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Alt 04-05-2005, 14:47   #61
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LUKOIL will ADRs splitten
[03.05.2005 - 19:48]

Der russische Ölkonzern LUKoil (899954)ChartArchiv will das Verhältnis von ADRs zu Aktien von 1:4 auf 1:1 mittels eines Splitts ändern. Am Donnerstag (5. Mai) werden die Aktionäre je ADR drei Gratisaktien erhalten. Stichtag war der heutige Dienstag (3. Mai).
Der Kurs wird durch den Splitt optisch verringert. Das Unternehmen verspricht sich von der Maßnahme eine höhere Liquidität bei den ADRs.

In der Regel profitieren Papiere von einer Ankündigung eines Splitts. LUKoil-ADRs geben indes in Frankfurt 0,47 Prozent auf 105,00 Euro nach. In Moskau verbilligten sich die Aktien 0,73 Prozent auf 33,80 US-Dollar.

PS. in London werden bereits die "neuen gehandelt" mit ca. 33,70$, ist aber keine Beunruhigung für deutsche Halter von Lukoil-ADR´s.
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

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Alt 05-05-2005, 14:45   #62
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Lukoil Boosted Output
05.05.2005 11:18

Russian oil major Lukoil boosted its oil output in January-April 2005 by 3.8 percent to 28.481 million tons compared with 27.433 million tons for an accounting period a year ago.

The natural gas production in January-April climbed 5.4 percent up to 1.832 bcm from 1.737 bcm.

Lukoil’s export oil deliveries via Transneft system in January-April amounted to 10.472 million tones against 10.934 million tones a year ago.

The export oil shipments in April via Transneft system came to 2.548 million tones versus 2.914 million tones for an accounting period in 2004.

"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

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Alt 10-05-2005, 12:43   #63
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Turkmenistan Invites Russian Oil Giant Lukoil to Take Part in Caspian Oil Projects

Created: 09.05.2005 12:47 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 12:47 MSK

The president of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov, has invited Russia’s largest private oil company Lukoil to develop the Turkmen shelf of the Caspian Sea. The invitation came on Sunday, May 8, at a meeting between Niyazov and Vagit Alekperov, the chief executive of Lukoil, which took place in Ashgabat.

According to Niyazov, “the rich experience of the well-known company, its reputation as a reliable partner may be the important factor prompting Turkmenistan to choose [Lukoil] as a participant in projects to develop large hydrocarbon deposits, especially on the Caspian Sea shelf, and also to transport fuel from the country”. The Turkmen President was quoted by Interfax agency.

During the meeting Lukoil’s CEO stressed that Turkmenistan, which has huge oil and gas reserves, is of great interest for business circles in Russia and other countries. Alekperov also said that in the near future Lukoil will submit to Turkem leadership the program of proposed cooperation in developing oil and gas deposits in the Caspian Sea shelf.

Turkmenistan has been cooperating with Russia’s natural gas monopoly Gazprom, selling it its gas which Gazprom then re-sold at the European markets. Turkmenistan depends on Gazprom for export of its gas because it is landlocked and its only outlet is the Russian monopoly’s pipeline system. Recently, however, Turkmenistan decided to team up with Ukraine whose new leadership wants to make it into important player on the European energy market. Ukraine and Turkmenistan are currently discussing a project of constructing a new gas pipeline that would bypass Russia.

Quelle: MosNews
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

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Alt 24-05-2005, 15:35   #64
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24-05-2005 Wirtschaft
Lukoil kann turkmenische Ölfirma Dragon Oil kaufen

Russlands größtes Ölunternehmen Lukoil verhandelt über den Kauf der turkmenischen Ölfördergesellschaft Dragon Oil, berichtet die Wirtschaftszeitung „Wedomosti" am Dienstag.


