. On a per-share basis, earnings remained constant at 55 cents a share. Cash earnings for the quarter were 86 cents a share. A Thomson Financial survey of analysts, on average, predicted earnings of 83 cents a share for the quarter.

Citrix 2nd Quarter Revenue $334.4M; Delays Results On Stock-Option Review

Citrix Systems Inc. Wednesday said it wasn't providing full second-quarter results due to a voluntary review of its stock-option practices and upcoming restatement.
intends to restate results from fiscal 2004 and 2005 and for the interim quarterly periods for 2005 and 2006 to reflect the additional noncash stock-based compensation costs. The Fort Lauderdale, Fla., software company said second-quarter revenue grew 21% to $334.4 million from $275.5 million. Looking ahead, Citrix expects third-quarter revenue to be $355 million to $343 million and 2007 revenue of $1.34 billion to $1.36 billion

Allstate quarterly net income rises 16%

Allstate Corp. said late Wednesday that second-quarter net income came in at $1.4 billion, or $2.30 a share, up 16% from a year earlier when the auto and home insurer made $1.21 billion, or $1.89 a share. Operating income, which excludes net realized investment gains and losses, came in at $1.07 billion, or $1.76 a share, down 16% from a year earlier, the company reported.

Intersil posts lower profit; sales forecast tops target

Intersil Corp. late Wednesday reported second-quarter net income fell to $31.2 million, or 23 cents a share, from $43 million, or 30 cents, a year ago. Sales fell 5% to $178.3 million. The chipmaker said revenue growth topped its internal targets, with strong demand from its computing segment. Look ahead, Intersil said sales would grow 6% to 8% over the three months ended June 29. It pegged earnings at 27 cents a share.

Amdocs' third-quarter profit rises

Amdocs Ltd. late Wednesday reported third-quarter net earnings of $88.2 million, or 40 cents a share, up from $85.6 million, or 39 cents a share, in the year-ago period.

NASDAQ After Hours Most Active

US-Earnings Kalender für Juli 2007


Nasdaq 100 Future

Nasdaq 100 After Hours Indicator

S&P500 Future

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Crude Oil (light, NYMEX)

Donnerstag, 19.07.2007

• 08:00 - ! DE Erzeugerpreise Juni
• 08:00 - DE Verdiensterhebung 1. Quartal
• 08:00 - DE Ausgaben Tabakwaren 2. Quartal
• 08:00 - DE Bundesfinanzministerium Monatsbericht Juli
• 09:00 - EU EZB Ratssitzung
• 14:30 - ! US Erstanträge Arbeitslosenhilfe (Woche)
• 15:30 US Rede Fed-Chairman Bernanke
• 16:00 - ! US Frühindikatoren Juni
• 16:30 - ! US EIA Erdgasbericht (Woche)
• 17:00 - US Ankündigung 20-jähriger TIPS
• 17:00 - US Ankündigung 3- u. 6-monatiger Bills
• 18:00 - ! US Philadelphia Fed Index Juli
• 18:30 - US Rede Chicago Fed-Präsident Moskow
• 20:00 US FOMC Sitzungsprotokoll
• 22:30 - US Wochenausweis Geldmenge

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Geändert von Starlight (18-07-2007 um 22:12 Uhr)
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Alt 18-07-2007, 22:09   #518
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Geändert von Starlight (18-07-2007 um 22:19 Uhr)
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Alt 19-07-2007, 21:16   #519
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Wallstreet Marktbericht

DOW JONES 14000.41 82.19 +0.59%
NASDAQ COMPOSITE 2720.04 20.55 +0.76%
NASDAQ 100 2052.99 15.01 +0.74%
S&P 500 1553.07 6.90 +0.45%
SEMICONDUCTOR 441.72 -4.45 -1.00%
BIOTECHS 791.12 2.41 +0.31%
AMEX INTERNET 234.40 1.99 +0.86%
DAX 7991.21 97.60 +1.24%

Wall Street: Dow schlägt die 14 000

Die Bären werden an der Wall Street zur Zeit nur mitleidig belächelt. Nach einem Tag mit verhältnismäßig schwachen Quartalszahlen und leichten Kursverlusten setzten die großen amerikanischen Indizes am Donnerstag ihre Kletterpartie fort. Angetrieben von guten Zahlen aus dem Hightech-Sektor ging es wieder auf Rekordjagd.

So spielte der Dow-Jones-Index den ganzen Donnerstag über mit der Marke von 14 000 Punkten. Am Ende reichte es äußerst knapp: Die Blue Chips schlossen mit einem Plus von 82 Zählern oder 0,6 Prozent bei genau 14 000,41 Punkten.

Der Dow Jones hat damit innerhalb von zwölf Monaten die Marken von 11 000, 12 000, 13 000 und 14 000 durchstoßen.

Auch die übrigen Indizes waren in Bestform: Der marktbreite S&P-500-Index schob sich um 7 Zähler oder 0,45 Prozent auf 1553 Punkte. Die Hightech-orientierte Nasdaq erholte sich ebenfalls von ihren Vortagesverlusten und kletterte um 20 Zähler oder 0,76 Prozent auf 2720 Punkte.

Unterstützung bekam der Markt allerdings auch von allen Seiten. Die Notenbank scheint sich in ihrer Bewertung der amerikanischen Konjunktur zuletzt kaum bewegt zu haben. Noch immer sieht man Inflation als größte Gefahr für Stabilität, was sowohl aus dem Protokoll der letzten Sitzung als auch aus einem zweiten Auftritt von Ben Bernanke vor dem Kongress hervorgeht. Nichts neues also.

Gute Daten gab es vom Arbeitsmarkt. Die Zahl der Erstanträge auf Arbeitslosenunterstützung ist in der vergangenen Woche auf den niedrigsten Stand seit zwei Monaten gefallen. Weniger gute Daten aus dem Produzierenden Gewerbe gingen hingegen unter. Der Phily Fed Index fiel deutlich unter den Erwartungen aus, belastete den handel aber nicht.

Auch dass der Ölpreis auf fast 76 Dollar kletterte, störte den Markt in seinem Aufwärtstrend nicht. Im Gegenteil: Der Dow-notierte Öl-Multi ExxonMobil kletterte dank der höheren Preise auf ein Allzeithoch von mehr als 92 Dollar pro Aktie und schloss als eine der besten Aktien im Dow.

