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Alt 06-11-2009, 13:17   #31
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Batterien als Speicher— Autos werden Teil des Stromnetzes: http://www.wdr.de/themen/wissen/1/en...ag.php?l=3&b=6

inductive charging: http://www.youtube.com/results?searc...rch_type=&aq=f


IPT® Charge For Electric Vehicles: http://www.wampfler.de/index.asp?lang=D

pure electric bus
The first pure electric low-floor city bus in Asia, built in Taiwan.
Top speed 105km/hr, travel range 350km, full recharge in 1 hour, carries 70+ people.

China: Electric Bus in Dalian,
Dalian first in the world to introduce true environmental friendly electric bus.

Ein Bus mit about 20 passengers hat mit about 75 kW schon etwas Mühe bei einem sanften Hügel:

Kaist Electric Bus: An electric bus powered via wireless connections is unveiled at a showcase at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in Daejeon on August 13. Underground electric lines supply electricity for the bus.
...that provides power on the go through induction strips laid into the roadway.
"Why not have power transmitted on the ground and pick it up without using mechanical contact?" he said in an interview in his office overlooking the staging grounds for the university's electric cars.

KAIST's "online" vehicles pick up power from trips, or inverters, xembedded into the road rather than transmitted through rails or overhead wires. A small battery, one-fifth the size of the bulky batteries typically used, would give the vehicle enough power for another 50 miles (80 kilometers), said Cho Dong-ho, the scientist in charge of the project.
Online buses are running at the KAIST campus and will begin test runs soon on the resort island of Jeju.
Electric cars run between 40 and 120 miles (60 to 200 kilometers) on one charge, and it takes anywhere from two to seven hours to fully recharge, said Christian Mueller of the IHS Global Insight consulting firm.http://www.ihsglobalinsight.com/
The plan, still in the experimental stage, calls for placing power strips about 20 cm (8 inches) to 90 cm (35 inches) wide and perhaps several hundred meters long built into the top of roads.

Vehicles with sensor-driven magnetic devices on their underside can suck up energy as they travel over the strips without coming into direct contact.

"If we place these strips on about 10 percent of roadways in a city, we could power electric vehicles," said Cho Dong-ho, the manager of the "online electric vehicle" plan at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

The system so far has proven safe to humans and machinery, Cho said.

The cost of installing the system is an estimated 400 million won ($318,000) per kilometer of road. Electricity is extra.


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Alt 08-12-2009, 21:08   #32
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Neue Busringlinie "CityCirkel" in Kopenhagen mit Elektrobussen
August 20 2009

CityCirkel - Ringroute in der Innenstadt mit gelben Elektro-Kleinbussen als öffentliches Transportmittel ( neuen Linie 11 ).
  • 240 Kilometer Reichweite mit einer Batterieladung, Batterien werden über Nacht geladen
  • der E-Bus emittiert in 24 Stunden 285 Gramm Kohlendioxid, ein gewöhnlicher Bus hingegen 1,8 Kilo pro Kilometer
  • verkehren im Kreis im Sieben-Minuten-Takt rund um die City Kopenhagens, verbinden praktisch alle Attraktionen der Stadt miteinander
  • Rund einstündige Fahrt/Kreis
  • verkehrt alle 7 Minuten, Monday-Friday: 9 am – 8 pm, Saturdays: 10 am – 4 pm, Sundays and public holidays: 11 am – 3 pm
  • can be hailed whenever one passes by if there are green dots on the the curb.
    On streets with heavy traffic they also use regular bus stops. You use the same tickets as all other public buses and trains.
  • binden die Altstadt an das übrige Nahverkehrsnetz der Stadt an.
  • Die Stadtverwaltung hat rechtzeitig vor dem Klimagipfel (7. bis 18. Dezember 2009) 25 neue Dienstfahrzeuge mit Batteriebetrieb in Betrieb genommen.
  • Es gelten derzeit die üblichen Tickets des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs in Kopenhagen
Weitere Information und Fahrplan unter www.citycirkel.dk/en (Englisch).

Weitere Kopenhagen-Information:
Wonderful Copenhagen, Gammel Kongevej 1, DK-1577 Kopenhagen V, Tel. 0045-3325 7400, http://www.visitcopenhagen.de.

Quelle: http://www.visitdenmark.com/tyskland...mid=73660&jb=0


Start - Modell-Elektrobus wird in Stuttgart vorgestellt

Kurz vor dem Start eines Modellprojekts im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr in Stuttgart wird heute (26. November, 13.00 Uhr) ein Hybrid-Elektrobus vorgestellt. Stuttgart wird dabei eine von acht Modellregionen in Deutschland sein, wie der Hersteller des Fahrzeugs, Daimler, mitteilte. Bei dem Linienbus handelt es sich den Angaben zufolge um eine «neue Fahrzeuggeneration für elektrisches Fahren im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr».
Quelle: http://www.ad-hoc-news.de/start-mode...oerse/20742521

Elektrobus Strom fließt ohne Kabel

Quelle: http://www.wiwo.de/unternehmen-maerk...-kabel-363991/

Ähnlicher Elektobus-Einsatz: http://www.innovations-report.de/htm...cht-46653.html

Movia: http://www.moviatrafik.dk/Service/ku...ndecenter.aspx
Contact Movia Kundecenter on tel. 36 13 14 15 for further details.
Trafikselskabet Movia
Gammel Køge Landevej 3
DK - 2500 Valby
Tel. 0045-36 - 13 14 00 / fax: 36 13 20 97
Vorwahl: 0045-26-

Copenhagen electric bus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU_cNsooi2c

Copenhagen has got a new bus line. The little electric bus drives through the historical parts of the city. It is a cirkel linje, so the little bus goes the same way aruond the City all day....

