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Alt 17-02-2006, 14:13   #586
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von hulk
Registriert seit: Dec 2006
Beiträge: 16.483
Re: So

125 N24 Text 17.02.06 15:12:32


Osthoff ist wieder im Irak

Knapp zwei Monate nach ihrer Frei-
lassung ist die deutsche Archäolo-
gin Susanne Osthoff wieder im Irak.
Nach einem Bericht der "Neuen Zür-
cher Zeitung" (NZZ) traf sie am
Mittwoch in der nordirakischen Stadt
Erbil ein. Ihre Reise bezeichnete
sie als Privatangelegenheit.
Osthoff war Ende November 2005 im
Irak entführt und nach rund drei
Wochen von ihren Kidnappern wieder
freigelassen worden. Zur Zeit sind
im Irak zwei Deutsche seit über drei
Wocheß in der Gewalt von Entführern.
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Alt 17-02-2006, 14:27   #587
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von thomfly
Registriert seit: Jan 2002
Beiträge: 1.471
Re: So

Nicht so der grosse Bringer:

Komisch dass mit einem stopp loss der Verlust meist anfängt!
Da gibts KEINE Zahlen MEHR...
Gruss Thomfly
p.s:"Genau betrachtet ist Shareholder-Value die blödeste Idee der Welt"
Jack Welsch
thomfly ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18-02-2006, 10:52   #588
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von thomfly
Registriert seit: Jan 2002
Beiträge: 1.471
Re: So

Schultz ist super!

Da gibts KEINE Zahlen MEHR...
Gruss Thomfly
p.s:"Genau betrachtet ist Shareholder-Value die blödeste Idee der Welt"
Jack Welsch
thomfly ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18-02-2006, 11:13   #589
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von thomfly
Registriert seit: Jan 2002
Beiträge: 1.471
Re: So

Die nächste Kursrakete für die totalriskierer:


Andresmin Gold Corp. Registered Shares DL -,001

Typ: Aktie WKN: A0DK4X

17.02.06 09:06 Uhr

0,025 EUR

-16,67 % [-0,005]

Da gibts KEINE Zahlen MEHR...
Gruss Thomfly
p.s:"Genau betrachtet ist Shareholder-Value die blödeste Idee der Welt"
Jack Welsch
thomfly ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18-02-2006, 11:29   #590
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von hulk
Registriert seit: Dec 2006
Beiträge: 16.483
Re: So

Geht es allerdings jetzt nicht zügig weiter nach Oben, könnte der Freitag das Ende der Erholung gewesen sein!

mal sehen was der schulz noch sagt

hulk ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18-02-2006, 11:34   #591
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von thomfly
Registriert seit: Jan 2002
Beiträge: 1.471
Re: So