"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

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Alt 06-06-2005, 10:42   #65
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Merrill Lynch Reinstates Lukoil At Buy

Monday, June 06, 2005 4:54:23 AM ET
Dow Jones Newswires

0832 GMT [Dow Jones] Merrill Lynch reinstates Lukoil (LKOH.RS) coverage with a buy rating and 12-month target price of $45, but notes volatility risk is high. Says Lukoil's long-term approach to investment is starting to pay off. Cites Refining, which is capitalizing on "best environment" in years; Natural Gas, which ML estimates will be "highly profitable"; development of Timan Pechora region, which "reduces Lukoil's exposure to the normal Russian infrastructure constraints." Lukoil shares -0.6% at $34.80. (MIV)

Contact us in London. +44-20-7842-9464

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 06, 2005 04:32 ET (08:32 GMT)
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

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Alt 24-06-2005, 14:13   #66
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Lukoil mit einer tollen Performance bisher in diesem Jahr. Ein Plus von rund 50%

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Alt 27-06-2005, 23:41   #67
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24.06.2005 16:03
LUKoil Oil Company: buy (Alfa Bank)

Die Analysten der Alfa Bank stufen die Aktie von LUKoil (Nachrichten) (ISIN US6778621044/ WKN 899954) unverändert mit "buy" ein und bestätigen das Kursziel von 45,2 USD.

Das Hindernis für die Übernahme eines 66%igen Anteils an dem Ölproduzenten Geoilbent sei nun weggefallen. Ein Regionalgericht habe ein Urteil einer niedrigeren Instanz aufgehoben, wonach Novatek untersagt worden sei, den 66%-Anteil an LUKoil zu veräußern.

Nach Ansicht der Analysten sei die Entwicklung für LUKoil grundsätzlich positiv zu beurteilen. Das Unternehmen erwarte nun die Genehmigung der Behörden.

Vor diesem Hintergrund bleiben die Analysten der Alfa Bank bei ihrer Empfehlung die Aktie von LUKoil zu kaufen. Analyse-Datum: 24.06.2005
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 02-07-2005, 09:46   #68
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01.07.2005 17:01
ConocoPhilips erwirbt Beteiligung an LUKoil-Joint Venture für 500 Mio. Dollar

Die Ölkonzerne ConocoPhillips (ISIN US20825C1045 / WKN 575302) und LUKoil (Nachrichten) Oil Company (ISIN US6778621044/ WKN 899954) haben die Gründung eines Joint Ventures im Nordwesten Russlands abgeschlossen.

Laut einer Pressemitteilung vom Freitag hält ConocoPhilips 30 Prozent der Anteile an dem neu gegründeten Gemeinschaftsunternehmen OOO Naryanmarneftegaz. Der Kaufpreis für die Beteiligung wurde auf 500 Mio. Dollar beziffert.

Das Joint Venture soll die Erschließung und Vermarktung von Öl- und Erdgasreserven im Nordwesten Russlands ermöglichen, wobei mittelfristig eine tägliche Fördermenge von 200.000 Barrel Öläquivalent (BOE) angestrebt wird. Beide Konzerne werden das Gemeinschaftsunternehmen gleichberechtigt leiten.

Das Joint Venture ist Teil einer bereits im September vergangenen Jahres vereinbarten Allianz zwischen beiden Konzernen. Derzeit hält Conoco Philips 11,3 Prozent der ausstehenden Aktien des größten russischen Ölkonzerns und will diese Beteiligung auf bis zu 20 Prozent aufstocken.

Die Aktie von ConocoPhilips notiert an der Heimatbörse aktuell mit einem Plus von 1,55 Prozent bei 58,38 Dollar, während die Anteilsscheine von LUKoil derzeit in Frankfurt mit einem Plus von 2,79 Prozent bei 31,30 Euro notieren.

Quelle: Finanzen.net
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 09-07-2005, 20:49   #69
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Lukoil looks to become brand name
Russian giant hopes marketing blitz lifts visibility in America

By Deborah Yao, Associated Press | July 9, 2005

PHILADELPHIA -- Lukoil, Russia's largest oil company, has launched a marketing offensive to put its name on gas stations across the United States and become as well known here as it is at home.Over the past five years, OAO Lukoil -- pronounced luke-oil -- has entered the US market by acquiring about 1,300 Getty gas stations and 800 Mobil locations in the Northeast. It is converting them to its brand and recently launched advertising to introduce itself to consumers in 13 states.

The company plans to keep acquiring assets in the United States, the world's biggest consumer of oil. The Moscow-based conglomerate is the largest oil producer, refiner and distributor in Russia and second in the world in proven oil and natural gas reserves behind ExxonMobil.

''It is our hope that other major acquisitions will become available as the petroleum sector continues its consolidation," said Vadim Gluzman, president and CEO of Lukoil Americas Holding Ltd., the firm's US arm in East Meadow, N.Y.