Geändert von Benjamin (14-02-2016 um 21:31 Uhr)
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Alt 08-12-2009, 21:53   #33
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Ein Besuch bei Akku-Hersteller Litec


Mit demElektrobus von Stadt zu Stadt
Frankfurt und Offenbach testen Umstieg auf umweltfreundliches Verkehrsmittel
Mittwoch, 5. August 2009

Auszug: "Elektrobusse, meist nur umgerüstete und keine Serienfahrzeuge,
sind europaweit selbst auf Leasingbasis Mangelware."
Quelle: http://www.offenbach.de/stepone/data...mobilitaet.pdf

Elektrobus-Veranstaltung: http://www.trolleymotion.com/common/...elektrobus.pdf

Geändert von Benjamin (08-12-2009 um 22:09 Uhr)
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Alt 10-01-2010, 08:09   #34
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Kopenhagen will 2025 kohlendioxidneutral sein
Der Plan sieht Elektrobusse und Fernwärme vor

Die dänische Hauptstadt Kopenhagen will bis 2025 kohlendioxidneutral sein. Wie Behördenvertreter im März 2009 mitteilten, will die Stadt ihren Kohlendioxidausstoß bis 2015 um ein Fünftel verringern.
Elektrobus-Abschnitt beginnt nach ziemlich genau nach den ersten 3 Minuten des Videos


Von Thomas Klämt
Ilmenau hat zwar eigene Klimaprojekte, profitiert aber nicht vom Klimabündnis
Zitat daraus:
"Auch in Ilmenau herrscht oft die Meinung vor, es gäbe technisch keine ausgereiften Projekte, um mehr zu bewegen. Zwar hat die Stadt einige wenige Gasfahrzeuge beschafft, eine Umstellung der kompletten Flotte jedoch ist nicht in Sicht. Noch rollen hier im Nahverkehr auch Busse, die mit herkömmlichen Verbrennungsmotoren laufen. Dass es längst auch mit Elektrobussen ginge, zweifelte OB Seeber gestern fast an. Da müsse die Entwicklung erst einmal abgewartet werden, meinte er. Zudem ist die Stadt ja auch nicht zuständig für den Nahverkehr, der Kreis regelt´s. Würde die Einführung von E-Bussen in Erwägung gezogen, "würden wir das unterstützen", lässt sich der OB immerhin entlocken. Und es gibt tatsächlich Elektro-Busse, die nicht mit altherkömmlichen O-Bus-Schleifen gespeist werden, sondern 240 Kilometer Reichweite mit einer Batterieladung erreichen. Kopenhagen macht es vor und hat die Fahrzeuge bereits im Einsatz mit immensen Einsparungen an Kohlendioxid, wie die 3-Sat-Sendung nano diese Woche aufdeckte. Demnach produziere der E-Bus in 24 Stunden 285 Gramm Kohlendioxid, ein gewöhnlicher Bus hingegen 1,8 Kilo pro Kilometer. Doch Kopenhagen will noch mehr - bis 2025 klimaneutral sein und seinen CO2-Ausstoß bis 2015 um ein Fünftel verringern. Ein Klimaplan soll in 50 Schritten dorthin führen. So wird das Fernwärmesystem ausgebaut und eine Anschlussverpflichtung eingeführt. Strom kommt aus Offshore-Anlagen vor der Haustür.

Riesige Windparks hat Thüringens Ilmenau zwar nicht vor der Tür, der Möglichkeiten gibt es aber auch hier weit mehr, als bisher genutzt werden. Ausbau der Radwege - warum nicht mit Stromladestationen für motorunterstützte Elektroräder (?) - oder Ampelschaltungen, die eine Grüne Welle durch die Hauptverkehrsader der Stadt bieten,..."
Quelle: http://www.freies-wort.de/nachrichte...rt2447,1079044

Geändert von Benjamin (10-01-2010 um 08:38 Uhr)
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Alt 25-02-2010, 16:03   #35
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Batteriewechselstation von E-Bussen in China:

Wurzel(3) = 1,44224957 (=3^(1/3) )

"Ladung an der Bushaltestelle":
china Shanghai bus powered by electricity, stop and charging
China Shanghai city, the experiment bus powered by super capacity (like battery), stop at bus station and left the bow to charge the super capacity battery, this battery charge very fast but only can run maybe 1~2km and need recharge again. The bow only lift in bus station.

Ebenso "Ladung an der Bushaltestelle":

Electric bus charging station www.linktransit.com

Bus Charging Station in Shanghai
Shanghai Caoxi electric vehicle charging station
Located in Xuhui District, the electric vehicle station is about 400 square meters, there are nine charging stations, including four roadside charging stations. Compared with conventional gas station, the charging station is smaller and flexible in layout.
And the biggest difference with gas station is that the charging station is self-service. After connecting electric cable and inserting intelligent card, cab owner can choose any charging volume by “Auto Charge”, “By Time” and “By Volume”. In addition, cab owner can reserve charging time.
Currently, Caoxi Electric Charging Station is just for electric buses, electricity engineering vehicles etc electric vehicles, and there are still some time to be available by social vehicles.

Die Effektivwerte der Spannungen zwischen den Außenleitern sind um den Verkettungsfaktor √ 3 (≈ 1,732) größer als die der Spannungen zwischen den Außenleitern und dem Neutralleiter. Entsprechend größer ist bei gleichem Strom die Leistung.
Drehstrom hat drei Phasen (Außenleiter)und einen gemeinsamen Mittelpunktsleiter.
Jetzt darf man aber zur Leistungsbetrachtung diese drei Phasen NICHT einzeln betrachten, da Ströme auch (besser gesagt: vor allem) zwischen den Phasen fließen. Der Mittelpunktsleiter nimmt nur die Restströme auf, die durch asymmetrische Belastung entstehen.
Deshalb rechnet man NICHT 3(Phasen)*U*I sondern Wurzel3*U*I
(...) Was man wirklich an maximaler Leistung aus einer Drehstromsteckdose herausholen kann, hängt vom Verbraucher ab.
Bei einer ohmschen Last (drei gleiche Widerstände zwischen den Phasen) gibt es theoretisch keine Phasenverschiebung. Dann kannst Du den CosPhi weglassen, es gilt also als MAXIMALWERT 400V*16A*Wurzel3
Beispiel: Durchlauferhitzer
Ampere---Max KW
128---887 Durchmesser wohl etwas über 1,5 cm

Sobald aber als Last Spulen oder Kondensatoren, oder wie bei einer anderen Antwort Motoren vorliegen, wird es komplizierter.
(....) Lassen wir mal den CosPhi weg, bzw = 1.
jede Phase hat U=230V, untereinander haben sie U=Wurzel(3)*230V=400V.
Du kannst nun auf 2 Arten rechnen:
P= 3*U*I = 3*230V*I (mit U = 230V)
P= U*I*Verkettungsfaktor (mit U = 400V=230*Wurzel(3))
= Wurzel(3)*230V*I*Wurzel(3)
Das beide Formeln das gleiche ergeben ist denke ich einleuchtend.