Die anderen großen Dow-Sieger kamen fast komplett aus dem Hightech-Sektor: IBM verbesserte sich um mehr als 4 Prozent und war Tagessieger unter den Blue Chips. Der Server- und Computerriese hatte zuvor ein Umsatz- und Gewinnwachstum über den Erwartungen gemeldet. Man blickt auf das stärkste Quartal seit fünf Jahren, was Anleger begeistert.

Weitere Top-Aktien im Dow waren Hewlett-Packard und Intel sowie das Papier von Microsoft. Das legte mit der Software-Branche zu, der schon am Morgen gute Zahlen des deutschen Konkurrenten SAP recht gekommen waren. Zudem wird Microsoft sollte Microsoft noch am Donnerstagabend Zahlen vorlegen, ebenso wie der Online-Riese Google.

Der Online-Auktionator Ebay verlor hingegen. Ein Umsatzplus von 30 Prozent und ein Gewinnwachstum um 50 Prozent täuschen Anleger nicht über einen Rückgang bei den globalen Versteigerungen hinweg.

Zu den größten Gewinnern im Hightech-Sektor gehörte Juniper Networks mit einem Plus von 12 Prozent. Die Analysten von Goldman Sachs setzten die Aktie auf „Kaufen“ und rechnen damit, dass neue Router bei Cisco Systems gut ankämen und man sich bei dem Netzwerkriesen Großaufträge sichern könnte.

Abwärts ging es hingegen erneut für die Finanzbranche. Die Hypothekenkrise hatte bereits am Vortag die Papiere großer Häuser belastet und drückte diese auch am Donnerstag. Goldman Sachs und Morgan Stanley gaben um jeweils 1,5 Prozent nach, Bear Stearns und Merrill Lynch verloren 0,6 Prozent.

Markus Koch - © Wall Street Correspondents

NASDAQ 100 Top Gewinner /Verlierer

Dow 30 Top Gewinner/Verlierer

NASDAQ Volume Leaders DOW JONES Volume Leaders UP- and DOWNGRADES

Dow Jones Industrial

Nasdaq Composite

Nasdaq 100


NASDAQ 100 Stocks -- Chart-Überblick

Dow Jones INDU30 Stocks -- Chart-Überblick


Alle Angaben in $


S&P 100 S&P 500



© GodmodeTrader



Google earnings jump 28% on search advertising growth

Google Inc. saw earnings jump more than 28% in the second quarter as the Web search giant continued to grow its Internet advertising business. Late Thursday, Google posted earnings of $925.1 million, or $2.93 per share, compared to earnings of $721.1 million, or $2.33 per share, for the same period last year. The company said earnings excluding the cost of stock options came in at $1.12 billion, or $3.56 per share. Revenue excluding traffic acquisition costs was $2.72 billion. Analysts had been expecting the company to post earnings of $3.59 per share on revenue of $2.68 billion, according to consensus estimates from Thomson First Call.

Microsoft sees slight profit gain despite taking Xbox charge

Microsoft Corp. said Thursday its fiscal fourth-quarter profit rose only slightly compared to the same period a year earlier, due to a previously-announced $1 billion charge resulting from its Xbox video game business. The Redmond, Wash.-based software giant said net income for the period ended June 30 came in at $3.04 billion, or 31 cents a share, compared to $2.83 billion, or 28 cents a share in the period a year earlier. Meanwhile revenue rose to $13.37 billion from $11.8 billion. Excluding items such as the Xbox charge, Microsoft said earnings were 39 cents a share.

SanDisk reports 71% profit decline

SanDisk Corp. on Thursday reported a second-quarter profit that fell 71% from a year ago. SanDisk said it earned $28 million, or 12 cents a share, compared to last year's $96 million, or 47 cents a share. Revenue rose 15% to $827 million from $719 million a year ago. Excluding stock-compensation and one-time charges, SanDisk would have earned $72 million, or 30 cents a share. By that measure, SanDisk topped the estimates of analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial, who forecast a profit of 16 cents a share on $794 million in revenue.

AMD swings to loss, sales rise 13%

Advanced Micro Devices Inc. late Thursday reported it swung to a second quarter loss, stung by lower prices for its computer chips and acquisition-related charges. AMD reported a net loss of $600 million, or $1.09 a share. In the same period last year, AMD earned $89 million, or 18 cents a share. Sales rose 13% to $1.37 billion, topping Wall Street's estimate of $1.25 billion, according to analysts polled by Thomson Financial. To clear out inventory, AMD said it wrote-off $30 million in older microprocessor parts. Looking ahead, AMD forecasted that third-quarter revenue would "increase in line with seasonality."

PMC-Sierra 2nd Quarter Loss Narrows On Enterprises

PMC-Sierra Inc.'s second-quarter loss narrowed to $22.3 million, or 10 cents a share, from $31.8 million, or 16 cents a share, a year earlier, helped by its enterprise storage, fiber to the home and telecom businesses. Excluding items earnings rose 68% to $7.4 million, or 3 cents a share, from $4.4 million, or 2 cents a share, a year earlier. Revenue fell 12% to $104.7 million from $118.8 million a year earlier. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial expected, on average, earnings of 3 cents a share on revenue of $107.9 million.

Gilead Sciences posts 53% rise in quarterly profit

Gilead Sciences Inc. late Thursday said its profit in the second quarter surged more than 53%, driven by a 60% rise in sales of its HIV treatments. The Foster City, Calif.-based biotechnology company reported net earnings for the latest three-month period of $407.9 million, or 42 cents a share, vs. $265.2 million, or 28 cents a share, in the comparable period last year. Revenue surged to $1.05 billion from $685.3 million, as HIV product sales climbed to $762.2 million from $475.4 million for the same period in 2006.

Broadcom 2nd Quarter Net Down 68% On Lower Orders, Higher Costs

Broadcom Corp.'s second-quarter earnings plunged 68%, due to variability in the ordering patterns of some customers and higher operating expenses. BRCM had second-quarter earnings of $34.3 million, or 6 cents a share, compared with $106.1 million, or 18 cents a share, a year earlier. Excluding the cost of accounting for stock options, charges related to acquisitions and other items, the company had non-GAAP earnings of 27 cents a share, compared with 36 cents a share a year earlier. Broadcom said net revenue for the quarter fell 4.6% to $897.9 million from $941.1 million a year ago.

