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Alt 04-07-2004, 12:41   #1
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Heute in der Analystenbetrachtung der Eas: Lukoil!

Die Mehrzahl der Analysten sieht weiter gute Chancen, der Gewinn dürfte weiter gesteigert werden.
Kurspotential 20 % - Riskant!
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Alt 30-07-2004, 08:11   #2
letzter welterklärer
Benutzerbild von simplify
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die lukoil scheint jetzt den boden gefunden zu haben.
man muss sich bei dieser aktie überlegen, dass die gewinn ab einem ölpreis von ca. 9$ machen
jetzt liegt der ölpreis bei ca. 40$

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Alt 30-07-2004, 11:21   #3
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ABN-Hebelprodukte auf Lukoil, Norilsk, Gazprom, Öl...
ABN emittiert Turbos und Warrants auf Aktien und Rohstoffe
Die Turbos und Optionsscheine weisen folgende Eckdaten auf:

NL0000413102/Brent Crude Oil MINI Short/50/45/US-Dollar/1:1/open end
NL0000413110/Brent Crude Oil MINI Short/54/48,6/US-Dollar/1:1/open end
NL0000413177/DAX MINI Long/3770/3830/Euro/100:1/open end
NL0000413144/EUR/JPY MINI Long/128,00/130,60/Japanischer Yen/1:100/open end
NL0000413151/EUR/JPY MINI Short/140,00/137,20/Japanischer Yen/1:100/open end
NL0000412724/Gazprom Call/35//Euro/10:1/26.01.2006
NL0000412732/Gazprom Call/40//Euro/10:1/26.01.2006
NL0000412757/Lukoil Call/120//Euro/100:1/26.01.2006
NL0000412765/Lukoil Call/130//Euro/100:1/26.01.2006
NL0000412773/Lukoil Put/90//Euro/100:1/26.01.2006
NL0000413169/Norilsk Nickel MINI Long/35,00/40,3/Euro/10:1/open end
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

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Alt 04-08-2004, 14:21   #4
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Russland will verbliebenen Lukoil-Anteil für 1,26 Mrd Dollar verkaufen

MOSKAU (dpa-AFX) - Die russische Regierung will ihren verbleibenden Anteil am Ölkonzern Lukoil von 7,59 Prozent für mindestens 1,26 Milliarden Dollar verkaufen. Der Verkauf der 64,6 Millionen Aktien soll bis Ende nächsten Monats erfolgen, teilte die für die Beteiligungsverwaltung des Staates zuständige Behörde am Mittwoch in Moskau mit.

Daraus würde sich ein Preis von 19,59 Dollar pro Aktie ergeben. Das bedeutet einen Abschlag von 30 Prozent zum Schlusskurs vom Dienstag. Die Lukoil-Aktie verlor am Mittwoch bis 11.30 Uhr 1,3 Prozent auf 26,65 Dollar./hosbo/cs/mw

© dpa - Meldung vom 04.08.2004 12:29 Uhr
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 06-08-2004, 10:43   #5
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LUKoil "buy"
Renaissance Capital

Die Analysten vom Investmenthaus Renaissance Capital stufen die Aktie von LUKoil (ISIN US6778621044/ WKN 899954) unverändert mit "buy" ein und sehen das Kursziel bei 142,4 USD je ADR.

Einem Bericht von Reuters zufolge, habe die Regierung einen Minimumpreis von 1,26 Mrd. USD für den verbliebenen Anteil an LUKoil in Höhe von 7,6% festgesetzt. Die Preisfestsetzung sei jedoch nur eine Formalität gewesen, da sie auf dem Buchwert der Assets basiert habe, der momentan ca. 25% unter dem derzeitigen Aktienkurs rangiere.

ConocoPhilips scheine die größten Chancen zu haben den Anteil zu akquirieren. Die Regierung habe jüngst mitgeteilt, dass ein Verkauf im dritten Quartal erfolge.

Vor diesem Hintergrund bleiben die Analysten von Renaissance Capital für die LUKoil-Aktie bei ihrer Kaufempfehlung.
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 13-08-2004, 11:42   #6
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Friday, August 13, 2004. Page 5.

LUKoil Puts Assets in Financial Group

By Eduard Gismatullin


Leonid Fedun

The decision by LUKoil to unload non-oil assets has helped to set up IFD Kapital, a new group with $3 billion in assets that will sell financial services such as insurance as a six-year economic boom boosts incomes for many of the nation's 145 million people.