Dreiphasiger Drehstrom mit 3 x 400 V: drei Leitungen (P = 400V x 289A x 1,73 = 200 KW) 289 A in jedem Kabel
Pro A braucht man ca. 1 mm² Kabelquerschnitt , also ein 35 oder 50 mm² Kabel. Ein Kabel mit 3 x 50 mm² Kupfer hat ein Gewicht von 1,35 Kg / m ohne Isolierung, mit Isolierung (+ 3 x ca. 70 mm² Plastik) von max. 2 Kg / m, wäre also auch nicht unbedingt unhandlicher als ein gewöhnlicher Tankschlauch.
Wenn du einen in einen Speicher sagen wir mal 20KWh (2 Liter Sprit) in 6 Minuten nachladen willst, dann brauchst du ohne Verluste 200KW dafür. Wenn jetzt zwei Leute gleichzeitig tanken wollen, sind es schon 0,4MW.
Die dafür erforderliche Infrastruktur ist nicht billig, das "Tanken" bei diesen Leistungen schon recht gefährlich.Eine "Tanke" mit den Benzin und Dieseltanks allerdings auch nicht ganz ohne.
Stromstärken von einigen 100 A, ist das wirklich so ein Problem? Also jedes Elektroschweissgerät kommt bei zwar geringerer Spannung in die gleiche Größenordnung.
Die E-Installation für die Tankstelle kann nicht das Problem sein. Jede bessere Großbaustelle zieht mehr Strom.
Das Problem ist der Umgang mit den Ampère. Wenn's da mal funkt, ...
Aber: für die Gefährlichkeit ist ab einem gewissen Stromstärkenschwellenwert allein die Spannung verantwortlich. (Und die Frage, ob Gleichstrom, Wechselstrom, Hochfrequenzwechselstrom.)
der Rest ist doch wohl technisch machbar, also z.B. stromlos anschließen (-stöpseln), dann mit kleinem Prüfstrom oder so checken, ob alles stimmt, dann per Relais oder wie auch immer die mehrere Hundert Ampere aufschalten.
Zum anderen Kostet eine Leistungselektronik mit 200kW auch richtig Geld.
Im Gegensatz dazu kosten die 20 kWh die man rein laden will heut ca. 4€.
Wo soll da der Gewinn für die Tankstellen sein?
Und wenn die Tankstellen zu teuer sind, dann wird jeder der nur kann langsam zu Hause laden...
Keine Chance, das sich solche Invetionen für die Betreiber rechnen.
Und nenn mir bitte einen zugänglichen Ort, an dem du eine Starkstromdose findest, wo jede Phase mit 125 A abgesichert ist?
Nur für die, die davon garkeine Ahnung haben ein Beispiel: die Zuleitung zu unserem Grundstück (inclusive mächtigem Maschinenpark) ist mit je 64 A je Phase abgesichert... Eine Tankstelle verfügt mit Sicherheit nicht über stärkere Leitungen, denn so ein Anschluss reicht auch Locker für einen kleineren Mittelständischen Betrieb in der Metallverarbeitung...
Mal ganz von den Problemen der Ladetechnik abgesehen.
ein 1 kW Lader mit ca. 8 kg gefunden. Was soll dann bitte ein 200 kW Lader wiegen?
Also normal geht Laden mit 230 Volt, 16 A, Leistung 3,7 KW.
Über CEE 400 V 63 A Drehstrom kann ich durch Kombination der Leiter mit dem Nullleiter ebenfalls (3 x) 230 V, bekommen, allerdings mit bis zu 3 x 63 A, Leistung insgesamt 43,5 KW.
63A bzw. 125A Drehstrom: Allein aufgrund des Gewichtes der Zuleitungen sieht's bestimmt mehr als lustig aus, wenn eine schmächtige Dame versucht den Stecker an ihrem Auto anzuschließen. Von der Gefahr eines Lichtbogens bei Fehlbedienung wie z.B. nicht ausreichendes warten nach Abschluss des Ladevorgangs ganz zu schweigen.
eine CEE Steckdose für mein Schweissgerät in den Keller legen lassen. Gewöhnt man sich, an die etwas unhandlichen Stecker. [Habe sogar damals mein Schweissgerät mit Gleichrichtern nachgerüstet, weil sich manches dann etwas besser verschweissen lässt, auch an die (sekundärseitigen) 200A gewöhnt man sich ziemlich schnell.]

Aber alles neue mit Strom erscheint erstmal gefährlich und flösst Respekt ein. Muss man halt wie bei vielen etwas aufpassen. Und das Ganze sollte schlauerweise nicht unter Last angeschlossen werden, dürfte klar sein. Und ob das Ganze mit 16A oder 63A (125A) abgesichert ist ist für die Gefährlichkeit nahezu egal.
Trotzdem werden schätzungsweise auch bei Einsatz solcher Kabel die meisten Unfälle auch zukünftig auf der Strasse und nicht auf der Tankstelle stattfinden.
Und konventionelle Tankschläuche und Ergas-300bar-Druck-Tankschläuche sind auch was anderes als USB-Kabel.
Die Cee-Stecker sind in den größeren Kalibern schon in sauberem Zustand nix für schmächtige Personen. Sollten mal ein paar Sandkörner dazu kommen, oder gar eine leichte Verformung, dann brauchts auch bei den kleineren Dimensionen schon kräftige Personen.
Wer mal versucht hat nur 63 A Stecker mit v.g. leichten Erschwernissen auseinander zu ziehen, kann sich das dann mal einem Leichtbau-Fahrzeug vorstellen.
Ich hab garantiert nix gegen Elektro-Autos und neue oder auch bekannte Techniken, aber die müssen auch in allen Fällen in der Praxis einwandfrei funktionieren. Das tuts, nach meinen Erfahrungen, halt bei den Cee-Stecken nicht.

Kabellieferant: http://www.lappkabel.de/

CEE-Verlängerungen H07RN-F 5G 35,0mm², 125A
Hochwertige “Drehstrom“ Verlängerung aus schwerer-Gummischlauchleitung, für die ständige Verwendung im Außenbereich.
Aus deutscher Qualitätsproduktion. Eigenschaften:
•Mennekes CEE-Stecker (125A) und Mennekes Kupplung mit Deckel, 400 V, Schutzart IP 44
•nach DIN EN 60529 (fremdkörper- und spritzwassergeschützt)
•für ständige Verwendung im Außenbereich
•Natur- oder Synthetik-Kautschuk-Isolierhülle Mantel aus Neopren
5 Meter Länge, 366,29 EURincl. 19 % USt
125A Kabel hat 5x35mm² Einzelkabel (=mehr als 175 mm², Durchmesser über 14,93 mm) , Typ H07RNF
Durchmesser= ca. 1,1284 * Wurzel aus der Fläche
mm Fläche----mm Durchmesser


The first pure electric low-floor city bus in Asia, built in Taiwan. Top speed 105km/hr, travel range 350km, full recharge in 1 hour, carries 70+ people.