Seagate Technology earnings reach $541 million

Seagate Technology on Thursday reported a fourth-quarter profit of $541 million, or 96 cents a share, on $2.74 billion in revenue, compared to earnings of $7 million, or a penny a share, on revenue of $2.53 billion in the same period a year ago. Excluding one-time items, Seagate said it would have earned $568 million, or $1.01 a share. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial had forecast Seagate to earn 36 cents a share on $2.69 billion in sales.

NASDAQ After Hours Most Active

US-Earnings Kalender für Juli 2007


Nasdaq 100 Future

Nasdaq 100 After Hours Indicator

S&P500 Future

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Crude Oil (light, NYMEX)

Freitag, 20.07.2007

• - ! Kleiner Verfallstag
• 08:00 - ! DE Bauhauptgewerbe Mai
• 12:00 - ! DE Verfall Optionen der STOXX-Familie (Eurex)
• 13:00 - ! DE Verfall DAX-Optionen (Eurex)
• 13:00 - DE Verfall TecDAX-Optionen (Eurex)
• 16:30 - US Rede St. Louis Fed-Präsident Poole
• 17:00 - US Rede St. Louis Fed-Präsident Poole
• 17:00 - DE Verfall Global Titans-Optionen (Eurex)
• 17:20 - DE Verfall SMI-Optionen (Eurex)
• 17:30 - DE Verfall Aktien-Optionen (Eurex)

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Geändert von Starlight (19-07-2007 um 21:39 Uhr)
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Alt 19-07-2007, 21:23   #520
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weitere Earnings...

Xilinx quarterly profit rises 2.2%; revenue falls 7.4%

Xilinx Inc. reported first-quarter net earnings of $84.3 million, or 28 cents a share, up 2.2% from $82.5 million, or 24 cents a share, during the year-ago period, said that revenue for the three months ended June 30 fell 7.4% to $445.9 million from $481.4 million in the comparable period last year. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial had forecast, on average, a per-share profit of 29 cents on revenue of $453 million.

Polycom 2nd Quarter EPS 11c Versus EPS 17c

Polycom Inc.'s net income declined to $10.08 million, or 11 cents a share, from a year-earlier profit of $15 million, or 17 cents a share. Excluding restructuring expense and other items, net income for the recent period was $28.9 million, or 30 cents a share, compared with $21.9 million, or 24 cents a share, a year earlier.

Capital One quarterly net income jumps 36%

Capital One Financial reported a 36% jump in second-quarter profit late Thursday. Net income came in at $750.4 million, or $1.89 a share, vs. $552.6 million, or $1.78 a share, in the second quarter of 2006, the credit card company said. Capital One also said it expects full-year 2007 earnings to be towards the lower end of a previously announced range of $7 to $7.40 a share.

Cytec Industries 2nd Quarter EPS $1.11 Versus EPS $1

Cytec Industries Inc.'s second-quarter net income rose 13% to $54.8 million, or $1.11 a share, from $48.5 million, or $1 a share, a year earlier on sales growth in the engineered materials unit. Excluding items, earnings were $56.6 million, or $1.15 a share. The West Paterson, N.J., chemical company said net sales rose 1.3% to $864 million from $853.1 million a year ago. On average, analysts polled by Thomson Financial predicted second-quarter earnings of 94 cents a share and revenue of $835.6 million. Analyst estimates typically exclude items. Cytec reaffirmed its 2007 adjusted earnings forecast of $3.60 to $3.80 a share. Analysts predict 2007 net income of $3.65 a share.

Gilead raises 2007 product revenue forecast

Gilead Sciences Inc. late Thursday raised its forecast for full-year 2007 net product revenue to a range of $3.6 billion to $3.7 billion. The biotechnology company had previously said it expected net product revenue would come in between $3.4 billion and $3.5 billion for the period. The raised forecast was issued on a conference call following the release of Gilead's second-quarter results.

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Alt 25-07-2007, 22:01   #521
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Wallstreet Marktbericht

DOW JONES 13785.07 68.12 +0.50%
NASDAQ COMPOSITE 2648.17 8.31 +0.31%
NASDAQ 100 2011.14 10.59 +0.53%
S&P 500 1518.09 7.05 +0.47%
SEMICONDUCTOR 441.72 -4.45 -1.00%
BIOTECHS 789.41 17.70 +2.29%
AMEX INTERNET 228.74 2.64 +1.17%
DAX 7692.55 -114.24 -1.46%

Wall Street: Vorsichtige Schritte nach oben

Zur Wochenmitte tat sich die Wall Street schwer, eine Richtung zu finden: Nach einem deutlich positiven Start fraßen die Sorge um das Wirtschaftswachstum und die Angst vor einer noch schwerer als befürchteten Kreditkrise die Tagesgewinne auf, bevor sich die Indizes am Nachmittag wieder erholten.

Am Ende verbesserte sich der Dow-Jones-Index um 68 Zähler oder 0,5 Prozent auf 13 785 Punkte, was nach einem Einbruch um fast 230 Punkte am Vortag aber nur einer schwachen Erholung entspricht.

Der marktbreite S&P-500-Index kletterte um 7 Zähler oder 0,47 Prozent auf 1518 Punkte, und die Hightech-Börse Nasdaq verbesserte sich um 8 Zähler oder 0,31 Prozent auf 2648 Punkte.

Die beiden Hauptsorgen der Anleger wurden am Mittwoch besonders deutlich illustriert. Das Beige Book der Fed spricht noch immer von moderatem Wirtschaftswachstum in den meisten Regionen der Vereinigten Staaten. In manchen Gegenden warnen die regionalen Notenbanker aber vor einem langsameren Wachstum.

Im Mittelpunkt stand und steht aber die Hypotheken- und Kreditkrise an den amerikanischen Märkten. Der Autobauer Chrylser kann bei seinen Bemühungen um einen Verkauf an die Privatinvestoren von Cerberus eine Kredittranche von 12 Milliarden Dollar nicht platzieren, da sich keine Gläubiger finden. Das mach das Ausmaß der Unsicherheit an den Kreditmärkten deutlich.