LUKoil, which pumps a fifth of Russia's crude, has been selling its banking, brokerage and insurance businesses to cut operating costs and focus on oil extraction. IFD Kapital, which plans to become one of the leaders on the domestic market, is chaired by Leonid Fedun, LUKoil's deputy chief executive.

"LUKoil's former assets have been merged into one company," Fedun said in a telephone interview. "I joined the new structure as in the past I participated in establishing" these former LUKoil units.

LUKoil last year temporarily lost its rank as Russia's biggest oil producer to Yukos, intensifying criticism from investors who were concerned at LUKoil's slower production growth and higher operating costs when compared to competitors. In 2002, LUKoil decided to sell units not involved in oil pumping or marketing to increase annual profit by $500 million as soon as this year.

"If cash goes into the company from assets sales at fair prices, that's positive for investors," said Oleg Maximov, an analyst at Troika Dialog, which has a "buy" recommendation on LUKoil. "It's positive that LUKoil gets rid of noncore assets and is able to control costs and increase production."

IFD Kapital will compete with Uralsib and Alfa Group, which provide a wide range of financial services including insurance, along with some other local financial companies.

The group "will be one of the leading integrated financial groups on the Russian market, offering clients the whole range of services," Boris Krasnyansky, IFD Kapital's chief executive, said in an interview.

IFD Kapital emerged early last year after it took over LUKoil's insurance business. In April 2003 it agreed to buy LUKoil-Reserve-Invest, the oil producer's brokerage, an acquisition that was completed in January of this year, according to the financial group's web site. IFD Kapital also is managing LUKoil-Garant, a pension fund.

In June, LUKoil agreed to sell to IFD Kapital for more than $200 million its majority stake in Bank Petrocommerce, which had at that time $1.7 billion in assets and $260 million of its own capital.

The bank purchase gives "a significant impulse for further development," Krasnyansky said in his Moscow office, which is about two kilometers from the walls of the Kremlin. "This will create a full-scale financial group."

IFD Kapital had $1.2 billion in assets and $560 million of capital as of April 1, according to Krasnyansky. The group's companies reported combined 2003 net income of $240 million.

IFD Kapital is fully owned by close-end mutual fund Strategic Investments, which is managed by Management-Center, Krasnyansky said. IFD Kapital is preparing a consolidated financial report for 2004 under international accounting standards, where it may disclose some beneficiaries, according to the accounting rule requirements. Management-Center has not disclosed the owners of Strategic Investments.

"Owners of the mutual fund have no influence on IFD Kapital," Fedun said, refusing to disclose whether he is a shareholder in the fund. "Management-Center is independent and is not linked to LUKoil managers."

"There is possibly some degree of affiliation between IFD Kapital and LUKoil which they don't want to disclose," said Ivan Mazalov, who manages $550 million in Russian assets at Prosperity Capital Management in Moscow.

Quelle: themoscowtimes
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 18-08-2004, 14:42   #7
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LUKoil announces auction for Arktikneft

RBC, 18.08.2004, Moscow 12:36:48.LUKoil announced terms of the auction for ZAO Arktikneft (Kolguyev, the Nenets Autonomous Region). The oil company will accept bids until October 8, 2004. Investors can request tender documentation until September 3, 2004. LUKoil will announce the winner within two weeks following the bid submission deadline. The company reserves the right to declare the auction null and void without explanation. A bidder offering the highest price for the item sold will be declared the winner.

On August 17, LUKoil's management decided to sell the company's 100 percent stake in ZAO Arktikneft. This was part of the Strategic Development Program through 2013, aimed at production cost reduction, asset optimization and higher investment returns.
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 23-08-2004, 11:23   #8
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Lukoil Management System Is OK

23.08.2004 8:28
LUKOIL Overseas and its subsidiary LUKOIL-Perm have acquired certification on the management system compliance with international standards ISO 14001:1996 (environmental management systems) and OHSAS 18001:1999 (occupational health and safety management systems).

The sphere of certification includes: all kinds of drilling, production, preparation, transportation, transshipment of oil, oil products, natural and associated gas, gas condensate. The certificates are given for 3 years.

A competent international agency Bureau Veritas has completed the certification audit and certification procedure. Next year certification audit is to take place in foreign subsidiary units and affiliates.

Quelle: Neftegaz.ru
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 24-08-2004, 09:59   #9
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004. Page 6.

Mysterious Buyer Eyes LUKoil Sale

The Moscow Times The state's 7.59 percent stake in LUKoil, slated for sale this fall, appears to have a new potential buyer.

David Guggenheim, a U.S. businessman, has approached the government expressing an interest to purchase the stake, Vedomosti reported Monday.