Geändert von Benjamin (14-02-2016 um 21:32 Uhr)
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Alt 21-03-2010, 16:03   #36
TBB Family
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Die Chinesen machen bereits erste Erfahrungen mit Ladestationen für öffentliche Busse:

Jiangsu to Build up 13 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Feng Jun, the general manager of Jiangsu Power Company indicated that Jiangsu would build up 13 charging station and 500 charging points (370 points in company business areas, 65 points in city residence community, 65 points in public buildings) in 2010 after the successful test operation of electric buses and charging stations.

On 30 January 2010, 3 "You One" charging buses officially drive in Nanjing and Nanjing Maigao Qiao charging station, the first electrical vehicle charging station was started.

According to Huang Xueliang, the dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering of Southeast University, the new energy electric vehicle, electromobile and buses comply with the development of low carbon economy and the saving of the non-renewable energy resources. It is initially calculated that the charging cost and fuel fees is 1:3 to 1:5 in the same driving distance. Once the industry standard is confirmed, the charging stations can be changed for the charging of the electromobile and electric vehicles.

Beijing is going to establish a batch of electric charging stations for city buses, coaches and cleaners etc pure electric vehicles. Currently, there are fifty pure electric city buses running in Beijing, and test charging stations are also started to use, and one of the charging stations is just a few hundred meters north to Jianxiang Bridge.

Right now there are two models of charging stations.
  • One is like fueling gas, that is, the pure electric vehicles will be charged by professional charging machines, and the shortcoming is that vehicles have to wait for a long time;
  • another model is to replace the batteries in the stations, and it means there must be lots of batteries reserved in the charging stations.
And small pure electric rental car fleets are going to establish within the fifth ring in Beijing. And special charging stations will be set up for them.
Since land-value within Beijing is comparatively high, it’s not possible to build lots of electric charging stations in Beijing. So some gas stations may need changes to add electric charging facilities.

State Grid to Builds Electric Auto Charging Stations in 27 Cities
(...) When interviewed by related media, person in charge of communications of State Grid said that investment for a charging station is small and there are no major obstacles in technology. State grid has viewed the development trend of low-carbon of future energy usage, and they want to occupy the markets with their advantages of electrified wire netting.
And journalist was told that State Grid will start building charging stations in 27 domestic cities by the end of December, 2010. And each charging station needs investment of 3,000,000 yuan (439,000 USD).
1 EURO kostet 9,24 Yuan (Chinesischer) Renminbi.
3 Mio. Yuan = ca. 325'000 Euro.

Betriebsumfang einer charging station:
There are 30 charging equipments and one large alternator on the charging station. And the professional technicians work here to make sure the smooth operation of the equipments.

Politische Randbedungungen + Einbeziehung der Stromversorger:
Tianjin Power Company of State Grid that Tianjin will launch a batch of new acts to construct intelligent grid and to facilitate citizens to buy electricity on January 25, 2010. And five charging stations with one hundred side terminals will be finished this year to meet needs of electric city buses and small electric sedans.
The five charging stations are distributed among Central Eco-town and Huaming Town etc demonstration towns to coordinate future new energy and environmentally friendly public transportations. And charging stations are composed of AC/DC charging stations as well as public transport charging stations which can serve medium buses, special vehicles, small sedans and city buses.

Currently new energy auto is rather hot; Grid giants are constructing charging stations across China and all related circles of new energy auto is working to the wave. And government is trying to give more subsidies to new energy auto purchase. As supported by Financial Department and Public Works, many policies supporting new energy auto is ready to launch. http://www.chinabuses.org/news/2010/...icle_2854.html

Located in Xuhui District, the electric vehicle station is about 400 square meters, there are nine charging stations, including four including four roadside charging stations. Compared with conventional gas station, the charging station is smaller and flexible in layout.
And the biggest difference with gas station is that the charging station is self-service. After connecting electric cable and inserting intelligent card, cab owner can choose any charging volume by “Auto Charge”, “By Time” and “By Volume”. In addition, cab owner can reserve charging time.
Currently, Caoxi Electric Charging Station is just for electric buses, electricity engineering vehicles etc electric vehicles, and there are still some time to be available by social vehicles.

Preisbeispiel eines electric Bus: 2010-02-02
12-meter Länge
38 seats
passenger capacity of 77 people.
Ladezeit: 3 hours in charging
Reichweite: 150 kilometers
Geschwindigkeit: 85 kilometers per hour.
Bus-Preis: around 234,400 USD, the forth times than that of the ordinary buses.
Leistungselektronik (inkl. Batterie???) The relevant charging equipments take over 586,000 USD.

Preisvergleich Elektischer Bus vs. Dieselbus:
2010-01-05 http://www.chinabuses.org/news/2010/...icle_2743.html
It is understood that the electric buses with lithium iron phosphate battery cost 175 -292 thousand USD while the ordinary buses take 58 thousand USD.
In the long term, the operation cost of the electric buses is one fifth of that of the ordinary buses.
However, the initial investment and the cost of battery bring out the heavy pressure for the promotion aside from the subsidy.

Peking fördert und fordert den Ausbau: 2010-01-22
Currently, there are total 100 inner city buses running in Beijing. According to the short-term plan, municipal office will buy 1000 electric vehicles for Environmental Sanitation Department and 200 pure electric buses. This measure can lower hundreds of tons of CO2 emission. By the year of 2012, Beijing will put total 5000 green vehicles into commercial operation. More and more green orders will be emerged in the near future.

As introduced by Jian Qing, deputy director general of Hefei technology division, they need invest 57,000,000 RMB (about 8,348,284USD) to purchase 30 electric vehicles, and yearly electricity fare is 6,000,000 RMB (about 878,802USD) and the charging station need 5,000,000 (about 732,335USD). So each bus needs 1,900,000 RMB (about 278,287USD) on average.
Iron-Li power cell is adopted, and each bus is equipped with a cell with 300kw/h capacity, namely, 300 units of electricity. A bus can run 250 km after charging, that is, buses in Line 18 can complete 7 round trips between Zhengwu District and Binhu District.
For the charging issue, it seems that there is no apparent different between charge station and general gas station, and they are planning to establish 30 charge station and the specific location is still in discussion.

