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Goldfisch 23-03-2004 09:55

PS. Da bin ich ganz anderer Meinung, wir werden im September 2004 bei einem Ölpreis von 42 $ stehen, das ist meine Einschätzung, die OPEC wird sich von ihrer bisher vertretenden Preisspanne distancieren.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004. 7:34am (AEDT)

Yassin's death spooks financial markets

Traders in the US moved into safe haven investments. (AFP)

Israel's assassination of Hamas figure Sheik Ahmed Yassin has sparked a significant reaction on global financial markets.

The killing has augmented fears about global security and prompted investors to seek out safe havens for their funds.

Bonds and gold have been the beneficiaries, while the US dollar has been sliding, along with stock prices on Wall Street.

The political instability in Taiwan has also had repercussions in New York, with US-listed shares in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing falling heavily.

There is about an hour still to trade on the New York Stock Exchange.

A short time ago, the Dow Jones industrial average was 132 points lower at 10,055, a fall of 1.3 per cent.

High-tech shares traded on the NASDAQ exchange are down 1.8 per cent.

The NASDAQ composite index lost 36 points to 1,905.

The renewed security concerns centred on the Middle East have dragged the British share market substantially lower.

Prices in London have fallen 1.9 per cent to a three-month low.

The FT-100 index has finished the session 84 points behind at 4,334.

That equates to a loss of more than 20 billion pounds Sterling in the value of Britain's leading companies.

Vodafone, BP and banking group, HSBC have been among the stocks weighing most heavily on the broader market.

Yesterday in Australia, it was BHP Billiton and an ex-dividend Telstra that helped drag the local market significantly lower.

The All Ordinaries Index fell 30 points, or 0.9 per cent, to a fraction under 3,400.

On the Sydney Futures Exchange, with an hour left in the session, the Share Price Index 200 contract is down 21 points on yesterday's day settlement at 3,399.

Half an hour from its close, the 10-year bond contract is up three and a half points at 94.68, with the implied yield easing to 5.32 per cent.

The Australian dollar has made strong gains against a weakened American greenback.

A short time ago, it was being quoted at 75.4 US cents, up almost one cent on yesterday's local close.

On the cross-rates it is at 0.6113 Euros, 80.92 Japanese yen, 40.82 pence Sterling; and 1.138 New Zealand dollars.

The killing of Sheikh Yassin has seen the gold price rise to $US417.40 an ounce.

Oil prices have eased back on speculation that OPEC might delay proposed cuts to production.

West Texas crude is at $US37.26 a barrel.

Quelle: Oil Prices

OMI 23-03-2004 10:00

Tja, Ölpresi von 42 $ ist aus meiner Sicht gut möglich - aber ich hoffe es mal nicht. Wie von simplify seit MOnaten angesprochen würde das der Weltwirtschaft nicht gerade gut tun.

Goldfisch 28-03-2004 20:17

Aus der FTD vom 29.3.2004
Ölmarktbericht: US-Regierung drängt Opec zur Beibehaltung der Förderquote Von Tobias Bayer, Frankfurt


simplify 28-03-2004 21:45

ich denke, wenn der asiatische raum weiter in so einem tempo wächst, dann wird es zeit, dass sich die westlichen länder nach alternativen energiequellen umschaut. ich meine damit nicht die windkraft, sondern quellen die wirklich was bringen

Goldfisch 29-03-2004 21:45

@simplify, auch Windkraft kann profitabel im Unternehmen sein, schau mal bei Fuhrländer im Westerwald rein.

übrigens steht eventuell noch in diesem Jahr der Börsengang an, ich bin da auch mit beteiligt.

Hier mal eine interessante Übersicht über den drastisch ansteigenden Verbrauch der USA und der Herkunft auch sie sind nicht zu verachten.
Bild: Ölimporte der USA gemäß Herkunftsland (Quelle: DoE; Grafik LBST)


Switch 31-03-2004 09:47

Großfeuer in BP-Raffinerie in Texas

Mittwoch 31 März, 2004 07:54 CET

simplify 31-03-2004 10:14

das dürfte zumindest kurzfristig den benzinpreis weiter treiben, denn gerade die mangelnde raffineriekapazität wurde in den letzten wochen beweint.

das es einen knall gegeben hat, lässt wohl noch nicht auf einen anschlag schließen.
benzintanks neigen bei feuer zu explosionen :)

Switch 31-03-2004 20:10


hab noch einen Text für euch gefunden:

Goldfisch 02-04-2004 09:14

01.04. 17:46
Ölpreis Brent - Übergeordnet weiter bullish!