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Page 1
Editor’s note: In this report I detail Andresmin Gold Corp.
(ADGD: OTCBB). Or, In Europe, use WKN# A0DK4X.
Although Andresmin was created as a gold exploration firm, their
primary focus is copper. And, as you’ll see, they may be sitting
on one of the largest copper finds in recent history.
Resource Bonanza
The Steal Of The Century
If the Peruvian Government knew what Lucho Villena told his
friend and business partner Len DeMelt 48 hours earlier, they
probably would not have agreed to the deal.
But just as Lucho suspected, the Peruvian Government had no clue
- and Len, like any savvy businessman, took full advantage.
When the final deal went through…Len’s upstart natural resource
company purchased a piece of property for $170,000—the Winicocha
I believe Winicocha could be worth $50 billion. Not because it’s
prime real estate, but because of what lies beneath the ground.
To early investors, it could be the windfall investment of a
Now, when this company begins major exploration work, perhaps in
the next few weeks, the world will know the truth about what lies
beneath this ground.
But there’s no need to wait. This tiny stock could be our best
chance at a home run all year…
Here’s an “inside” look at this amazing story…
Lucho’s Secret
Although Lucho Villena is one of the most sought-after geologists
in the world, he isn’t a household name.
Run a Google search for him, and you’ll come up empty. Zero
matches. Nevertheless, this Spanish-born geologist is, by all
counts, a living legend.
You see, Lucho was the senior geologist on the Buenaventura team,
credited with discovering more gold reserves than anyone in Latin
Page 2
For 20 years, Lucho was employed by Benavides - the family which
owns Buenaventura - Newmont Mining’s 49% partner.
During his tenure, the market cap of Beunaventura hit $3.2
billion – most of which can be directly attributed to Lucho and
his team’s amazing discoveries.
The Steal of the Century
So, when the Peruvian government auctioned off its mineral
concessions, Andresmin founder Len DeMelt, himself a well-known
and successful exploration geologist, sought the help of his
friend Lucho.
At the auction, Centromin (the Peruvian government mining agency)
knew that Winicocha had 1.4 million ounces of gold – making it
desirable based on that alone.
But Lucho knew the property was much more valuable than that. He
knew because he’d been on it and seen its potential.
Taking Lucho’s advice, Len entered a full price bid…and won.
When Lucho heard that Len was now the owner of the Winicocha
property, he was ecstatic. Len just acquired the most sought-
after piece of property in Peru for literally pennies on the
Needless to say, Lucho gladly accepted Len’s offer to come on
board as the new chief geologist of Andresmin Gold.
But the celebration was short-lived. The Andresmin team quickly
got to work – to see what was really underneath the surface of
As Len and Lucho quickly learned, their $170,000 purchase was the
steal of the century…
The Property
In total, the Winicocha property is 8,500 hectares – or 20,400
acres - of countryside similar to the rolling hills of Oregon.
Len and Lucho marked off 2,400 of the 20,400 acres and began
doing geophysics - a series of tests to determine concentrations
of ore beneath the surface…a kind of “geological MRI.”
You’re looking for an anomaly – or evidence of valuable deposits
that register above and beyond the typical make-up of the land.
Page 3
Remember, we already know, according to Centromin, Winicocha has
1.4 million ounces of gold – which justifies the stock’s current
$75 million-dollar market cap.
But everything from rock geochemistry, mapping, and geophysics
have shown three massive “anomalies” which quickly raised the
profile of the project.
If Lucho’s estimations are correct, the Winicocia property has a
good shot at having 50 million ounces of gold. Even at very low
grades, that could equate to $20 billion worth of gold deposits.
According to my calculations, a confirmed deposit of that size
would increase the value of Andresmin’s stock from $0.70 to
6.45, perhaps even more.
My readers and I have seen this happen in Peru. Back in the 90s,
I discovered a similar situation when a company called Arequipa
confirmed 10 million ounces of gold. That announcement pushed
their shares from $1.70 to $30. This deposit could be four-times
But amazingly, Andresmin’s gold deposit is just one of three
massive targets identified by Lucho. In fact, this huge gold
deposit isn’t the reason I’m so excited about the company.
When you run the numbers, you’ll see that Winicocia’s gold
deposit pales in comparison to an even larger deposit of copper.
$40 Billion of Undiscovered Copper
Often referred to as the 'metal with a Ph.D. in economics,'
copper is more important to modern society than perhaps any other
metal in existence.
And, as a result of increasing demand, copper prices are up more
than 100% over the past several years.
The size and strength of the copper anomaly found in Winicocha
indicates a high probability of this being Peru’s next major
copper discovery.
Just how much copper?
Len and Lucho measured 150 meters deep – and they found an
anomaly of 780 million tonnes. If you extrapolate that 780
million tonnes at 1% copper (20 pounds per tonne) that’s 15.6
billion pounds of copper.
Page 4
But let’s play it safe and assume they only have 500 million
pounds of copper. That would still be enough copper wire to go
from the earth to the Moon AND back 344 times!
To calculate how this copper deposit will effect Andresmin’s
stock price, divide the value of their copper deposits by the
shares outstanding – and you’ll get a fair price of $7.71 a
share. That’s a 928% gain from current levels.
Now, here’s the kicker. On the border of Winicocha is a site
owned by Southwestern Resources. Unlike Andresmin’s 150 meter
tests, Southwestern measured down twice as far – 300 meters. Even
at those depths, they’re still finding high copper grades.
With that information, it’s possible for us to double Andresmin’s
estimated amount of copper. That means Andresmin could be sitting
on 30 billion pounds of copper - worth approximately $40 billion
The bottom line is – based on surrounding deposits, Andresmin has
the potential for $80 billion in gold and copper deposits.
When you run the numbers, you can see why I’m so excited about
• Their gold deposit can increase the stock from $0.75 to
• Their copper deposit can tack on another $7.71
Adding the two together, you get a conservative price of $14.16 a
share, a 1,788% gain from current levels.
If the deposits exceed expectations, you could truly have a “home
run” situation…pushing shares perhaps as high as $50.
Quite frankly, Andresmin Gold is sitting on a potential bonanza
in the middle of elephant country.