Die Ölindustrie mit ihrem Tankstellennetz wird in die Pflicht genommen:
More Facilities for Electric Vehicles in China

2010-03-04 http://www.chinabuses.org/news/2010/...icle_2993.html
According to the Chinese central government's long-term plan, the quantity of electric vehicle in China needs to have 30 percent growth by the year of 2015. The development of Electric vehicle is an important and efficient way to better protect the environment and lower the carbon emission.
In order to positive response of government's good policy, Chinese oil refiner companies start to work for this business.
Sinopec Group, a state-owned oil refiner enterprise, has already started to work with the Beijing municipal government to develop electric charging stations. Sinopec sets up a joint venture with a Beijing-based technology company for the charging stations. The registered capital of new joint venture company reaches 50 million yuan. Some Sinopec's existing gas stations in Beijing will be upgraded. The company will equip some electric charging facilities in the gas station. According to the short-term plans, these electric charging stations will be extended to other regions and cities, such as Tianjin, Hebei province etc.
Domestic auto experts say charging station for electric vehicles is the new business opportunity for oil companies and it will be the very promising business in future.

Construction of Electric Charging Stations Reports across China
2010-02-10 http://www.chinabuses.org/news/2010/...icle_2908.html
Recently State Grid has declared that electric charging stations will be constructed broadly, and this will become a substantial breakthrough in 2010 new energy markets. Many vehicle manufacturers are involving producing electric vehicles.
It’s learned that State Grid will trace development of electric vehicles and speed up constructions of charging stations. According to plan, twenty-seven cities will state to build electric charging stations before end of Dec. 2010.
State Grid has seen the trend of future low-carbon economy, and they are making use of terminal sales to take up markets.
Investment for a charging station is small, 3,000,000 yuan (439,000 USD) on average, and there is no problems concerning to technology.
Currently there are electric charging stations in Shanghai Tianjin and Xi’an. And five more charging stations will be constructed in Tianjin this year. Beijing will also promote construction of charging stations. Shanghai has finished research on constructions of pure electric charging stations, so did Henan province. Compared with conventional gas station, pure electric charging station can be constructed together with parking lots or parking space.

Published at 27.01.2010
Quelle: http://www.busworld.org/news/article/813
China's largest electric charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs) were put into service at the Universiade Center in Shenzhen's Longgang district recently, the People's Daily Online reported. The first batch of electric charging facilities in Shenzhen includes two charging stations and 134 charging poles with a combined charging capacity of 2,480 kVA. This is another major move for the southern Chinese city to speed up its development of new energy vehicles.

The charging station at the Universiade Center is equipped with six express chargers that can provide charging to taxies, cars and buses. The station is large enough to serve 12 vehicles simultaneously. It is currently China's largest charging station in terms of area and investment.

The Hexie charging station, equipped with three express chargers, can accommodate six vehicles. According to the long-term plan, the combined charge capacity of the two charging stations can be expanded to 2,720 kVA.

The 134 charging poles are mainly located in public and community parking lots in each district of Shenzhen. Most of the charging stations use the slow charging mode which can facilitate drivers to recharge their cars during the off-peak period overnight.

In terms of charging time, the BYD E6 electric car, for example, needs only 2 hours to be charged under the express charging mode and can run up to 300 kilometers after one charging.

Shenzhen was selected in March as one of the first 13 pilot cities to promote new-energy vehicles. By 2012, more than 24,000 green vehicles will be used in Shenzhen, and the number will rise to 100,000 by 2015.

Quelle unten:
Die Busse stehen in einer Fahrzeughalle nebeneinander in ihrer Bucht, an deren Rückwand so eine charging station steht.

Zur Beschleunigung der Ladegeschwindigkeit bei gleichzeitig konventionellen Bauteilen haben die Leute dort einfach zwei Drehstrom-Kabel genommen und sie in einem Stecker vereinigt. Dadurch sind sie flexibler und leichter zu handhaben. 400*125*2*1,73=173 KW Ladeleistung (max.)

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Alt 21-03-2010, 18:29   #37
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State Grid Corporate of China = SGCC
SGCC Accelerates Building of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Publication Date:2010-03-02

Quelle: http://www.sgcc.com.cn/ywlm/gsyw-e/218933.shtml

SGCC plans to fully unfold the building of electric vehicle charging stations in 27 licensed regional and provincial companies in 2010.
75 public charging stations, 6,209 AC charging spots and some battery replacement stations are projected, aiming to support the country's "Energy-efficient and New-energy Vehicle Pilot Program".

Charging station is an important foundation of the development of electric vehicle and also a key link of the commercialization and industrialization of the product. Since 2006, SGCC has equipped itself with 101 electric vehicles and 30 pilot charging stations, and, cooperated with the Beijing municipal government in designing of 7 electric bus lines and manufacturing of 58 electric buses.

Moreover, the company has finished writing 6 industrial standards like
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Station General Technical Requirements,
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Station Design Guidance,
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Station Power Supply System Standards
  • and etc;
  • started studies on "Electric Vehicle Charging Station Key Technology Research and Operation Assessment";and
  • compiled SGCC Electric Vehicle Charging and Discharging Facilities Construction Guidance to standardize the building technology, equipment installation and intellectual supervision of the stations,
  • basically solving issues appeared in the pilot projects, and
  • creating a positive environment for a successful development of the charging stations.
Source: State Grid News http://www.sgcc.com.cn/ywlm/

Beijing EV Bus Charging Station Photos http://www.auto88.cz/forum/showthread.php?t=11

Headed by Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), together with more than 20 other organizations including Beijing Bus Corporation, after more than 10 years, the team has developed advanced technologies in this area with focuses on the energy efficiency, batteries and the application model of the electric bus. It is expected to speed up the popularization of the electric bus in the public transportation system through the applications during the Olympic Games.
Foto unten: the electic bus charging station and the batterries rapid replacement system

Charge-station made by: http://www.e-bus.com.cn/index.asp
Unter dem Link (oben rechts auf English stellen) auch eine Animation der Funktionsweise.
e-mail: info@e-bus.com.cn

Nov 4, 2009
China electrifies urban transit

By next year, China will likely account for one-third of global autobuses sales and is expected to become the dominant global exporter.
Zhengzhou Yutong Bus is one of the world's top producers of transit buses, after only Daimler Chrysler, ....
China's leading bus manufacturers Zhengzhou Yutong Bus and Xiamen King Long United Automotive Industry are dominant players in hybrid-electric bus technology.
Zhongtong Bus & Holding, Anhui Ankai Automobile, and First Automobile Works (FAW) Group are leading China in the development of battery-powered electric buses. Zhongtong Bus has three fully-electric models and six hybrid-electric, with its LCK6128EV model capable of running 250 kilometers on a single charge.
Zhongtong Bus provided five fully-electric buses for the 2008 Beijing Olympics and will produce 200-300 alternative fuel buses for the 10 cities, 1,000 buses initiative.
Ankai Automobile Co's fully-electric battery-powered bus model (the HFF6127K46EV) was also put to use during the Beijing Olympics and will be featured in the Shanghai World Expo. Ankai's new third generation battery-powered model claims to travel up to 200 kilometers on a single charge and recharge in less than four hours.

