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Themen-Optionen Bewertung: Bewertung: 8 Stimmen, 5,00 durchschnittlich.
Alt 16-06-2005, 20:02   #121
TBB Family
Benutzerbild von Goldfisch
Registriert seit: Mar 2004
Ort: NRW
Beiträge: 2.308
@Benjamin, Solarworld WKN.: 510840 hast Du absichtlich nicht aufgeführt?
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 17-06-2005, 07:51   #122
TBB Family
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Beiträge: 10.373
Nein, keine Absicht, hatte ich schlicht vergessen, ganz ehrlich.

Solarworld WKN.: 510840, Marktkapital. 923,84 Mio. EUR, KGVe 28,95

Schwarz: Solarworld WKN.: 510840
Blau: WINDWELT AG (künftig: Solarparc AG) WKN: 635253

Log. Skal., 1 Jahr:

3 Monate:

10 Tage:

WINDWELT AG (künftig: Solarparc AG) WKN: 635253
Planung, Initiierung und Platzierung von regenerativen Energieparks widmen. Im Vordergrund der erweiterten Geschäftsaktivitäten stehen renditeorientierte Solarstromparks.
Das Unternehmen plant, baut und betreibt Wind- und
Solarkraftwerke für den Eigenbestand und für Dritte. Unabhängig von Energiekonzernen gewinnt die Gesellschaft regenerativen Strom aus eigenen Kraftwerken und speist ihn in das öffentliche Stromnetz ein. Für externe Investoren entwirft und managt sie schlüsselfertige Clean-Energy-Parks. Sie will im laufenden Geschäftsjahr verstärkt eigenentwickelte Energieparks als Fondsprodukte realisieren und platzieren und in Form von geschlossenen Fonds einem breiten Anlegerkreis anbieten.
+ Chart sieht gut aus
- CDU will mittelfristig Vergütung ändern, Investoren werden einen Risikoabschlag fordern, was Gewinn kostet, warum also nun ein neues Top im Chart???

1 Jahr

6 Monate:

3 Monate:

1 Monat:

10 Tage:

5 Tage:

Kurse: http://www.ariva.de/quote/simple.m?secu=6170@ANY
News: http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nach...n/windwelt.asp

Geändert von Benjamin (25-06-2005 um 07:50 Uhr)
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Alt 24-06-2005, 21:38   #123
TBB Family
Registriert seit: Mar 2004
Beiträge: 10.373
FuelCell Energy, Inc., Marktkapital.
385,32 Mio. EUR, WKN: 884382, Börse: NASDAQ, log. Skal.

News: http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nach...ell-energy.asp

About FuelCell Energy:

FuelCell Energy, Inc., based in Danbury, Conn., is a world leader in the development and manufacture of high temperature fuel cells for clean electric power generation. The company has developed commercial distribution alliances for its carbonate Direct FuelCell products with world class companies such as PPL Energy Plus, Caterpillar, Alliance Power, Chevron Energy Solutions and LOGANEnergy in the U.S.; Marubeni Corporation in Asia; MTU CFC Solutions in Europe; and Enbridge Inc. in Canada. FuelCell Energy developed its patented Direct FuelCell technology for stationary power plants with the U.S. Department of Energy through its Office of Fossil Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory.

The sub-megawatt DFC fuel cell power plant is a collaborative effort using Direct FuelCell(R) technology of FuelCell Energy and the Hot Module(R) balance of plant design of MTU CFC Solutions, GmbH, a subsidiary of DaimlerChrysler. FuelCell Energy is also developing next generation high temperature fuel cell products, such as a diesel fueled marine Ship Service Fuel Cell, a combined-cycle DFC/Turbine(R) power plant and solid oxide fuel cells through its investment in and partnership with Versa Power Systems for applications up to 100 kilowatts. More information is available at http://www.fuelcellenergy.com.