Entsprechend waren es erneut die Finanzaktien, die sich unter den Verlierern fanden. J.P. Morgan und Citigroup verloren am Mittwoch ebenso wie einige Zykliker, darunter Caterpillar und 3M.

Größter Gewinner im Dow war hingegen Boeing mit einem Plus von 3,5 Prozent. Der Flugzeugbauer weist für das abgelaufene Quartal ein Umsatzwachstum um 15 Prozent auf 17 Milliarden Dollar aus und hat nach einem Verlust im Vorjahresquartal einen unerwartet hohen Gewinn von 1,5 Milliarden Dollar erwirtschaftet. Man hebt die Erwartungen für das Gesamtjahr an, was angesichts ausstehender Bestellungen über 279 Milliarden Dollar kein Wunder ist.

Weitere Dow-Gewinner waren der Pharmazeut Merck und der Öl-Multi ExxonMobil, der von einem steigenden Ölpreis profitierte. Der Rohstoff galoppierte am Mittwoch um mehr als 3 Prozent auf mehr als 76 Dollar pro Fass, nachdem die Lagerbestände niedrig gemeldet worden waren.

Größter Gewinner aber war Amazon.com mit einem Plus von rund 25 Prozent. Der Online-Händler hat im vergangenen Quartal den Umsatz um 35 Prozent erhöht und den Gewinn verdreifacht. Man hat vor allem von Kostensenkungen profitiert, aber auch von der hohen Akzeptanz des Prime-Programms, bei dem Kunden gegen einen festen Mitgliedsbeitrag Ware versandfrei bestellen können. Nachträglich gab es Aufstufungen bei sechs Brokerhäusern, darunter Bear Stearns und Lehman Brothers.

Aufwärts ging es auch für die Aktie von Apple, die mit einem Plus von 2 Prozent schloss. Nach den Einbrüchen vom Vortag, die durch enttäuschende iPhone-Verkaufszahlen beim Mobilfunkpartner AT&T verursacht worden waren, positionierten sich Anleger vor den Quartalszahlen nach Handelsschluss. Die Erwartungen waren zuletzt gut, zumal das erst unmittelbar vor Quartalsende vorgestellte Multi-Handy weniger Einfluss auf die Bilanz haben dürfte als der iPod.

Markus Koch - © Wall Street Correspondents

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Dow 30 Top Gewinner/Verlierer

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Apple profit rises 73%; revenue climbs to $5.41 billion

Apple Inc. on Wednesday reported a fiscal third-quarter profit of $818 million, or 92 cents a share, compared to $472 million, or 54 cents a share during the same period a year ago. Revenue rose almost 24% to $5.41 billion from last-year's $4.37 billion. The results topped the estimates of analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial, who forecast Apple to earn 72 cents a share on $5.29 billion in sales. Apple said that it sold 1.76 million Macintosh computers and 9.8 million iPods during the quarter. In a statement, Chief Executive Steve Jobs said the company expects to have sold 1 million iPhones by the end of its fiscal fourth quarter.

Qualcomm earnings rise in third fiscal quarter

Qualcomm Inc. said Wednesday afternoon that earnings rose 24% for its third fiscal quarter. The wireless technology firm reported earnings of $798 million, or 47 cents a share, for the quarter ended July 1 compared to earnings of $643 million, or 37 cents a share, for the same period last year. Excluding charges related to stock options, the company said earnings would have come in at $934 million, or 55 cents a share, for the quarter. Revenue grew 19% to $2.32 billion. Analysts were expecting the company to earn 52 cents a share on revenue of $2.27 billion, according to consensus estimates from Thomson Financial

Sanmina-SCI Corp 3rd Quarter Loss/Shr 5c Versus Loss 10c

Sanmina-SCI Corp.'s fiscal third-quarter net loss narrowed to $27.6 million, or 5 cents a share, from $54.8 million, or 10 cents a share, a year earlier. On a non-GAAP basis, the company posted a loss of 4 cents a share. Sanmina-SCI's loss included taxes of $23.5 million related to its profitable operations. Its pre-tax loss was $2.4 million. The San Jose electronics contract manufacturer's revenue fell to $2.49 billion from $2.71 billion, due in part to its components unit. On average, analysts expected revenue of $2.60 billion, according to a poll by Thomson Financial. The company said it expects fiscal fourth-quarter revenue of between $2.5 billion and $2.6 billion and non-GAAP per-share earnings of nil.

Baidu's quarterly profit more than doubles

Baidu.com Inc. late Wednesday reported second-quarter net earnings of 141.9 million yuan ($18.6 million), or 4.09 yuan per share (54 cents), up from 58.5 million yuan, or 1.69 yuan a share, in the year-ago period. Excluding items, the company earned 57 cents a share. The Beijing-based Internet search provider said revenue for the three months ended June 30 rose to 401.3 million yuan ($52.7 million) from 191.6 million yuan last year. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial were expecting, on average, a per-share profit of 43 cents on revenue of $49 million. Baidu expects third-quarter revenue of 492 million to 506 million yuan ($64.6 million to $66.5 million).

F5 Networks 3rd Quarter EPS 51c Versus EPS 41c

F5 Networks Inc.'s fiscal third-quarter net income grew more than 28% and the company's board approved a 2-for-1 stock split with a record date of Aug. 10. The Seattle-based Internet services company's net income grew to $21.8 million, or 51 cents a share, from a year-earlier profit of $17 million, or 41 cents a share. Revenue grew 32% to $132.4 million, from $100.1 million. Wall Street expected third-quarter earnings of 50 cents a share and revenue of $132.7 million, according to Thomson Financial. The company expects to post fourth-quarter earnings of 53 cents to 55 cents a share, or 27 cents to 28 cents a share on a post-split basis, on revenue of $142 million to $144 million. Analysts expect fourth-quarter earnings of 54 cents a share on a pre-split basis, on revenue of $141.6 million

Symantec profit slips, though company beats expectations

Symantec Corp. said Wednesday its first-quarter profit slid lower compared to the period a year earlier, though the security software maker still managed to turn in a better-then-expected performance. Cupertino, Calif.-based Symantec said net income for the period ended June 29 was $95.2 million, or 10 cents a share, compared to $100.5 million, or 10 cents a share in the period a year earlier. Meanwhile revenue rose to $1.4 billion, from $1.27 billion. Excluding certain items, Symantec said earnings for the quarter were 29 cents a share. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial had expected earnings of 20 cents a share, on revenue of $1.32 billion.