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Alt 21-03-2010, 19:27   #38
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Ein 12-m-Niederflurbus aus China:
Maximum Gross Weight: 12000 kg
Electric Motor Rated Power: 130KW
aber mit lead-acid battery !!!
DC Voltage: Rated 312 V
AC Voltage: Three phase 220 V
Charging time: 5-8 hours
Estimated Battery Life: ¡Ý400 times
Max.range Per Charge(KM): 180lead (360~400lithium)
Min. Stopping Distance w/full Load @ 30 klm/Hr.: ¡Ü12(V=30km/h)
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Alt 21-03-2010, 21:05   #39
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Quick-Connect dla 63A !!!
BalsPolska — 19. Januar 2010


Einfache Batterieladestationen einer USA-Firma: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure, Inc.

Chinesische Bus-Hersteller bzw. deren Busse: http://www.globalsources.com/gsol/I/...2640/23046.htm

Hyundai Quick Charging Station on Oahu:

Quelle: http://jcwinnie.biz/wordpress/?p=1169

Quelle: https://govconnect.alachuacounty.us/...CSC%20Pictures

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Alt 22-03-2010, 20:09   #40
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Economics of Bus Drivelines

Running costs, carbon dioxide emissions and modelling energy consumption Running costs and emissions

Zonda YCK6128HEC pure electric bus:

Zonda YCK6128HEC pure electric bus is durable and low energy consumption with
  • more than 1,000 charge and recharge time and at least 500,000 km service life. Its fuel consumption is
  • no more than 4kW.h/100km.t, and
  • max speed is more than 110km/h,
  • the biggest climbing capability is more than 20 degrees.
  • Der Bus ist 12 m lang.

All these technique dats are better than national standards. Iron phosphate vanadium Li batteries are adopted. The bus features wide operating temperature and high safety performance. Additionally, large capacity power battery and energy management system are adopted to improve the whole vehicle durability on energy recycling.  

Zonda YCK6128HEC pure electric bus is researched and innovated by Zonda Bus Group in 2009. The bus can drive 500 kilometers in one charge, battery running above 500 kilometers with energy consumption lower than 5kW.h/100km.t, and the economical speed is at 70km/h and the maximum grade ability is larger than 20 degrees. And it can recover energy during the bus’s sliding.


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Alt 27-03-2010, 08:37   #41
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Es gibt eine Patent-Subclass "Charging station for electrically powered vehicle".

hochstromstecker hochstromsteckverbinder hochstromsteckverbindung Hochstromkontaktbuchse Hochstromkontaktpin hochstromsteckverbindungen Hochstromsteckverbinderlösungen Hochstromsteckverbindungslösungen

Durchbruch bei Hochstromlösungen

Steckverbinder für Elektro- und Hybridfahrzeuge
Betriebsspannungen im Bereich von 400 bis 600 V.
Strombelastbarkeit von mehr als 250 A.

Wirtschaftlich und robust


Hochstrom-Steckverbinder mit EMV-Schirmung 25-03-10
Zukünftig wird die benötigte Stromstärke 300A wenn nicht sogar bis 1000A sein, jedoch gibt es derzeit nur sehr wenige Steckverbinder auf dem Markt welche dieser Leistungsklasse entsprechen. Hochstromsteckverbinder, ursprünglich entwickelt für die militärische und zivile Luftfahrtindustrie...
Hypertac Steckverbinder enthalten Leistungskontakte von 100A bis 750A sowie Signalkontakte in nur einem Steckverbindergehäuse. Grundsätzlich sind diese mit der hyperboloiden Kontakttechnologie bestückt, welche ursprünglich für die Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie entwickelt wurde.
Hypertac Hyperboloid-Kontakttechnologie, die sich hervorragend im Einsatz unter extrem rauen Umgebungsbedingungen bewährt. Hyperbolisch angeordnete Kontaktdrähte in den Buchsen legen sich linienartig am Stift an. Daraus resultiert eine garantierte 360° Kontaktierung mit einer großen selbstreinigenden Kontaktfläche bei extrem niedrigen Übergangswiderständen. Aus dieser Geometrie resultieren höchste Schock- und Vibrationsfestigkeit, extrem niedrige Steck- und Ziehkräfte und eine besonders lange Lebensdauer. So können zum Beispiel alle Übertragungen (Signal und Leistung) durch einen einzigen individuellen Gerätesteckverbinder geleitet werden. Das spart nicht nur Zeit beim Einbau, sondern auch Gewicht und Platz, da ein leichterer und zuverlässigerer Kabelbaum entsteht.

Die neue Generation Hypertac Leistungssteckverbinder, die Serien HBN und HBB sind einpolig oder zweipolig erhältlich, ausgelegt für 300/500/750A und in Kunststoff- oder robuster Metallausführung erhältlich. Sie bieten weiterhin ein Schnellverriegelungssystem, gerade und 90°gewinkelte Gehäusebauformen und passende Dichtungsschläuche. Diese Eigenschaften bieten den Designern zahlreiche Möglichkeiten zur optimierten Konstruktion bzgl. Gewicht, Platz, Montage und Instandhaltung.
geschirmte Hochstromlösungen für Rund- und Rechtecksteckverbinder
Der einpolige Hypertac M40 Rundsteckverbinder gewährleistet eine Stromtragfähigkeit bis 750 A bei einem Kabelquerschnitt bis 300 mm². Das Gehäuse konnte auf die Größe M40 beschränkt werden, wodurch neue Einsatzmöglichkeiten bei engen Platzverhältnissen erschlossen werden konnten.
Durch die spezielle Konstruktion wird die werkzeuglose Montage des gesamten Steckverbinders ermöglicht. Hierdurch ist eine Inhouse-Kabelkonfektion nicht erforderlich, der Steckverbinder kann mit wenigen Handgriffen vor Ort montiert werden.
Der komplette Steckverbinder besteht nur aus wenigen Teilen: Gehäuse, Anschlussstück, Isolierkörper und Kontakt.
garantierte 360°-Kontaktierung mit folgenden Leistungsmerkmalen: extreme Schock- und Vibrationsfestigkeit (keine Unterbrechung bei einer Auflösung von <2ns), geringe Steck- und Ziehkräfte, hohe Anzahl an Steckzyklen (>5.000), äußerst geringer Übergangswiderstand (5 Milliohm), geringer Verschleiß, lange Lebensdauer, höchste Spannungs- und Stromtragfähigkeit. Für Sonderanwendungen sind Ströme größer 1.500A realisierbar.
1500*600=900KW (!)
HBB-HBC, Einpolige Rundsteckverbinder Hochstromsteckverbinder, Nennstrom: 300 A, 500 A, 750 A: http://www.hypertac.com/upl/modules/...0123916029.pdf
Hypertac GmbH
Ulrichsberger Straße 17,
94469 Deggendorf, Deutschland
Tel: +49 (0) 991 250120