1 Jahr:

6 Monate:

3 Monate:

10 Tage:

10 Tage Börse Frankfurt, mit Volumen (ganz unten):

FuelCell Energy neues Kursziel (RBC Capital Markets)

Die Analysten von RBC Capital Markets stufen die Aktie von FuelCell Energy (Nachrichten) (ISIN US35952H1068/ WKN 884382) unverändert mit "outperform" ein. Das Kursziel sei von 18 auf 16 USD reduziert worden.

Analyse-Datum: 09.06.2005
06.06.2005 16:00
FuelCell Energy reduziert Fehlbetrag im zweiten Quartal

Die US-amerikanische FuelCell Energy (Nachrichten) äußerte sich am Montag bezüglich ihrer Geschäftsentwicklung im zweiten Quartal.

Demnach konnte das Unternehmen seinen Nettoverlust nach Anteilen Dritter von zuvor 19,1 Mio. Dollar bzw. 40 Cents je Aktie auf nun 16,8 Mio. Dollar bzw. 35 Cents je Aktie reduzieren. Analysten waren im Vorfeld noch von einem Fehlbetrag in Höhe von 40 Cents je Aktie ausgegangen.

FuelCell Energy gab ferner an, dass man auf Umsatzebene einen Rückgang auf 6,1 Mio. Dollar hinnehmen musste. Im vergleichbaren Zeitraum des Vorjahres hatte das Unternehmen hier noch einen Wert in Höhe von 7,0 Mio. Dollar generiert. Damit wurden die Marktschätzungen deutlich verfehlt. Diese hatten sich auf 7,9 Mio. Dollar belaufen.

Für das laufende dritte Quartal schätzen Analysten den Verlust je Aktie auf 41 Cents. Der Umsatz wird bei 9,3 Mio. Dollar gesehen.

Geändert von Benjamin (25-06-2005 um 13:30 Uhr)
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Alt 25-06-2005, 13:40   #124
TBB Family
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Beiträge: 10.373
WKN: 549293, Börse: XETRA

Marktkapital. 123,97 Mio. EUR
Geschäftsfeldern Medizintechnik und Brennstoffzellentechnologie, Kerngeschäftsfeld High-Tech-Schlauchsysteme
Info zu "Brennstoffzellen": http://www.finanznachrichten.de/such...ennstoffzellen
Info zu "Masterflex": http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nach...masterflex.asp

1 Jahr:

3 Monate:

Geändert von Benjamin (11-11-2005 um 15:35 Uhr)
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Alt 25-06-2005, 14:10   #125
TBB Family
Registriert seit: Mar 2004
Beiträge: 10.373
Unternehmen mit Brennstoffzellen-Bezug:


1 Jahr:

3 Monate:


Geändert von Benjamin (15-02-2013 um 21:10 Uhr)
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Alt 25-06-2005, 14:50   #126
TBB Family
Registriert seit: Mar 2004
Beiträge: 10.373
HEADWATERS INC. WKN: 909698, Börse: Frankfurt, Marktkapital. 1,17 Mrd. EUR, http://www.hdwtrs.com/
improving processes that generate or consume energy or improving materials that comprise our built environment
Headwaters operating companies discover and capitalize on opportunities for making more efficient use of our world’s natural resources – especially fossil fuels. Many opportunities can be found on the coal value chain.
Kurse: http://www.ariva.de/quote/simple.m?secu=30907
News: http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nach...headwaters.asp

6 Monate:

3 Monate:

10 Tage:

Frankfurt, München, Berlin-Bremen, Stuttgart:

Börse USA:

5 Jahre, Wöchentlich:

1 Jahr, täglich:

3 Monate, täglich:

10 Tage, stündlich:

Geändert von Benjamin (25-10-2005 um 18:44 Uhr)
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Alt 25-06-2005, 15:04   #127
TBB Family
Registriert seit: Mar 2004
Beiträge: 10.373