''There are numerous opportunities to acquire new businesses in a variety of marketing channels and as a result we are more inclined to acquire existing sites than we are to construct 'new to business' units," said Gluzman. He said Lukoil is interested in the West Coast and other US regions.

Motorists in the Northeast are increasingly seeing Lukoil's cheery red-and-white gas stations pop up. The company is morphing its Mobil stations the rate of about 10 a week, up to 78 by the end of June.

To introduce consumers to the brand, Lukoil hired ad agency Arnold Worldwide to handle its $30 million marketing budget.

The ad campaign's goal is to make consumers warm up to Lukoil as an oil company, said Fran Kelly, president and chief operating officer of the Boston firm.

''They want to establish their brand name. Everyone knows BP. Why not Lukoil?" said John Connor, portfolio manager of the Third Millenium Russia Fund, where Lukoil represents one of its largest holdings. ''They have a lot of pride in getting the Russian name out and about in the world," said Connor.

That may explain why Russian president Vladimir Putin attended the ribbon cutting of a Lukoil gas station opening in Manhattan two years ago, shaking hands with employees and strolling through its Kwik Farms convenience store.

Ironically, Putin's government now is investigating a subsidiary of Lukoil for evading $1.5 million in taxes. The company is disputing the charges, according to spokesman Dmitri Dolgov.

Lukoil's revenue went up by 53 percent to $34 billion in 2004 over the prior year and net income rose by 15 percent to $4.2 billion thanks to a company restructuring and higher oil prices.

Lukoil has 5,000 gas stations in more than 15 countries, about half of them in the United States. It has interests in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Virginia, Maine, Delaware, West Virginia, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maryland.

Lukoil plunged into the US market with its $70 million purchase of Getty Petroleum Marketing, a marketer of gasoline and petroleum products, and the $270 million acquisition of Mobil stations from ConocoPhillips.
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

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Alt 13-07-2005, 20:28   #70
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17:20 LUKOIL Overseas started drilling of Condor Block in Colombia.

Today deep exploration drilling started under the Condor project (Medina structure), implemented by LUKOIL Overseas (70%) and Ecopetrol National oil company (30%).

The contract on Condor bock has been signed on April 07, 2002 between LUKOIL Overseas and Colombian National oil company (Ecopetrol). The contract includes exploration activities at the block within 6 years and in case of a commercial discovery, development of the field for 22 years.

Block area - 3089 square km. Project share of LUKOIL Overseas - 70%, Ecopetrol - 30%. Project operator - LUKOIL Overseas Colombia Ltd. The operations office is located in Bogota - the capital of Colombia.

Condor is located in the foothill of Eastern Cordillera in the western part of Llanos oil basin and is one of the largest exploration blocks in Colombia. Previously, 2D seismic survey has been performed at the block area (LUKOIL Overseas has reprocessed 2300 m of seismic lines and reinterpreted the obtained data) and 4 wells have been drilled.

Condor-1 well is located in the dome of Medina structure. Recoverable hydrocarbon reserves of Ñ3 category: oil - 3,4 mmt, gas condensate - 10 mmt, free gas - 78,5 bscm. Design depth of the vertical well is 5050 m, the point of drilling is located at 1128 m above sea level.

In summer 2004 the environmental impact assessment has been completed jointly with Auditorio Ambiental, a Colombian company, after which the Ministry of Natural Resources of Colombia has granted LUKOIL Overseas with a well drilling license.

The drilling rig contract was signed with Nabors International, an American company, based on tender results. A powerful Nabors-20 rig of 43 m height will be used for drilling. It will take approximately 10 months.

Among the drilling contractors are the local companies of Estudios Geotechnicos, Occipetrol and world-name service concerns such as Weatherford, Baker Hughes, Swaco, Halliburton, Smith, Cudd, Schlumberger.

"AK&M", 13/07/2005 11:40
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

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Alt 15-07-2005, 11:48   #71
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15.07.2005 12:20
LUKoil Oil Company: underperform (Goldman Sachs)

Die Analysten von Goldman Sachs stufen die Aktie von LUKoil (Nachrichten) (ISIN US6778621044/ WKN 899954) unverändert mit "underperform" ein.