Anbieter für E-Fahrzeuge, aber nur bis 63A: http://www.rema-bonn.de/


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Alt 27-03-2010, 10:39   #42
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Die wartungsfreundliche Straßenkappe für den höhenangleichbaren Einbau mit integrierbarer Einbaugarnitur

Korea testet das berührungslose Laden von Elektroautos
Das "On-Line Electric Vehicle" bezieht Strom aus Induktionsschleifen in der Fahrbahn
17. März 2010


Multi-Contact, leading manufacturer of electrical contacts and connectors.
Multi-Contact, Jürgen Ackermann, 2232 568610, j.ackermann@multi-contact.com

Mennekes: Ladesteckvorrichtungen, MENNEKES bietet Steckvorrichtungen von der Fahrzeugsteckdose über das Ladekabel mit Steckern bis zu kompletten Ladestationen.

MGL Europe GmbH, Sitz in Köln
Wir sind ein Anbieter für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien und Elektrofahrzeuge aus Asien. http://www.mgl-batterie.de/

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Alt 30-05-2010, 13:34   #43
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Next Stop: Ultracapacitor Buses
A U.S.-Chinese venture is out to prove the benefits of quick-charge buses.
A bus that runs entirely on ultracapacitors charges up at a bus stop in Shanghai. The buses can only travel three to five miles between charges, but the ultracapacitors allow for fast recharging at designated bus stops.

Battery-powered city bus from Proterra:

Seoul City to Debut Electric Buses on Mt. Nam
Electric buses will operate on Mt. Nam starting next spring.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government will launch 15 electric buses on three routes on and around Mt. Nam in April next year. The service will expand to eight buses on busy downtown streets in Yeouido and 11 in Gangnam the following September.

The new buses run on batteries that are recharged by the vehicles' spinning wheels as they coast downhill, replenishing up to 70 percent of the power consumed during uphill driving. They weigh 20 percent less than the current buses in use thanks to bodies made from high-tech materials, are 1.5 times more durable and can travel 110 km on a single battery charge.

Seoul city's electric bus /Courtesy of Seoul Metropolitan Government

Right now the buses operating on the Mt. Nam routes are fueled by natural gas. Although they do not emit exhaust fumes, they are noisy and discharge gases with acids that are harmful to plants.

"If the electric buses can operate smoothly on the steep and meandering Mt. Nam routes they will be expanded to other areas," said Lee In-keun of the Seoul Metropolitan Government. "And because they are quiet and don’t generate harmful gases, the urban environment will be greatly improved."

The municipal government plans to replace the approximately 7,700 buses currently in use throughout the city with eco-friendly electric or hybrid models by 2020. Doing so will reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by 812 tons and greenhouse gases by 140,000 tons per year.
englishnews@chosun.com / Sep. 16, 2009 09:48 KST

Quelle: http://english.chosun.com/site/data/...091600578.html


Google: charging "www chinabuses org":

Busworld Asia: http://www.busworldasia.com/english/

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Alt 30-05-2010, 14:34   #44
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Two power heavily in electric vehicle charging stations Enclosure

Author:Cheap-In-China Date:2010-02-23
Quelle: Dies ist der Cache von Google von http://www.cheap-in-china.com/show.php?id=81. Es handelt sich dabei um ein Abbild der Seite, wie diese am 24. Mai 2010 16:46:24 GMT angezeigt wurde. Die aktuelle Seite sieht mittlerweile eventuell anders aus.
der Text wurde automatisch übersetzt aus dem Chinesischen.

While the new energy vehicles do not run the streets, but the National Grid and the two power giants China Southern Power Grid has started a "staking their claims," the campaign.
Recently, the reporter from the China Southern Power Grid and National Grid was informed that to enter in 2010, the two power grid will be invested heavily in building electric car charging station and charge pile and new energy vehicles such as the relevant supporting charging facilities, they would like to take in the new energy vehicles Time occupied Heights, to charging stations "instead of" the status of the oil giant gas station, the most important energy supplier.
The pre-emptive is in this decisive battle in the Cheats, so a spring up all over the building of electric vehicle charging stations throughout the campaign started.
Two giants staking their claims
"We have already spotted the charging station's market, who start with early, who will be occupying business opportunities." National Grid are on the "China Business" reporter says so.
Reporter learned from the national grid, the State Grid Corporation plans this year to the company operating in the region of 27 provinces and municipalities (districts) comprehensively promote the construction of electric vehicle charging stations, the proposed 75 public charging stations, communication units, and some charge pile 6209 battery replacement stations.
Prior to this, the national grid in Shanghai Xuhui District Caoxi built China's first electric vehicle charging stations (not yet open), a total investment of 5.08 million yuan. If the estimate in accordance with the scale of investment in the coming year, the national grid in the electric vehicle charging stations in a conservative calculation of the total investment will be 4 billion yuan.
And this is precisely because the State Grid Corporation of China to see the trend of the future low-carbon economy, ready to use the advantages of the first network terminal sales dominate the market.
Also in the China Southern Power Grid has also been quietly arranged a similar plan.
"We are also start the electric vehicle charging station building program, the layout has been made in Shenzhen." Deputy chief engineer of China Southern Power Grid, Zhao Man-yong on the "China Business" told reporters.
According to the reports indicate that Southern Power Grid Company of the first electric vehicle charging station (pile) on December 28, 2009 in Shenzhen, built and put into operation, this period of construction scale for the two charging stations, charging 134 piles, charging a total capacity of up to 2480 kVA. According to a recent development of the company's opinion about the development of new energy, new energy generation will be prepared and distributed network and plug-in charging, energy storage devices, such as pure electric vehicle charging supporting market services, expand power grid enterprises in the new energy development in new areas of .
In addition to the two fight outside the grid, PetroChina, Sinopec is also unwilling.
Reporters from Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission was informed that PetroChina and Sinopec intends to cooperate with the municipality, people wishing to increase the existing petrol filling station electric vehicle charging equipment.
However, expert analysis, this security is also open to question.
In addition, Tianjin Power Company also said that this year will be the completion of 5 Electric Vehicle Charging Station at the same time to complete the building of 100 exchanges charge pile.
While the state support the pace of new energy vehicles are increasingly stringent, but the new energy vehicle when it really can achieve, "filling the streets" seems to be unknown. Why do the two power companies to mature in terms of electric vehicles, when the layout of large-scale national charging stations should do?