(©GodmodeTrader -
GodmodeTrader Ölpreis/-future Coverage

Rohölpreis der Nordsee-Sorte Brent: 31,80 US $ pro Barrel.

Aktueller Tageschart (lin) in Endloskontraktdarstellung seit August 2003 (1 Kerze = 1 Tag) als Kurzupdate:

Wie in der technischen Vorgänger-Kommentierung proklamiert, konsolidiert der Ölpreis innerhalb der mehrwöchigen inversen symmetrischen Dreiecksformation in den Bereich der Unterstützung bei 31,5. Hier verläuft derzeit auch eine Aufwärtstrendlinie seit November 2003. Maximal ist ein kurzfristiger Ausreißer nach unten nochmals bis auf 30,5 möglich, aber nicht wahrscheinlich. Kurz/mittelfristig dürfte der Ölpreis erneut in Richtung 34,0 attackieren.

Die 34,0er Marke hat unter mittel- bis langfristigen Gesichtspunkten eine ganz wichtige Bedeutung.

Zitat aus unserer charttechnischen Basisanalyse:

Steigt der Future nachhaltig auf Monatsschlußkursbasis über 34 $, wird das große bullishe Pattern getriggert. Das mittelfristige charttechnische Kursziel würde dann bei 44-45 $ liegen. Mittel/langfristig würde dieses Chartpattern, wenn es denn regulär aufgelöst werden würde, sogar Potential bis 50 $ generieren.

Switch 02-04-2004 09:32

Freitag 2. April 2004, 03:19 Uhr

Saudi-Arabien laut Botschafter gegen höheren Ölpreis


Goldfisch 03-04-2004 00:34

PS. die Amis versuchen sich dem Ganzen etwas zu entziehen, stoßen aber immer wieder auf die Grenzen von politischen Auseinandersetzungen und auf Grund der Geographischen Lage ist die Förderung aus dem Ozean eine sehr kostspielige Angelegenheit und mir Risiken durch die Erdplattenverschiebungen verbunden.


Baker Hughes: mehr Ölbohrungen in den USA, weniger in Kanada

2. April 2004 20:43

PC-Oldie-Udo 05-04-2004 14:53

Öl-Preis trotz Opec-Förderkürzung gesunken

05. Apr 14:03


Weiterer Preisrückgang erwartet

Für die nächsten Wochen erwartet der Analyst einen weiteren leichten Preisrückgang. «Der Öl-Preis wird in das Band zwischen 22 und 28 Dollar rutschen, wie die Opec angestrebt», kommentierte er. Wenn die geopolitische Lage sich nicht verändere, werde der Preis weiter deutlich nachgeben . (nz)

Goldfisch 09-04-2004 17:22

Refinery explosion near Gallup, N.M.; four hospitalized with serious injuries

By Associated Press
Friday, April 9, 2004

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Two fiery explosions rocked a gasoline refinery Thursday, seriously injuring four people, officials said.

Smoke billowed from one side of the Giant Industries refinery about 15 miles east of Gallup in western New Mexico as rescue crews converged on the scene.

State police Lt. Jimmy Glascock said the explosion occurred in a part of the refinery that produces high-octane fuel, and that the blast caused a second one inside the same area.

The fire was quickly contained.

Trucker Michael Metcalf was driving nearby when the blasts occurred.

``All of a sudden, I heard a loud sound, which rocked the truck,'' he said. ``I saw flames and black smoke coming out of the refinery, and the flames were shooting out as high as one of the towers.''

Gallup Fire Chief Louie Chavez said the fire triggered the refinery's massive water guns, which helped quell the flames.

The injured were taken to hospitals in Gallup and Albuquerque. Two were listed in critical condition and two were satisfactory.

About 50 employees were at the refinery when the explosions occurred. The refinery was evacuated as well as a travel center about a quarter mile south, police said.

Leland Gould, a vice president of Scottsdale, Ariz.-based Giant, said late Thursday company officials were certain the first explosion was an accident, but could not confirm that until they could assess the damage.

The company planned to reopen the refinery on a limited basis Friday. It had been slated to shut down for a routine 30-day maintenance process.

Federal regulators and the FBI began routine investigations.

Quelle: BostenHerald

Goldfisch 10-04-2004 16:18

Oil Consumption to Rise Faster Than Expected in 2004, IEA Says
April 10, 2004

The International Energy Agency, an adviser to 26 industrialized countries, raised its forecast for world oil consumption this year for the sixth straight month as the U.S. economy recovers and demand surges in China.