Geändert von Benjamin (15-02-2013 um 21:10 Uhr)
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Alt 26-06-2005, 08:30   #128
TBB Family
Registriert seit: Mar 2004
Beiträge: 10.373
PLUG POWER INC. WKN: 928999, Börse: Frankfurt, Marktkapital. 440,03 Mio. EUR
Plug Power Inc. designs and develops on-site energy systems based on proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Plug Power Inc. is an established leader in the deployment of clean, reliable, on-site energy products. More than 500 Plug Power fuel cell systems have been delivered to customers worldwide in commercial, public sector, telecommunications, utility and uninterruptible power supply markets. For more information about how you can join Plug Power's energy revolution as an investor, customer, supplier or strategic partner, please visit http://www.plugpower.com/ .
provider of clean, reliable on-site energy, total fuel cell system solution that includes training, service, hydrogen delivery
News: http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nach...plug-power.asp

1 Jahr:

3 Monate:

10 Tage:

5 Tage:


Schwarz: Plug Power, Börse NASDAQ $
Blau: Quantum, 662286, wohl Börse Frankfurt €

Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide, Inc., WKN: 662286, Börse: NASDAQ, 10 Tage, zum Vergleich:

noch mal Plug Power:

Geändert von Benjamin (25-08-2005 um 17:35 Uhr)
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Alt 26-06-2005, 08:36   #129
TBB Family
Registriert seit: Mar 2004
Beiträge: 10.373
Börse: Frankfurt, Marktkapital. 311,49 Mio. EUR

News: http://www.finanznachrichten.de/nach...orporation.asp
Kurse: http://www.ariva.de/quote/simple.m?secu=5830
Hydrogenics Corporation (http://www.hydrogenics.com/) is a leading global developer of clean energy solutions, advancing the Hydrogen Economy by commercializing hydrogen and fuel cell products. The company has a portfolio of products and capabilities serving the hydrogen and energy markets of today and tomorrow. Hydrogenics, based in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, has operations in North America, Europe and Asia.

1 Jahr:

3 Monate:

Intraday Frankfurt:

10 Tage Frankfurt::

10 Tage Börse NASDAQ:

5 Tage NASDAQ:

Vergleich mit Quantum Fuel Systems Technologies Worldwide, WKN: 662286 :

Intraday NASDAQ:

10 Tage Börse Toronto:

01.07.2005 08:15
Hydrogenics: equal weight (Pacific Growth Equities)

Die Analysten von Pacific Growth Equities stufen die Aktie von Hydrogenics (Nachrichten) (ISIN CA4488821006/ WKN 588386) in einer Ersteinschätzung mit "equal weight" ein.
Analyse-Datum: 01.07.2005

Geändert von Benjamin (31-08-2005 um 18:39 Uhr)
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Alt 26-06-2005, 09:16   #130
TBB Family
Registriert seit: Mar 2004
Beiträge: 10.373

REL's patented technology converts waste to clean and efficient energy.
The Group's principal activities are the design and marketing of waste to energy solutions by utilising the Waterwide Gasification technology, which uses waste as fuel to supply energy and helps ensure that emissions are controlled to levels below those set by environmental protection agencies and other environmental watchdogs groups.
28 The Esplanade
Level 3
Perth, Western Australia 6000
Marktkapital. 33,23 Mio. AUD
Marktkapitalisierung 20,31 Mio EUR
WKN: 905243,
Symbol REL.AUS

Unternehmen besitzt offenbar keine eigene Homepage, jedenfalls kümmert es sich nicht darum, dass die in den relevanten Listen drinsteht.
Unternehmen hat völlig unklare Geschäftsbereichsausrichtung, von waste-to-energy bis hin zu klassischem Ölfirmentum, und das bei der Minigröße. Finger weg!
Interessant immerhin, was die australische Börse alles so an Unternehmen gelistet hat mit dem Wort "Renewable": http://bureau.panopticsearch.com/sea...33&Search.y=10

Börse: Australien, Börse Berlin-Bremen zu umsatzarm
All data, log. scale:

3 Jahre, linear:

1 Jahr:

3 Monate:

10 Tage:

Geändert von Benjamin (12-11-2005 um 10:05 Uhr)
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Alt 27-06-2005, 19:55   #131
TBB Family
Registriert seit: Mar 2004
Beiträge: 10.373
Dresdner Bank AG EMISSIONSR. ZT 01.12.05 EU All
WKN: DR0FNP, Börse: Stuttgart

Info: http://www.warrants.dresdner.com/der...74&AGREE=Agree

Natürlich gibt's auch einen PUT dazu:
Dresdner Bank AG Short ZT 01.12.06 P1EA
WKN: DR0FRE, Börse: Stuttgart

CO2 Emissionsrechte Open End Zertifikat
NL0000020097 / ABN1BS

Emissionstag 29.06.05
Währung EUR
Börse: Stuttgart
3 Monate:

1 Monat:

Geändert von Benjamin (15-02-2013 um 21:10 Uhr)
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Alt 29-06-2005, 13:35   #132
TBB Family
Registriert seit: Mar 2004
Beiträge: 10.373
Intermagnetics General Corporation
WKN: 867766, Börse: NASDAQ
, Marktkapital.
817,70 Mio. USD, deutsche Börsen zu wenig Umsatz.

1 Jahr:
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Alt 30-06-2005, 11:45   #133
TBB Family
Registriert seit: Mar 2004
Beiträge: 10.373
WKN: 889844, Börse: Frankfurt, Marktkapital. 244,68 Mio. EUR

American Superconductor (AMSC) is the world's principal vendor of high temperature superconductor (HTS) wire and large rotating superconductor machinery, and it is a world- leading supplier of dynamic reactive power grid stabilization products. AMSC's HTS wire and power electronic converters are at the core of a broad range of new electricity transmission and distribution, transportation, medical and industrial processing applications, including dynamic reactive power grid stabilization solutions, large ship propulsion motors and generators, smart, controllable, superconductor power cables and advanced defense systems. The Company's products are supported by hundreds of patents and licenses covering technologies fundamental to Revolutionizing the Way the World Uses Electricity(TM). More information is available at http://www.amsuper.com/.
News: http://www.finanznachrichten.de/such...uperconductor+

5 Jahre:

1 Jahr:

3 Monate:

Falls unter 9,75$: Verkaufen!
10 Tage Börse NASDAQ:

10 Tage Frankfurt:

5 Tage Börse NASDAQ:


August 5 (newratings.com) - Analysts at Needham & Co reiterate their "buy" rating on American Superconductor (AMSC.NAS). The target price has been raised from $11.00 to $12.50 .
04.08.2005 13:08
American Superconductor Reports Fiscal 2006 First Quarter Results

WESTBOROUGH, Mass., Aug. 4 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- American Superconductor Corporation , a leading electricity solutions company, today reported financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2006 ended June 30, 2005.

Revenues for the first quarter were $12.2 million, a 4% decrease from revenues of $12.7 million for the same quarter a year ago. The net loss for the first quarter was $5.6 million, or $0.17 per share, compared with a net loss of $4.9 million, or $0.18 per share, for the same period last year.
AMSC ended the June 30, 2005 quarter with cash , cash equivalents, and short- and long-term investments of $81.5 million and no long-term debt , compared to $87.6 million at March 31, 2005 . Included in the Company's use of cash during the quarter was a $1.7 million payment to a past financial advisor of the Company under a settlement agreement reached in April 2005.

AMSC received $2.4 million in new orders and contracts during the first quarter . The Company's total backlog of orders and contracts as of June 30, 2005 was $24.3 million, compared to a backlog of $34.2 million at March 31, 2005 . Including the $12.2 million of revenues recognized in the first quarter, and based on anticipated funding increases currently being negotiated on two existing contracts, AMSC currently has visibility to approximately $44 million of total revenues for fiscal 2006.