"We're targeting is the future large-scale development of electric vehicles, these investments only our smart grid construction in a small part of the promotion of new energy vehicles certainly is the trend, take pride of place to say first. Of course, this is consistent with the country's new energy strategy, we still have to take social responsibility. "National Grid spokeswoman said.

It is learned that the national grid infrastructure for the planning part of the smart grid will have 200 billion yuan, while the electric vehicle charging stations are just a small part.
Relevant experts believe that power companies can replace a large extent, the status of several major oil giants, becoming the largest energy giant. The outlook for the Grid Corporation of China is very attractive.
Equipment manufacturers eagerly look forward to going separate ways
On the two power giants ready to go, struggling to landing when the separate ways associated with the charging equipment manufacturers are also gearing up to try it.
"The market is very large, are doing the battery manufacturers are in the planning of how to participate in grid construction bidding charging stations." Battery Equipment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Jin Jing stakeholders told reporters.
The calculations have to reporters, so they took the national grid have been built in Shanghai Xuhui District Caoxi electric vehicle charging stations, the total investment of 5.08 million yuan, covers an area of 400 square meters, which include four Frontage Road while charging parking spaces, including nine charge, like the size of the charging station, equipment investment alone accounts for only 1 / 3.

It is reported that Ott Xun [30.50 0.76%] (002227.SZ), intelligent charging piles have been used in Shenzhen, China Southern Power Grid charging station project, In addition, the National Grid's main transmission and distribution equipment, XJ Electric [25.74 7.25 %] (000400.SZ) Peace of high electric [15.89 1.40%] (600312.SH) will also benefit.
With the charging station to promote the construction of large-scale, for the popularization of new energy vehicles will play a catalytic role, power battery valuation of such companies also have some upward momentum. The Shanshangufen [19.25 0.36%] (600884.SH), Ke-li Yuan [15.15 -2.76%] (600478.SH), the torch high-tech [9.80 0.10%] (600872.SH), Fosugufen [10.36 -- 1.43%] (000973.SZ), Jiangsu Guotai [21.57 0.33%] (002091.SZ) belong to the battery industry, listed companies.
It is understood that charging station equipment investment mainly includes three parts: power distribution equipment investment, direct investment in equipment and management support charging equipment investment. Among them, the direct charging device is a high technological barriers, a kind of difficult. Therefore, direct charging of equipment-related companies benefit a lot.

"In fact, charging stations are just a small part of the face of public transport, and in the future, communities and supermarkets will be to build more shopping malls in the vicinity of the charge pile. These numbers are the amount of days." Who told reporters the national grid说.
Some experts have analyzed, according to the revitalization of the national car plan, based on the current momentum of growth in motor vehicles, followed by at least five years there will be five million electric vehicles. If you press one million yuan a charging station to expect at least 1000 Beijing alone charging station, if in full swing, then the country to lead a 5,000 charging stations, the whole invested billions of dollars, while the 5000 ~ 6000 yuan a charge pile calculation , 5 million pile is 25 billion to 300 billion market.
Three constraints

In fact, the industry has been saying that there is a new energy grid enterprises and between enterprises is "first, the chicken or the egg" relationship between the two sides have accused more.
"Our development of new energy vehicles is the biggest obstacle to the construction of recharge facilities, power grids, such as these do not start charging facilities, we have buried ourselves developed all belong to no good." Dongfeng Electric Vehicle R & D department of an engineer on the "China Business" , told reporters.
However, for a similar sound, power enterprises with a sense of injustice.
"Electric cars are the biggest constraints on the development of ancillary equipment is not equipped, but many, such as when the introduction of subsidized policies, and so on." National Grid who retorted.

The people in the grid view, there are three large should be a breakthrough, the first is the electric vehicles can do to lower cost; second is the driving force, the battery reserve capacity and other technical issues; third is the government's subsidy policy is to be electric cars introduced.
"Compared to electric vehicles, the battery charging station technology has fully matured, and in the market, I can use Japan as an example to illustrate, Tokyo has 87 charging stations for electric vehicles and numerous piles of charging electric vehicles on the 5 hours can be filled with electricity, running 100 kilometers off the entire cost of conversion is RMB 6 ~ 8 million. "The network source said.
"At present, electric cars are a lot of data on laboratory data, as far as I know, the electric car under full power in order to run 300 km. In this case, will require charging stations, at least 25 kilometers to build one. In addition, its cost is also more expensive, the same 20 million conventional cars converted into an equivalent grade of electric cars, then at least 700,000 yuan or so. "The network said.
To BYD electric cars, for example, 2 hours fast charge rechargeable 57 degrees, can travel 300 km.
However, the professionals said that the Chinese market is huge, a new technology even if the development costs high, but as long as to be a powerful promotion and application of the effects of economies of scale will enable the creation of the original act is not the economy has become the economic and reasonable. In addition, China has formulated relevant subsidy policy, pure electric vehicles can be subsidized 60,000 yuan each. To industry sources, the relevant subsidy policies are expected soon.
Relate Keywords:charging stations electric vehicle heavil y
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Alt 30-05-2010, 14:49   #45
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China’s first electric vehicle charging station put into service
May 14th, 2010

China’s first large electric charging station for electric vehicles—the Tangshan Nanhu EV Charging Station – was put into service on March 31. The station was built by the North China Grid Company, Ltd. in accordance with government-mandated design criteria.

The Nanhu Charging Station, with investment capital of more than 19 million yuan (rund 2,27 Mio. €), is equipped with two large DC chargers, eight medium chargers and 10 charging spots and is able to charge 10 electric vehicles simultaneously.

On March 31, North China Grid and Tangshan municipal government signed a strategic cooperation agreement to promote the construction of electric vehicle charging facilities. Tangshan has put 19 electric vehicles into service on two demonstration electric bus routes. In addition, North China Grid has concluded agreements with five cities in northern Hebei province—Tangshan, Zhangjiakou, Qinhuangdao, Langfang and Chengde – to build three charging stations and 100 charging poles in 2010.
Quelle: http://www.hybridautoreview.net/chin...o-service.html

1 EURO kostet 8,38 Yuan (Chinesischer) Renminbi

19 million yuan = 2'266'000 €, also rund 2,27 Mio. €

Geändert von Benjamin (30-05-2010 um 14:54 Uhr)
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