That’s why I’m so confident that when the first phase of their
drill program begins - perhaps in the next few weeks - you can
make at least five times your money with strictly limited risk.
Amazingly, the story gets even better…
Surrounded by Monsters
If you look at a map (which you can find online at
www.andresmin.com) of the surrounding properties – and their
respective market caps – you’ll see Andresmin Gold (ADGD.OTCBB)
888-689-1620 is sitting in a sweet spot.
Page 5
• To the Northwest of the Winicocha property is a site called
Las Bambas – where the owner, $10 billion X-Strata, is
reporting 40 million tonnes of 2% copper.
• To the South of Winicocha is a copper site called Antapaccy
owned by $73 billion BHP Billiton (BHP – NYSE) is reporting
390 million tonnes of copper.
Look, when you have two of the biggest mining companies in the
world - with a combined market cap over $80 billion — working
feverishly on your border, you know you’re on to something.
Andresmins’s Winicocha property is literally ringed by major
mining companies looking for a piece of the action, and world
class copper and gold deposits.
Plus, and I’ll get into this in a moment, I believe each of these
companies has contacted Andresmin in hopes of buying them out or
working with them to develop Winicocha! But there’s more…
• To the East of Winicocha is Tintaya, also owned by BHP
Billiton, which hosts 200 million tones of 1.5% copper.
• To the West of Winicocha is Las Chancas, owned by Southern
Peru Copper (PCU: NYSE), a $3.6 billion company that
operates two massive copper mines right next door. Reports
indicate these mines have the exact same tonnage and grade
as Andresmin’s property. Over the last nine months, PCU’s
revenues rose 97% to $1.09 billion thanks (in part) to the
performance of these mines.
To the south, $38 billion Rio Tinto is drilling another massive
Although Andresmin is tight lipped, I have reason to believe that
several major mining companies on Wall Street have contacted
Andresmin about a joint venture.
After showing the majors their targets, geology, and huge
geophysical anomalies - top executives from major resource
companies no doubt want a piece of Andresmin’s land.
In fact, the list of potential competing companies reads like a
who’s-who list of major firms – totaling $81.333 billion in
market cap.
If there is any doubt remaining about Andresmin Gold
(ADGD.OTCBB), then let’s consider the facts:
Page 6
The exploration team behind Andresmin has a track record
that’s second-to-none. Lucho Villena has been
instrumental in the discovery of more gold than anyone
else in Latin America. Len Demelt grew up around – and
has run - one of the most successful mines in the world.
These guys are proven winners—the best in the business,
and now they’ve teamed up and started their own company –
which could make fortunes for early investors like you
and me.
They’ve discovered — and are set to begin drilling in Q1
2005 — several new gold and copper targets. At least one
of these targets has indicated an anomaly so large, it
could be considered the next great copper discovery in
all of Peru.
I have reason to believe that the world’s top resource
companies - like Newmont Mining, Placer Dome, and
Southern Peru Copper - could enter into a bidding war to
acquire Andresmin outright.
4.) Early next year the first drill results confirming what
we already know could come in...catapulting the price of
this stock far higher.
Look, this is the way the game is played. You have to be in
before the results go public. Remember my Arequipa pick, which
gained 1,664%, had 9 drill holes before the property was bought
out for $1.1 billion. Andresmin plans to drill 12 holes starting
next month. As we get closer to that date I expect interest, and
the share price, to increase in anticipation.
I’ve been very successful in my investment recommendations in the
past. I follow a lot of companies in every market from technology
to natural resources and beyond - yet I know of no other company
offering the same potential as Andresmin to experience a dramatic
gain in its value.
Andresmin Gold is what I call a “grass roots” play. What that
means is it’s in the very early stages of development. Because of
that, our upside leverage is very, very high.
But a word of caution is due. With the upside comes a much higher
degree of risk. And that’s why I recommend placing a 20% trailing
stop loss on our position. If at any time the price of ADGD drops
by 20%, we must sell. That way, we’re protected against any major
losses, but we keep all the upside.
Fact is, most investors don’t know what it’s like to buy a small
mining exploration company BEFORE they are successful in bagging
the “elephant,” or huge deposit. But I’ve done it time and time
Page 7
again. As we go to press, Andresmin’s projects could see success
within weeks.
Copyright © 2004, Michael Schaefer's Secret Stock Files. PO Box
84905, Phoenix AZ, 85071. Michael Schaefer's Secret Stock Files
yearly subscriptions are $495 per year (48 issues). For Customer
Service, please call (800) 528-0559. No statement or expression
of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly,
is an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell securities
mentioned. While we believe the sources of information to be
reliable, we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy nor
the statements made herein. Any investment should be made only
after consulting a professional investment advisor and only after
reviewing the financial statements and pertinent corporate
information about the company. Investing in securities is
speculative and carries a high degree of risk. The publisher is
not a registered investment advisor and does to purport to offer
personalized advice; the publisher does not determine the
suitability of the advice and recommendations contained herein
for any subscriber. Past performance does not guarantee future
results. As Andresmin Gold, the company featured in this
publication, subsidized distribution costs, this feature should
be construed as advertising. Magnuns & Mann Publishing, LLC
developed and coordinated this mailing having received and
administered a budget of $100,000. This edition of Secret Stock
Files has been distributed as part of a new subscriber effort.
Michael Schaefer, editor of the Aggressive Speculator, has
received no compensation from Andresmin in relation to this
feature; however, Mr. Schaefer does expect some new subscriber
revenue as a result of this effort—the amount of which is unknown
at this time.
Da gibts KEINE Zahlen MEHR...
Gruss Thomfly
p.s:"Genau betrachtet ist Shareholder-Value die blödeste Idee der Welt"
Jack Welsch
thomfly ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18-02-2006, 12:31   #592
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von thomfly
Registriert seit: Jan 2002
Beiträge: 1.471
Re: So