The stake is due to be sold before the end of next month, although the government has yet to make a formal announcement of the auction and the starting price, which could well exceed $2 billion.

ConocoPhillips has been widely seen as a favorite to acquire the last chunk of LUKoil still owned by the state.

The Federal Property Agency, LUKoil and ConocoPhillips all declined to comment on the newspaper report.

Guggenheim could not be found Monday. Vedomosti reported that Guggenheim may be related to the famous art patron family.

But a spokeswoman for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, which also handles the Guggenheim family's public relations, said Monday that David Guggenheim was not a member of the family.

Lyudmila Grossman, who introduced herself as a representative of David Guggenheim, confirmed in a telephone interview that he is interested in the stake. Guggenheim is a prominent investor who avoids the limelight and has not invested in Russia before, she said.

Grossman declined to name other investments by David Guggenheim.

"We will go public about our intentions, but not now," she said.

According to Vedomosti, a number of government bodies, including the Economic Development and Trade Ministry and the Industry and Energy Ministry, received letters from Guggenheim offering to buy the stake in LUKoil.
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 26-08-2004, 10:23   #10
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Lukoil Overseas eröffnete Büro in Teheran zur Koordinierung geologischen Projekts im Westen Irans

Die Gesellschaft Lukoil Overseas Anaran Ltd, Tochtergesellschaft der russischen Ölgesellschaft Lukoil, hat jetzt ein Büro in Teheran eröffnet. Das Hauptziel des Büros wird in der Koordinierung der geologischen Schürfarbeiten im Rahmen des Anaran-Projekts im Westen Irans bestehen.

Das Projekt wird gemeinsam von der norwegischen Gesellschaft Norsk Hydro (75 Prozent) und Lukoil Overseas (25 Prozent) realisiert. Der Vertrag über die Aufnahme von Lukoil Overseas ins Projekt wurde am 14. Februar 2003 unterzeichnet. Nach der Billigung des Vertrags durch die Nationale Iranische Ölgesellschaft (NIOC) am 26. September 2003 trat dieser in Kraft.

Es handelt sich um Ölressourcen, die auf rund 900 Millionen Barrel geschätzt werden. Derzeit wird die erste Erkundungsbohrung niedergebracht. Als Auftraggeber agiert NIOC. (RIA)


"Vedomosti": Preis für Lukoil-Regierungsanteil bei 1,928 Mrd USD

MOSKAU (Dow Jones-VWD)--Die russische Regierung wird einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge den Anfangspreis für einen Verkauf des verbleibenden 7,59-prozentigen Anteils an der OAO Lukoil mit 1,928 Mrd USD festlegen. Dies berichtet die Zeitung "Vedomosti" am Donnerstag unter Berufung auf Regierungskreise. Die Summe bedeute einen Preis von 29,80 USD je Aktie, was einem Aufschlag von 6% auf den Schlusskurs von Lukoil vom Mittwoch entspreche. Als Favorit für den Anteilserwerb werde die ConocoPhillips Inc gesehen.
Dow Jones Newswires/11/26.8.2004/chr/mi

26.08.2004, 10:14
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 27-08-2004, 14:52   #11
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ConocoPhillips seen eyeing 25% of Lukoil

By CBS MarketWatch
Last Update: 7:02 AM ET Aug. 27, 2004

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- ConocoPhillips is viewed as most likely to place the highest bid for a 7.6 percent stake in Russian oil giant Lukoil, according to a published report.

The Russian government set a starting price of $1.93 billion for its remaining interest in Lukoil, the Wall Street Journal reported. The stake goes up for auction next month.

Houston-based ConocoPhillips (COP: news, chart, profile) has been negotiating with Lukoil for more than a year over buying the stake in Russia's largest oil company as part of a broader deal, the Journal said, citing people close to the situation.

In June, the Financial Times reported that ConocoPhillips was in talks to acquire a 25 percent stake in Lukoil for $5.75 billion.

On Friday, Reuters also pointed out ConocoPhillips' plans for a larger stake, citing an industry source familiar with the matter.

The source said Conoco was looking to buy extra Lukoil shares on the market after the government disposes of the 7.6 percent stake during the auction, scheduled for Sept. 29, according to Reuters.

Attention on Lukoil has sharpened as a result of the recent spike in prices for crude oil, not to mention the tax problems and fraud allegations that continue to swirl around another major Russian oil company, Yukos.

James Mulva, the CEO of ConocoPhillips, and his Lukoil counterpart, Vagit Alekperov, met last month with Russian President Vladimir Putin and emerged with the Kremlin's support, according to the Journal.