Affymetrix 2nd Quarter EPS 2c Versus Loss 15c

Affymetrix Inc. swung to a second-quarter profit of $1.24 million, or 2 cents a share, from a loss of $10.1 million, or 15 cents a share The latest quarter included a restructuring charge of $1.8 million, or 3 cents a share. Revenue grew 10% to $88.3 million from $80.1 million a year ago. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial on average expected earnings of 3 cents a share, excluding unusual items, on revenue of $86 million. The Santa Clara, Calif., developer of systems for managing genetic data expects 2007 revenue of $365 million to $385 million and gross margins of about 60%, dependent upon revenue mix. Affymetrix anticipates operating expenses of $220 million for the year, as well as restructuring charges of $15 million.

NASDAQ After Hours Most Active

US-Earnings Kalender für Juli 2007


Nasdaq 100 Future

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S&P500 Future

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Crude Oil (light, NYMEX)

Donnerstag, 26.07.2007

• 10:00 DE ifo Geschäftsklimaindex Juli
• 10:00 - ! EU Geldvolumen Eurozone Juni
• 14:30 US Aufträge langlebiger Wirtschaftsgüter Juni
• 14:30 - ! US Erstanträge Arbeitslosenhilfe (Woche)
• 16:00 - ! US Verkäufe neuer Häuser Juni
• 16:00 - US Help Wanted Index Juni
• 16:30 - ! US EIA Erdgasbericht (Woche)
• 17:00 - US Ankündigung 3- u. 6-monatiger Bills
• 19:00 - US Auktion 5-jähriger Notes

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Alt 25-07-2007, 22:04   #522
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weitere Earnings

Cirrus Logic 1st Quarter Net Down 49%; Revenue Down 9%

Cirrus Logic Inc.'s first-quarter net income fell 49% to $3.99 million, or 4 cents a share, from $7.82 million, or 9 cents a share, a year earlier, as revenue dropped 9%. The Austin, Texas, signal processing components company's revenue for the quarter ended June 30 sank to $41.1 million from $45.2 million in the year-ago period. On average, analysts expected per-share earnings of 7 cents on revenue of $42.4 million, according to a poll by Thomson Financial. The company expects second-quarter revenue of $46 million to $51 million, compared with Wall Street's estimate of $47.6 million.

LSI swings to $378M loss, unveils more cost cuts

LSI Corp. late Wednesday said it swung to a second-quarter loss, hurt by acquisition-related charges, and unveiled more cost-cutting measures. LSI reported a net loss of $378 million, or 50 cents a share. In the same period last year, the storage chipmaker earned $30 million, or 7 cents a share. Sales rose to $670 million from $490 million, helped by its acquisition of Agere Systems. In addition, LSI plans to sell its assembly and test operations in Thailand to STATS ChipPAC Ltd. for $100 million and transition similiar functions at facilities in Singapore and Wichita, Kansas to current manufacturing partners. The actions will result in 2,100 job cuts and reduce annual costs by $20 million to $25 million by 2008, LSI said. (Corrects net income figure for second quarter of 2006).

Varian quarterly earnings rise slightly; boosts outlook

Varian Inc. late Wednesday reported third-quarter net earnings of $14.6 million, or 47 cents a share, up slightly from $14.5 million, or 46 cents a share, during the year-ago period. Adjusted earnings were $19 million, or 61 cents a share, compared with $17.7 million, or 57 cents a share, last year. The Palo Alto, Calif.-based maker of scientific instruments and vacuum products said revenue rose to $227.1 million from $209.7 million. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial had forecast, on average, a per-share profit of 55 cents on revenue of $220 million. Additionally, Varian said it now expects fiscal 2007 per-share earnings of $1.92 to $2.03, up from its previous outlook of $1.88 to $2.01. On an adjusted basis, the company said it now sees per-share earnings of $2.44 to $2.52 for the year, up from its prior forecast of $2.40 to $2.50

Applied Micro's first-quarter loss widens

Applied Micro Circuits Corp. late Wednesday reported that its fiscal first-quarter loss widened to $16.4 million, or 6 cents a share, from $817,000, or breakeven a share, in the year-ago period. Excluding items, the company lost 3 cents a share. Sunnyvale, Calif.-based Applied Micro said revenue for the quarter ended June 30 fell 28% to $50.1 million from $69.7 million a year ago. "I am confident that we will return to solid revenue growth for the September quarter and optimistic that this will continue for the remainder of this fiscal year," said Kambiz Hooshmand, president and chief executive, in a statement.

Amerigroup quarterly profit surges; boosts 2007 outlook

Amerigroup Corp. late Wednesday reported second-quarter net earnings of $32.8 million, or 61 cents a share, up from $15.3 million, or 29 cents a share, in the year-ago period. The Virginia Beach, Va.-based managed health-care company said revenue in the three months ended June 30 rose to $1 billion from $642.4 million in the same period last year. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial were expecting, on average, a per-share profit of 46 cents on revenue of $926 million. Additionally, Amerigroup said it now expects 2007 per-share earnings of $2 to $2.10, up from its previous outlook of $1.81 to $1.96.