1. GER Deutschland 6 6 2
2. USA USA 6 3 1
3. RUS Russland 6 2 5
4. AUT Österreich 3 2 1
5. EST Estland 3 0 0
6. CAN Kanada 2 4 5
7. SUI Schweiz 2 2 2
8. SWE Schweden 2 1 1
9. ITA Italien 2 0 4
Da gibts KEINE Zahlen MEHR...
Gruss Thomfly
p.s:"Genau betrachtet ist Shareholder-Value die blödeste Idee der Welt"
Jack Welsch
thomfly ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 18-02-2006, 12:33   #593
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von thomfly
Registriert seit: Jan 2002
Beiträge: 1.471
Re: So

Zitat von sabbler

mal sehen was der schulz noch sagt

Schulz seit 20 Jahren ne nich seit 20 Jahren
Seit 1969 freiberuflich tätig
Dr. Hans-Dieter Schulz
Erstellung von Wirtschaftsgrafiken für Banken, Unternehmen, Zeitungen (u.a. Börsenzeitung, Handelsblatt)
Mitherausgeber der Hoppenstedt-Charts für Aktien, Devisen und internationale Finanzdaten
Da gibts KEINE Zahlen MEHR...
Gruss Thomfly
p.s:"Genau betrachtet ist Shareholder-Value die blödeste Idee der Welt"
Jack Welsch
thomfly ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20-02-2006, 08:42   #594
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von thomfly
Registriert seit: Jan 2002
Beiträge: 1.471
Re: So

Der Anfang ist gemacht!