"Based on our current revenue visibility and on prospects for new orders during the remainder of this fiscal year, we are confirming our guidance of $55 million to $65 million in revenues for fiscal 2006 ," said Greg Yurek, president and CEO. "Prospects for new orders for industrial and wind farm D- VAR(R) systems and the substantial likelihood of one or more new U.S. Navy contracts for HTS rotating machines, in addition to our current revenue visibility, continue to point to a stronger second half than first half . We are also encouraged by the imminent signing of the Energy Bill into law, which should give rise to additional orders and contracts that will strengthen our backlog and provide a source of revenue growth beyond this fiscal year."

In addition to reiterating its full year revenue guidance, the Company also reaffirmed that it currently expects its net loss for the year to be in the range of $18 to $23 million and the related loss per share to be between $0.55 and $0.70 per share.

HTS Power Cables: Key Market for AMSC Wires

The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) Cable Project, for which AMSC is the prime contractor and the source of the first generation (1G) HTS wire for the cable, remains on track to be installed during calendar year 2006 and energized in September 2006. LIPA recently selected a new location in its commercial power grid -- a site in Holbrook, New York -- which will position the cable directly within the main power transmission system of Long Island. AMSC's 1G HTS wire for the LIPA project is expected to be shipped in the second and third quarters of fiscal 2006.

In the first quarter, the Company received a new 1G wire order for an HTS power cable demonstration project in Mexico. In addition, the Company completed shipment of 49,000 meters of 1G HTS wire in July in connection with the HTS cable being manufactured by Ultera for American Electric Power. The Company also stated that it expects to receive one or more additional 1G HTS wire orders for power cable demonstration projects this fiscal year.

Yurek stated that The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (the "Energy Bill"), which is expected to be signed into law by President Bush on August 8, specifically authorizes the initiation of direct current (DC) and very low impedance (VLI) alternating current (AC) HTS power transmission cable systems. "The new Energy Bill authorizes spending of whatever sums are necessary to carry out these HTS cable projects, which are essential for the rapid adoption of HTS power cables to help solve the nation's power grid problems," he said. "In addition to the Energy Bill, the U.S. Senate's increase to the Department of Energy's (DOE) budget for the Superconductivity Program by $5 million for the government fiscal year starting on October 1, 2005, coupled with the DOE's recently announced intent to solicit new superconductor demonstration projects, bodes well for the creation of new sales opportunities for our HTS wire ."

AMSC'S 2G HTS Wire Status, Outlook

Yurek commented that while 1G wire is important to seed the market for HTS applications, AMSC expects second generation (2G) HTS wire to become the principal HTS wire product within the next two to three years. Yesterday, AMSC reported compelling new technical results for its 2G HTS wire technology and substantial advances in the manufacturing scale-up of the Company's 4- centimeter (cm) technology -- a key to commercial success of 2G HTS wire. These results included the introduction of a new three-ply, 4.4-millimeter (mm) wide, 2G HTS wire product now called 344 superconductor wire, electromagnetic coils utilizing this new wire, and the achievement of new record wire performance levels. Details can be found at http://phx.corporate-/ ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=86422&p=irol-newsArticle_Print&ID=739161&highlight= . The Company also reported that it has continued to patent its 2G technologies aggressively, which it views as important with respect to its business growth strategy.

"Our 2G team has made tremendous progress this year -- from the fundamental materials science of the superconductors, which is giving us control of wire performance starting at the atomistic level in the superconductor materials, to rapid scale-up of our 4-cm manufacturing technology -- a key to commercial success of 2G," said Yurek. "AMSC has a clear lead over all competitors in 2G HTS wire worldwide. 2G HTS wire is the future of our Company, and we are confident we have the right business plan and personnel to make this product a sustainable commercial success."

SuperMachines Business Remains on Course for FY06 Profitability

AMSC reported today that its SuperMachines business unit remains on course to be profitable for fiscal 2006. The Company also said it continued its work to secure follow-on Navy development contracts for rotating machines for ship propulsion, and it expects that it will begin at least one of these contracts by the end of fiscal 2006.