Airgas quarterly profit rises 34%; raises full-year outlook

Varian Medical Systems 3rd Quarter EPS 39c Versus 49c

Fiserv Inc 2nd Quarter Net Down 8% On Unit Sale Costs, Insurance Charge

Memc Elec Materials 2nd Quarter Net Rises On 28% Higher Sale

Express Scripts grows earnings 41.7%, beats forecasts

Plexus 3rd Quarter Profit Falls 38%; Sales Down 4.5%

Micrel 2nd Quarter Net Down 3.9%; Revenue Falls 7.3%

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Alt 25-07-2007, 22:11   #523
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Geändert von Starlight (25-07-2007 um 23:20 Uhr)
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Alt 26-07-2007, 21:10   #524
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Wallstreet Marktbericht

DOW JONES 13473.57 -311.50 -2.27%
NASDAQ COMPOSITE 2599.34 -48.83 -1.84%
NASDAQ 100 1986.60 -24.54 -1.22%
S&P 500 1482.69 -35.40 -2.33%
SEMICONDUCTOR 441.72 -4.45 -1.00%
BIOTECHS 781.55 -7.86 -1.00%
AMEX INTERNET 224.46 -4.28 -1.87%
DAX 7508.96 -183.59 -2.39%

Wall Street: US-Börsen im freien Fall

Die amerikanischen Börsen hatten am Donnerstag einen der schlechtesten Tage ihrer Geschichte: Der Dow-Jones-Index verlor zeitweise mehr als 430 Punkte und schloss letztlich mit einem Minus von 309 Zählern oder 2,24 Prozent auf 13 476 Punkten. Schuld waren neue Details zur Immobilien- und Hypothekenkrise, vor der sich Anleger fürchten.

Auch die übrigen Indizes fielen steil. Der marktbreit gefasst S&P-500-Index schloss mit einem Abschlag von 35 Zählern oder 2,3 Prozent auf 1483 Punkten, wobei 97 Prozent aller Aktien Verluste einfuhren. Selten haben die amerikanischen Märkte auf derart breiter Basis und durch sämtliche Branchen hindurch so steil verloren.

Der S&P-500-Index schloss auf einem Halbjahrestief, ebenso wie die Nasdaq mit einem Abschlag von 49 Zählern oder 1,84 Prozent auf 2599 Punkte.

Schlechte Nachrichten aus dem konjunkturellen Umfeld hatten den Markt schon früh absacken lassen: Die Bestellungen langlebiger Güter sind im vergangenen Monat um 1,4 Prozent gestiegen und damit schwächer als erwartet. Den Transportsektor mit den teuren Flugzeugbestellungen ausgenommen bleibt ein Minus von 0,5 Prozent.

Zudem sind wie bereits am Vortag erneut schwache Hausverkäufe gemeldet worden, auch die Durchschnittspreise für Immobilien fallen. Der Häuserbauer Beazer Homes weiß nicht, wann die schwierigen Zeiten für die Branche zu Ende gehen könnten. Und der Konkurrent D.R. Horton berichtet über einen Quartalsverlust von 824 Millionen Dollar und klagt über die schwierige Lage am Hypothekenmarkt.

Zeitgleich sorgte der Ölpreis für Stirnrunzeln. Der Rohstoff gab im Tageshandel zwar etwas nach, nähert sich grob aber doch an die Marke von 80 Dollar an, vor der Industrie-, Transportwerten und dem Verbraucher gleichermaßen bang ist.

Die hohen Preise spiegeln sich im Quartalsbericht von ExxonMobil nicht wieder. Das Unternehmen blickt für die vergangenen drei Monate auf einen Gewinneinbruch auf 10,26 Milliarden Dollar und hat die Erwartungen verfehlt. Das riss nicht nur die Dow-notierte Aktie ins Minus, sondern die Konkurrenz, darunter Chevron und ConocoPhilips.

ExxonMobil verlor am Donnerstag 5 Prozent, noch schlechter schloss nur Alcoa mit einem Minus von mehr als 7 Prozent ab. Weitere große Dow-Verlierer waren General Motors und Boeing sowie die Aktien der Citigroup.

Einziger Dow-Wert im Plus war 3M mit einem Gewinn von 0,5 Prozent. Damit reagierte die Aktie nach einem schwachen Tageshandel zumindest ein wenig auf due guten Quartalszahlen. Auch Ford konnte sich nach starken Zahlen verbessern, während der Chemiekonzerk Dow Chemical trotz guter Bilanzdaten im Minus hängen blieb.

Größter Gewinner im Hightech-Bereich war Apple mit einem Plus von 6,4 Prozent. Das Unternehmen hat dank starker Nachfrage nach iMac und iPod den Gewinn im vergangenen Quartal um 73 Prozent auf 818 Millionen Dollar oder 92 Cent pro Aktie erhöht. Damit werden die Prognosen um mehr als 25 Prozent geschlagen, und auch die Nettomargen sind deutlich höher als erwartet. Mit den etwa 270 000 verkauften iPhones sind manche Analysten nicht zufrieden, Apple-Kritiker waren am Donnerstag aber in der Minderheit.

Markus Koch - © Wall Street Correspondents

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Dow 30 Top Gewinner/Verlierer

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Nasdaq 100


NASDAQ 100 Stocks -- Chart-Überblick

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S&P 100 S&P 500



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Microsoft To Acquire AdECN, Terms Not Disclosed

Microsoft Corp. agreed to acquire the advertising exchange platform company AdECN Inc. Financial terms of the agreement weren't disclosed. The Redmond, Wash., Internet and software giant said the transaction is part of its strategy to develop a comprehensive search and display advertising platform. The acquisition, which isn't expected to affect Microsoft's earnings, is scheduled to be completed during the first half of 2008.

Flextronics profit rises 26%

Flextronics International on Thursday reported a fiscal first-quarter profit of $107 million, or 17 cents a share, on revenue of $5.16 billion. During the same period a year ago, the electronics contract manufacturer earned $85 million, or 14 cents a share, on $4.06 billion in revenue. Excluding charges and one-time items, Flextronics would have earned $134 million, or 22 cents a share, to beat the estimates of analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial, who forecast a profit of 21 cents a share on $4.9 billion in revenue.

Crocs Inc. 2nd Quarter EPS Jumps; Company Raises Fiscal Year Guidance

Crocs Inc.'s second-quarter net income sky-rocketed to $48.5 million, or 58 cents a share, from $15.7 million, or 19 cents a share, a year earlier. The Niwot, Colo., footwear company said revenue jumped to $224.3 million from $85.6 million a year ago. The company's strong quarter was due to "robust demand for our expanded footwear collection" in the U.S., Canada and Europe. On average, analysts polled by Thomson Financial expected earnings of 44 cents a share and revenue of $192.7 million. Crocs expects third-quarter revenue of $240 million to $250 million and earnings of 58 cents to 62 cents a share. The company also raised its 2007 revenue guidance to a range of $810 million to $820 million and earnings guidance to a range of $1.89 to $1.93 a share.