Zitat von thomfly
Die nächste Kursrakete für die totalriskierer:


Andresmin Gold Corp. Registered Shares DL -,001

Typ: Aktie WKN: A0DK4X

17.02.06 09:06 Uhr

0,025 EUR

-16,67 % [-0,005]

Da gibts KEINE Zahlen MEHR...
Gruss Thomfly
p.s:"Genau betrachtet ist Shareholder-Value die blödeste Idee der Welt"
Jack Welsch
thomfly ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20-02-2006, 11:44   #595
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von hulk
Registriert seit: Dec 2006
Beiträge: 16.483
Re: So

Zitat von thomfly
1. GER Deutschland 6 6 2
2. USA USA 6 3 1
3. RUS Russland 6 2 5
4. AUT Österreich 3 2 1
5. EST Estland 3 0 0
6. CAN Kanada 2 4 5
7. SUI Schweiz 2 2 2
8. SWE Schweden 2 1 1
9. ITA Italien 2 0 4

216 ARDtext Mo 20.02.06 12:42:23

Olympia Turin 2006 Sport

Medaillen: 49 von 84 Entscheidungen
1. Deutschland ......... 7 7 4 nicht schlecht für ein entwicklungsland
2. USA ................. 7 4 2
3. Russland ............ 6 2 5
4. Österreich .......... 4 5 1
5. Südkorea ............ 3 3 1
6. Italien ............. 3 0 4
7. Frankreich .......... 3 0 2
8. Estland ............. 3 0 0
9. Norwegen ............ 2 7 7
10. Kanada .............. 2 5 5
11. Schweiz ............. 2 2 4
12. Niederlande ......... 2 2 2
13. Schweden ............ 2 1 3
14. China ............... 1 2 4
15. Kroatien ............ 1 1 0
16. Australien .......... 1 0 0

200 << > 217
hulk ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20-02-2006, 11:51   #596
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von hulk
Registriert seit: Dec 2006
Beiträge: 16.483
Re: So

bei bush's zählte man mal anderst

Country Total Medals Gold Silver Bronze
Germany 18 7 7 4
United States 13 7 4 2
Russia 13 6 2 5
Austria 10 4 5 1
South Korea 7 3 3 1
Italy 7 3 0 4
France 5 3 0 2
Estonia 3 3 0 0
Norway 16 2 7 7
Canada 13 2 6 5
Switzerland 8 2 2 4
Netherlands 6 2 2 2
Sweden 6 2 1 3
China 7 1 2 4
Croatia 2 1 1 0
Australia 1 1 0 0
Finland 5 0 2 3
Czech Republic 2 0 2 0
Bulgaria 1 0 1 0
Great Britain 1 0 1 0
Slovakia 1 0 1 0
Latvia 1 0 0 1
Ukraine 1 0 0 1

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Alt 20-02-2006, 11:52   #597
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von hulk
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Beiträge: 16.483
Re: So

Zitat von thomfly
Der Anfang ist gemacht!
nicht schlecht
hulk ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20-02-2006, 11:55   #598
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von hulk
Registriert seit: Dec 2006
Beiträge: 16.483
Re: So

Zitat von sabbler

mal sehen was der schulz noch sagt

Ein Ende der monatelangen Seitwärtsbewegung ist noch nicht in Sicht. Nur wenn die Technologiewerte in der kommenden Woche spürbar zulegen und ein neues Jahreshoch markieren, sind weitere Kursgewinne greifbar.

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Alt 20-02-2006, 12:23   #599
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von thomfly
Registriert seit: Jan 2002
Beiträge: 1.471
Re: So

Analysten sehen Aktienrally in China
um brüssel kümmert sich keiner

Da gibts KEINE Zahlen MEHR...
Gruss Thomfly
p.s:"Genau betrachtet ist Shareholder-Value die blödeste Idee der Welt"
Jack Welsch
thomfly ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 20-02-2006, 12:29   #600
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von hulk
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Beiträge: 16.483
Re: So

Zitat von thomfly
Analysten sehen Aktienrally in China
um brüssel kümmert sich keiner

sowas hatten wir doch auch mal vor jahren
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