Global use of gasoline, diesel and other fuels will rise by 1.7 million barrels a day to almost 80.3 million barrels daily, the biggest gain since 1997. The increase is 60,000 barrels a day more than the IEA forecast last month. In the second quarter, demand will be 300,000 barrels a day higher than previously expected, the Paris-based agency said in a monthly report. ``The driving force is the expanding economy,'' Klaus Rehaag, editor of the report, said by telephone from Paris. ``We have a significant recovery from the recession that's primarily driven by the U.S. At the same point in time, China and India are expanding extremely rapidly.''

The latest increase in the demand forecast comes as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, source of a third of the world's oil, plans to cut supply this month on concern of a drop in prices. Crude oil in London has risen 15 percent to more than $33 a barrel since OPEC announced the plan Feb. 10.

The IEA also cut its estimate of oil supply from countries that don't belong to OPEC. Those nations will boost output by 1.27 million barrels a day this year, 185,000 less than forecast last month, to 50.24 million barrels a day, because of lower expectations for regions including the North Sea.

Oil demand normally falls in the second quarter because of warmer weather in the U.S. and Europe. The IEA said consumption will decline by 2 million barrels a day in the period, rather than the 2.3 million barrels expected a month ago, largely because of China. China Fuels Gain ``China's fast-rising energy consumption fuels most of the growth in global oil demand,'' the IEA report said. ``Second- quarter apparent demand may again exceed expectations, despite seasonal maintenance at several large refineries.''

China last year surpassed Japan as the second-largest oil consumer after the U.S., because of rising car sales and increased use of oil to fuel power plants. Chinese demand will rise by 13 percent this year to 6.20 million barrels a day, the IEA said.

The expected growth in world demand this year is the largest in absolute terms since 1996-1997, before Asia's fiscal crisis, when demand also rose by 1.7 million barrels a day, Rehaag said. In percentage terms, it matches the 2.1 percent rise in 2003.

Fuel inventories are declining as demand accelerates. The IEA, set up as a counterweight to OPEC in 1974, has criticized OPEC's policy of managing supply, saying it is contributing to a ``more fragile'' market. Fuel Inventories

Inventories of crude and fuels held in the 30 nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development fell by more than 1 million barrels a day in February to 2.46 billion barrels, the IEA said.

The decline left stocks 124 million barrels above those of a year ago. Inventories equaled 52 days of demand, 2.5 days more than 2003's level, the IEA said.

OPEC at a meeting in Vienna on March 31 reaffirmed a February decision to lower its output quota by 1 million barrels a day, or 4 percent, as of April 1. Members are still pumping more oil than the quota because prices are rising.

The 10 OPEC nations outside of Iraq who agree to quotas produced 25.8 million barrels a day in March, 2.3 million more than their collective target as of April 1, the IEA said. In Iraq, daily supply rose to 2.4 million barrels a day.

Some OPEC countries said the IEA's forecast of a decline in second-quarter demand justified the reduction in quotas. The IEA raised its estimate of the need for oil from the group, also known as the call on OPEC. OPEC Call

Demand for OPEC oil will drop to 24.3 million barrels a day this quarter, 300,000 barrels a day more than expected last month, from 26.2 million a day in the first quarter. In 2004, the call will average 25.9 million barrels a day, up 100,000 barrels from last month's estimate, the report said.

Crude oil prices have been above $22 and $28 a barrel, OPEC's official target range, since December. As long as prices are high, most members aren't likely to comply with the accord to pump less oil, the IEA said. ``Cuts in actual April supply are likely to be modest, confined to perhaps Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and possibly Iran,'' the IEA said. ``Cuts from elsewhere within the organization for April look elusive in the absence of any sustained drop in prices.'' Source: Bloomberg

Quelle: TehranTimes

simplify 18-04-2004 15:10

die chancen, dass der ölpreis endlich wieder richtung süden geht, sind wieder gesunken.
die lage im irak eskaliert, die israelische regierung sonnt sich im staatsterrorismus u. bush unterstützt das ganze.
dazu die eigentlich beunruhigende meldung, dass die usa ihre bürger auffordern saudiarabien zu verlassen.
die sicherheitslage ist dort so brisant, dass es lebensgefährlich ist dort weiterzuarbeiten.

was passiert eigentlich, wenn der ölfluss aus saudiarabien mal ins stocken kommt?

Es ist jetzt 03:43 Uhr.

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