McAfee posts double-digit profit, sales growth
McAfee Inc. said Thursday its second-quarter profit and sales exceeded expectations, though it cautioned the results are preliminary pending a future restatement due to past stock-option grants. Santa Clara, Calif.-based McAfee , a maker of security software, said net income for the period ended in June rose 57% to $49.4 million, or 30 cents a share, compared to $31.4 million, or 19 cents a share in the period a year earlier. Meanwhile revenue grew 13% to $314.3 million. Excluding certain items, McAfee said earnings were 41 cents a share. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial were expecting earnings of 37 cents a share, on revenue of $306 million.

Amgen adjusted earnings inch up during second quarter

Biotech giant Amgen Inc. on Thursday reported second-quarter net income of $1.02 billion, or 90 cents a share, compared with $14 million, or 1 cent a share, for the same period a year ago. Sales at the Thousand Oaks, Calif.-based company were $3.73 billion vs. last year's $3.6 billion. The company said adjusted earnings that exclude stock-option expenses came in at $1.12 a share, up from last year's $1.05 a share. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial expected Amgen to report earnings of $1.06 a share on sales of $3.69 billion. Amgen shares ended Thursday's session off $1, or 1.8%, to $56.16.

Cymer Inc. 2nd Quarter Net Up 10%; Costs Down 13%

Cymer Inc.'s second-quarter net income rose 10% to $24.9 million, or 67 cents a share, from $22.6 million, or 55 cents a share, a year earlier, as the company cut costs 13%. The San Diego laser-light maker for the semiconductor industry's revenue fell 9.2% to $122.9 million from $135.4 million in the year-ago period. Costs and expenses fell to $92.3 million from $106.4 million. On average, analysts expected per-share earnings of 51 cents on revenue of $126.4 million, according to a poll by Thomson Financial. Cymer shares were halted for trading late Thursday. The company's shares closed Thursday down $1.12, or 2.9%, at $37.55.

Ingram Micro 2nd Quarter EPS 30c Versus EPS 32c

Ingram Micro Inc.'s second-quarter net income rose 2.6% to $52.4 million from $53.8 million a year earlier on sales growth in the Asia-Pacific region. On a per-share basis, earnings fell to 30 cents from 32 cents a share, on a boosted share count. Earnings for the most recent quarter include a charge of $9.2 million, or 5 cents a share. The Santa Ana, Calif., provider of technology products said revenue increased 11% to $8.19 billion from $7.4 billion a year ago. On average, analysts polled by Thomson Financial predicted second-quarter earnings of 36 cents a share and revenue of $8.11 billion. Analyst estimates typically exclude items. Ingram Micro expects third-quarter net income of $67 million to $71 million, or 38 cents to 40 cents a share, and revenue of $8.3 billion to $8.5 billion.

NASDAQ After Hours Most Active

US-Earnings Kalender für Juli 2007


Nasdaq 100 Future

Nasdaq 100 After Hours Indicator

S&P500 Future

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Crude Oil (light, NYMEX)

Freitag, 27.07.2007

• 01:30 - JP Verbraucherpreise Juni
• 01:30 - JP Verbraucherpreise Tokio Juli
• 01:50 - JP Einzelhandelsumsatz Juni
• 14:30 US BIP 2. Quartal
• 16:00 - ! US Verbraucherstimmung Uni Michigan Juli

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Alt 26-07-2007, 21:25   #525
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mehr Earnings...

VeriSign swings to a loss on restructuring charges

VeriSign Inc. said Thursday that it swung to a net loss in the second quarter because of restructuring charges, while revenue also fell for the period. The Mountain View, Calif.-based network security company reported a net loss of $4.7 million, or 2 cents per share, compared to earnings of $376.8 million, or $1.52 per share, for the same period last year. The company said earnings on a non-GAAP basis were $62 million, or 25 cents a share. Revenue slipped 6.3% to $363.2 million. Analysts were expecting earnings of 25 cents on revenue of $368.2 million, according to consensus estimates from Thomson Financial.

Foundry Networks 2nd Quarter Net Up Sharply; Revenue Up 32%

Foundry Networks Inc.'s second-quarter net income nearly quadrupled to $16.4 million, or 11 cents a share, from $4.41 million, or 3 cents a share, a year-earlier, as revenue rose 32%. The Santa Clara, Calif., computer hardware company's revenue grew to $143.2 million from $108.4 million in the year-ago period. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial expected, on average, earnings of 15 cents a share on revenue of $139.1 million. The company also approved a $200 million share buyback program.

Six Flags 2nd Quarter Loss Widens On Refinancing, Marketing, Other Costs

Six Flags Inc.'s second-quarter loss widened, as a $10.4 million write-off of refinancing costs, higher marketing expenses and in-park costs offset a 3% increase in attendance. The New York-based amusement park operator had a second-quarter loss of $45.4 million, or 54 cents a share, compared with a loss of $39.6 million, or 48 cents a share, a year earlier. Six Flags said revenue for the quarter rose 6.1% to $344.8 million from $325 million a year ago. Six Flags shares closed Thursday down 34 cents, or 6.8%, at $4.69 on nearly three times average daily turnover.

Evergreen Solar 2nd Quarter Loss Widens On Factory Start-Up Costs

Evergreen Solar Inc.'s (ESLR) second-quarter loss widened slightly to $7.51 million from a year-earlier loss of $7.47 million, as results included a loss of $1.65 million from start-up costs of its second EverQ panel factory. On a per-share basis, the loss narrowed to 9 cents from 11 cents as the number of outstanding shares rose to 82.6 million from 65.8 million. The Marlboro, Mass., maker of solar power products said revenue declined to $15.4 million from $22 million. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial expected, on average, a loss of 10 cents a share and revenue of $15 million. Evergreen expects a third-quarter loss of $5.75 million to $6.2 million, or 6 cents a share. Third-quarter product revenue is estimated in the range of $13.5 million to $14.5 million, Evergreen said.