The head of Russia's Federal Property Fund, Kirill Tomashchuk, said ConocoPhillips had expressed a firm intention to bid, as had U.S. investor David Guggenheim, according to the Journal.

In January, ConocoPhillips sold 795 retail outlets in New Jersey and Pennsylvania to Lukoil for $266 million. Some 2,000 of Lukoil's 4,700 service stations are in the United States, primarily the Northeast.

The 7.6 percent stake would be part of a broader deal under which ConocoPhillips and Lukoil would form a 50-50 joint venture to develop oil reserves in Russia's northwest region, the Journal reported, citing people familiar with the situation.

Lukoil would primarily contribute assets, such as development licenses, according to the Journal, while ConocoPhillips' share would be mostly financial. ConocoPhillips also has negotiated special protections for its rights as a minority shareholder in Lukoil and could add to its stake in the future, the Journal said.

The auction starting price values Lukoil at $29.83 a share, the Journal reported, and bidders would have to pay a deposit of $15 million to participate.

Shares of ConocoPhillips ended Thursday's session at $72.70, up 64 cents.
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 30-08-2004, 13:17   #12
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Russland eröffnet Bieterverfahren für Lukoil-Beteiligung


Russland hat am Montag das Bieterverfahren für den im Staatsbesitz verbliebenen Anteil von 7,6 Prozent am Ölkonzern Lukoil eröffnet. Die staatliche Vermögensverwaltung gab in einer Anzeige in der Wirtschaftszeitung "Wedemosti" bekannt, Gebote könnten bis zum 27. September eingereicht werden. Die Zuteilung wird demnach für den 29. September angestrebt.

Experten schätzen den Wert der Beteiligung auf annähernd zwei Mrd. Dollar. Im Erfolgsfall wäre dies die größte Privatisierung in Russland. Als wahrscheinlichster Käufer des Lukoil-Anteils gilt der drittgrößte US-Ölkonzern ConocoPhillips. Als möglicher Mitbieter wird auch die in New York ansässige Firma Dabir Investments von David Guggenheim gehandelt.

Reuters hatte am Freitag aus Branchenkreisen erfahren, Conoco wolle nach der Auktion seinen Anteil an Lukoil auf bis zu 25 Prozent erhöhen, was es dem US-Unternehmen ermöglichen würde, Milliarden von Barrel an Rohölreserven in seine Bücher aufzunehmen.

"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 31-08-2004, 21:58   #13
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LUKoil "buy"
ATON Capital Group

Die Analysten von ATON Capital Group stufen die Aktie von LUKoil (ISIN US6778621044/ WKN 899954) unverändert mit "buy" ein und bestätigen das Kursziel von 146,4 USD je ADR.

ConocoPhilips plane den Anteil an LUKoil nach dem Kauf des 7,6%igen Anteils der Regierung auf 20% zu erhöhen. Der Schritt würde es ConocoPhilips erlauben einen Teil der LUKoil-Gewinne in der konsolidierten Bilanz zu verbuchen und die Öl- und Gasreserven um mehr als 50% zu erhöhen. Zudem könnte das Unternehmen interessiert sein weitere 5% zu erwerben, womit der Status einer Sperrminorität erreicht würde.

Ein Teil der Aktien könnten vom LUKoil-Management bezogen werden. Dieses habe jedoch bestätigt nicht daran interessiert zu sein die Beteiligung zu verringern. Insofern könnte ConocoPhilips gezwungen sein am Mark zu kaufen, was den Aktienkurs extrem unterstützen würde.

Die Nachricht von dem Interesse an einer größeren Beteiligung sei klar positiv, obwohl schon bereits damit gerechnet worden sei, dass der 7,6%ige Anteil an LUKoil ConcoPhilips nicht reichen werde. Zudem sei dies ein wichtiger Vertrauensbeweis für den Markt, dass ausländische Unternehmen trotz der Yukos-Krise an russischen Öl- und Gasunternehmen Interesse haben.

Vor diesem Hintergrund bekräftigen die Analysten von ATON Capital Group ihre Empfehlung die LUKoil-Aktie zu kaufen.

Quelle: aktiencheck
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Alt 03-09-2004, 16:48   #14
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The OAO LUKOIL Board of Directors meeting took place today in Moscow to sum-up the results of the Company’s operating activities for the first half of 2004.

For the first 6 months of 2004 the reserves increase amounted to more than 60 million toe. Three oil fields, one gas condensate field together with five oil deposits at previously discovered properties have been discovered on the Russian territory as a result of the geological research. The Company actively continued to expand its resource base outside Russia. It allowed to double international resource base of the Group up to 680 million toe.