AMSC recently announced that the U.S. Navy's prototype 5-megawatt (MW) HTS ship propulsion motor successfully completed load testing and ship mission profile dynamic simulation testing, conducted at the Navy's Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) at Florida State University in Tallahassee. The Navy plans additional specialized testing for the 5-MW motor at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division in Philadelphia.

The cumulative positive test results from the 5-MW motor provide important validation for the current follow-on Navy Program, in which a 36.5-MW (49,000 hp), 120 rpm HTS motor being built by AMSC and Northrop Grumman will be delivered to the Navy by the end of the summer of 2006. Yurek noted that this program is moving ahead as planned and that AMSC expects to ship the rotor subassembly to Northrop Grumman in January 2006.

AMSC's advanced prototype SuperVAR(R) dynamic synchronous condenser continues to undergo rigorous testing in the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) grid in Gallatin, Tenn. having withstood millions of voltage events since it was synchronized with the TVA grid. Shipment of the first of the five commercial SuperVAR machines, which were ordered previously by TVA, is expected in the summer of 2006.

Power Electronic Systems Business Expecting Growth in Orders

AMSC reported that it expects its Power Electronic Systems business unit to close certain D-VAR(R) orders for industrial, wind farm and utility customers within the next several months and that it will achieve year over year revenue and earnings growth this fiscal year.

"We have seen a definite increase in order opportunities from the industrial sector over the last six months ," said Yurek. "This is due in large part to the success of the industrial power quality solution we sold to a major U.S. semiconductor manufacturer last fiscal year. In addition, we expect the passage of the Energy Bill and its related extension of the Production Tax Credit for U.S. wind farms to stimulate a number of opportunities for D-VAR sales. Also, passage of the Bill clearly creates more opportunities for D-VAR and SuperVAR sales to utilities, which we believe will be the biggest growth area for this business in our next fiscal year."

Yurek also noted that the Energy Bill, through its support of wind turbines and fuel cells, provides new sales growth opportunities for the Company's PowerModule(TM) power electronic converters. "Based on the successful incorporation of our PowerModule converters directly in wind turbines, we anticipate that PowerModule converters will be utilized in a growing number of wind turbines going forward," he said. "In addition, every fuel cell requires a power converter and we expect to see new sales of PowerModules to serve this market, which is expected to be stimulated because of the tax subsidies and development funding called for in the Energy Bill."

Geändert von Benjamin (31-08-2005 um 17:20 Uhr)
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Alt 30-06-2005, 12:54   #134
TBB Family
Registriert seit: Mar 2004
Beiträge: 10.373
Medis Technologies
WKN: 501706, Börse: NASDAQ, Marktkapital. 453,52 Mio. USD

- power through proprietary fuel cell technology for portable electronic devices
- cell-based medical diagnostics and research systems

Medis Technologies’ primary focus is on direct liquid fuel cell technology. Its business strategy is to sell its products to end users through retail outlets and service providers. Medis has also developed the CellScan with many potential applications relating to disease diagnostics and chemo sensitivity. Additionally, Medis’ product pipeline includes other technologies, in varying stages of development.

1 Jahr:

3 Monate:
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Alt 30-06-2005, 12:59   #135
letzter welterklärer
Benutzerbild von simplify
Registriert seit: Jul 2002
Ort: Chancenburg, Kreis Aufschwung
Beiträge: 35.725
grosses geld fließt demnächst in den usa in den ausbau von biodiesel u. ethanolanlagen.
bush will milliarden von dollar dafür mobilisieren. durch diese massnahmen sollen schon in wenigen jahren 5% weniger rohöl gekauft werden müssen.

frage wird sein, wer profitiert? ich denke da nicht so sehr an die anlagenbauer, sondern welchen biorohstoff werden die nutzen?

Der ideale Bürger: händefalten, köpfchensenken und immer an Frau Merkel denken
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