Compuware's quarterly profit tumbles

Compuware Corp. late Thursday reported fiscal first-quarter net earnings of $189,000, or breakeven a share, down from $29.3 million, or 8 cents a share, in the year-ago period. The Detroit-based software company said revenue in the three months ended June fell to $279.4 million from $296.3 million in the comparable period last year. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial were expecting, on average, breakeven earnings of a per-share basis and revenue of $282 million.

Microsemi 3rd Quarter EPS 11c Versus EPS $0.00

Microsemi Corp.'s fiscal third-quarter net income rose to $8.71 million, or 11 cents a share, from a year-earlier profit of $117,000, or less than 1 cent a share, on fewer shares outstanding. Excluding charges for inventory abandonment, stock compensation and other items, net income for the recent period was $20.5 million, or 26 cents a share, compared with $20.1 million, or 28 cents a share, a year earlier. The Irvine, Calif., company's net sales increased to $113.6 million from $100.2 million in the year-earlier period ended July 2. Wall Street expected third-quarter earnings of 20 cents a share, excluding items, on revenue of $112 million, according to the average estimate of analysts polled by Thomson Financial. The company forecast fourth-quarter earnings of 26 cents to 28 cents a share

CNET Networks Swings To 2nd Quarter Loss On Option Investigation

CNET Networks Inc. swung to a second-quarter loss, due in part to $2.9 million in costs associated with its stock-option investigation. The San Francisco-based media company had a second-quarter loss of $76,000, or less than 1 cent a share, compared with a profit of $5.16 million, or 3 cents a share, a year earlier. CNET said revenue for the quarter rose 5.2% to $97.2 million from $92.4 million a year ago. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial, on average, expected the company to roughly break even on revenue of $100 million. In addition, CNET cut its 2007 guidance, saying it now expects earnings of $1.30 to $1.39 a share on revenue of $405 million to $430 million. The company had earlier forecast 2007 earnings of $1.37 to $1.47 a share on revenue of $425 million to $445 million.

KLA-Tencor profit up 11% on higher chip-equipment sales

KLA-Tencor Corp. late Thursday said its fiscal fourth-quarter profit rose 11% on higher sales of its equipment to make computer chips. KLA-Tencor reported net income of $147 million, or 75 cents a share, up from $132 million, or 65 cents a share, a year ago. For the three months ended June 30, the company posted sales of $736 million, up from $579 million a year ago. San Jose, Calif.-based KLA-Tencor is one of the nation's biggest chip-equipment suppliers

Western Digital 4th Quarter EPS $1.03 Versus EPS 53c

Western Digital Corp.'s fiscal fourth-quarter net profit nearly doubled to $233 million, or $1.03 a share, from $120 million, or 53 cents a share, a year earlier. Net income for the most recent period includes a $147 million benefit to income taxes related to deferred tax assets. Net income for the year-ago period included $13 million in favorable adjustments to gross margin and a $22 million benefit to income taxes. The Lake Forest, Calif., data storage company's net revenue increased 29% to $1.37 billion in the period ended June 29 from $1.09 billion in the year-ago period. On average, analysts expected per-share earnings of 36 cents on revenue of $1.33 billion. Western Digital also said it expects its acquisition of Komag Inc. (KOMG) to close this quarter.

QLogic's quarterly profit falls 9.9%

QLogic Corp. late Thursday reported first-quarter net earnings of $19 million, or 12 cents a share, down 9.9% from $21.1 million, or 13 cents a share, during the year-ago period. Excluding certain items, the company earned 20 cents a share versus 21 cents a share last year. The Aliso Viejo, Calif.-based maker of storage network infrastructure components said revenue for the three months ended July 1 rose 2% to $139.8 million from $136.7 million in the comparable period last year. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial had forecast, on average, a per-share profit of 20 cents on revenue of $143 million.

Microchip Tech 1st Quarter EPS 36c Versus EPS 35c

Microchip Technology Inc.'s fiscal first-quarter net income rose 4.3% to $80.3 million, or 36 cents a share, from $77 million, or 35 cents a share. Excluding certain items, earnings were $86.7 million, or 39 cents a share, for the most recent period. The Chandler, Ariz., semiconductor company said revenue for the quarter ended June 30, increased slightly to $264.1 million from $262.6 million a year ago. Analysts polled by Thomson Financial predicted, on average, first-quarter earnings of 36 cents a share and revenue of $264.6 million. Microchip expects second-quarter GAAP and non-GAAP earnings of 36 cents a share and 39 cents a share, respectively. The company expects net sales growth of flat to up 2%. Analysts predict second-quarter net income and revenue of 36 cents a share and $276.8 million, respectively.

Varian Semiconductor Equip 2nd Quarter EPS 29c Versus EPS 29c

Varian Semiconductor Equipment Associates Inc.'s fiscal third-quarter net income fell to $23.4 million, or 29 cents a share, from $24.7 million, or 29 cents a share, a year earlier. Results for the period ended June 29 include a provision for income taxes of $58.8 million from its realignment of its legal entity structure. Without the provision and other items, net income was $54.6 million, or 67 cents a share. Revenue for the Gloucester, Mass., maker of ion implantation systems jumped 55% to $288.8 million from $186.2 million in the year-ago period. On average, analysts expected per-share earnings of 67 cents on revenue of $285 million, according to Thomson Financial. Analyst estimates typically exclude unusual items. Varian said it expects fiscal fourth-quarter revenue of between $287 million and $297 million and per-share earnings of between 50 cents and 55 cents.

Lattice Semi Swings To 2nd Quarter Loss On Amortization, Other Chgs

Lattice Semiconductor Corp. swung to a second-quarter loss, due in part to noncash amortization charges and restructuring charges. The Hillsboro, Ore., maker of field-programmale gate arrays and programmable logic devices had a second-quarter loss of $1.46 million, or 1 cent a share, compared with earnings of $2.07 million, or 2 cents a share, a year earlier. Excluding the cost of amortization and accounting for stock-based compensation, the company earned 2 cents a share, compared with 5 cents a share a year earlier. Lattice said revenue for the quarter fell 5.5% to $59.2 million from $62.7 million a year ago. Analysts surveyed by Thomson Financial expected, on average, non-GAAP earnings of 2 cents a share on revenue of $60 million.

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