Crude oil output of the LUKOIL Group, including its interests in PSA projects, totaled 42.31 million tons, including those in Russia – 40.69 million tons (including the Group’s share of production by affiliates), which is 8.9 % up against production level in the first half of 2003. Total gas production exceeded 3.1 billion m³ - 12.9% up compared to the same period of the previous year. Compared to the first half of 2003 the Company managed to increase its average daily production of crude by 6.6%, its average well yield – by 12.8% and to reduce water cut by 0.9 %.

Throughput at Company’s refineries in the reporting period totaled 21.1 million tons, including 17.4 million tons processed at domestic refineries and 3.7 million tons processed at Company’s refineries abroad. Total amount of refined products rose by 2.9% in comparison with the first half of 2003. LUKOIL share in overall oil refining in Russia reached 19.3%. It represents a 0.6% increase in comparison with the same period of the previous year. The Company provided an optimum utilization of Russian refining capacities to ensure regular supplies of oil products to Russian consumers. The Company’s petrochemical plants processed 1.1 million tons of pyrolysis crude which is 13% more than had been planned.

During the first half of the current year gas processing plants of the Company refined 1.3 million tons of natural gas which is 7% more than had been planned.

The export share in overall oil supplies exceeded 50% and the export volumes increased by 21% compared to the first half of 2003.

Over the reporting period 7.4 million tons of oil products were supplied to the domestic market through the Russian oil product suppliers (0.4 million tons more compared to the first half of 2003). LUKOIL sold 3.5 million tons of oil products at the international market.

The Board of Directors also discussed the issue of proven and partially discovered oil and gas reserves of the Company. LUKOIL occupies a leading position among the largest Russian and international companies in terms of recoverable reserves under Russian classification and in terms of proven hydrocarbon reserves according to international classification.

The Company makes considerable investments in geological exploration of the new regions in Russia, which provide an alternative to the old ones, where the resource base has been considerably exhausted.

The new regions such as the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea and Nenets and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Districts possessing rich hydrocarbon potential have recently expanded the geography of the Company’s activity.

The Company discovered a new oil bearing area in the Caspian region. Within extremely short time LUKOIL has carried out a large amount of exploration work. The results thereof confirmed high perspectives of the Russian Caspian sector and also ensured discovery of 5 large, high-yield oil and gas fields. The Company’s activity in Timan-Pechora oil-bearing province resulted in discovery of new reserves and start-up of the commercial development in this region.

The results of geological exploration for the last 3 years allow to say that LUKOIL actually solves overall federal issues in terms of the country’s resources recovery, strengthening of fuel and energy sector and Russia’s economy development. The Company’s share in Russia’s overall oil reserves growth in terms of geological exploration reached approximately 20%.

When assessing the Company’s reserves it is crucial to confirm that they are well explored and have economic significance and value according to international standards. That is essential due to the changes in the Russian Mining Law and the fact that the Company is listed at international stock exchanges.

Therefore in 1995 LUKOIL was the first one among Russian companies to start an independent audit of reserves according to international standards. All the reserves audit procedures, carried out by “Miller & Lents” according to international standards and in compliance with SPE demands confirmed evaluation of Company’s oil and gas reserves. Total proven, probable and possible reserves practically correspond to the volume of reserves as per Russian classification ABC1+C2. It proves the fact that Russian and international methods of geological reserves calculation are similar.

Since 1998 oil and gas reserves calculations and all the operational documents for field development are based on 3-D models. Modern 3-D simulation technology used by the Company in geology and field development allows to evaluate its feedstock and to obtain highly reliable data. As far as the exploration activity continues and the new technology is being applied, oil recovery will be enhanced and all the commercial hydrocarbon reserves of ABC1-type will be moved to the proven reserves category.

This information is based on preliminary production data, which may be adjusted and corrected during preparation of LUKOIL financial accounts for the first half of 2004. So there may be divergences from production statistics, which will be published together with the financial accounts.
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 06-09-2004, 19:16   #15
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LUKOIL verkauft LUKOIL-Bureniye für 130 Mio USD

MOSKAU (Dow Jones-VWD)--Die OAO LUKOIL, Moskau, verkauft ihre Tochter LUKOIL-Bureniye für 130 Mio USD an die Eurasia Drilling Co. Sie habe von den potenziellen Käufern die besten Bedingungen geboten, teilte LUKOIL am Montag mit.
(ENDE) Dow Jones Newswires/12/6.9.2004/mi/jhe

06.09.2004, 15:10
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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