Nach Vorlage der Ergebnisse der russischen Ölunternehmen habe man die Gewinnerwartungen überarbeitet. Die EPS-Schätzungen für LUKoil für 2005 und 2006 seien um 2,4% bzw. um 8,6% reduziert worden. Am Fair Value von 30 USD werde aber weiter festgehalten.

Vor diesem Hintergrund bewerten die Analysten von Goldman Sachs die Aktie von LUKoil weiterhin mit dem Votum "underperform". Analyse-Datum: 15.07.2005

PS. Hier mal ein Langzeitchart von Lukoil, mit dem Tiefstpunkt beim Ölkrieg in Kuwait, ist noch zu berücksichtigen das der Wert 1:4 gesplittet wurde.

"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch

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Alt 09-08-2005, 12:11   #72
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(AFX UK Focus) 2005-08-08 16:24 GMT:
LUKoil ratings outlook raised to positive vs stable - S&P

PARIS (AFX) - Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said that it has revised its ratings outlook on LUKoil OAO to positive from stable following a review of the company's 2004 operating and financial performance.

At the same time, S&P affirmed its 'BB' long-term corporate credit rating and 'ruAA' Russia national scale rating on the company.

"The positive outlook on LUKoil... is supported by strongly improved financial and operating performance in 2004," said S&P credit analyst Karl Nietvelt.

The agency views LUKoil's strategic focus on sustained high investment levels as favorable, as it should ensure robust long-term production growth, while shareholder returns remain more moderate than those of peers.

As a relative weakness, S&P notes that LUKoil's profitability and free cash flow generation are still below those of Russian peers.

"An upgrade is possible in the next 12 months, if LUKoil further improves its currently moderate free operating cash flow generation--including through limiting working capital outlays," said Nietvelt.

S&P said it will need to monitor the impact of any potential midsize acquisitions. For instance, LUKoil has expressed interest in PetroKazakhstan Inc. (B+/Stable/--) and in the Mazeikiu refinery in Lithuania.

"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 11-08-2005, 15:25   #73
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16:51 LUKOIL-Neftekhim increased the output.

In IH LUKOIL-Neftekhim group managed to raise the output 2.25% to reach 875th ton, the company informed.

The refining volume was increased to add 4% to come to 1.15mln ton. $56mln were invested in the development of the production.

"AK&M", 11.08.2005 16:39
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 13-01-2006, 13:11   #74
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15:34 Lukoil net profit for nine months of 2005 grew by 55.1%.

Lukoil net income for nine months of 2005 was $4,801 million, which is an increase of 55.1% y-o-y. At the same time total tax expenses exceeded $13 billion, which is almost 85% higher than in the same period of 2004. Taxes paid in Russia (including mineral extraction tax, tariffs, excise etc.) to the sales revenue of Lukoil Russian subsidiaries for 9 months of 2005 was 50.3%.

The increase in net income resulted from favorable market conditions as well as from costs control. At the same time the growth of net income was restrained by an increase of tax burden, strengthening of the ruble against the dollar and rise in transportation costs.

EBITDA was $7,657 million, which is 46.7% higher than in the same period of 2004. Revenue from sales for nine months of 2005 was $40,238 million, which is 66.2% higher y-o-y.

Total capital expenditures including non-cash transactions were $2,918 million in nine months of 2005, which is an increase of 26.8% y-o-y.

"AK&M", 13/01/2006 12:36
"Es gibt tausende Möglichkeiten, sein Geld auszugeben, aber nur zwei, es zu erwerben: Entweder wir arbeiten für Geld oder das Geld arbeitet für uns."

Bernhard Baruch
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Alt 16-01-2006, 16:55   #75
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Quelle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:H...world_2004.png
Russia has the largest proven reserves in the world after Saudi Arabia.
Iran is the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ‘(OPEC) number two crude oil producer and is also pinning major hopes on its gas reserves, estimated to be the second largest proven reserves in the world after Russia.

Nach einer Übersicht mit westlichen Ölfirmen wäre BP dasjenige Unternehmen, dessen Ölreserven am niedrigsten bewertet wären, ergo dessen Aktein am meisten steigen sollten. Die Zahlen der Übersicht stammen vom 24.12.2007 und aus 2005 (enterprise value (EV) #s from 12.24.2007, oil reserves by company #s come from 2005 report)
Quelle: http://www.investingzeal.com/?p=44

Lukoil ist der sechstgrößte börsennotierte Ölkonzern der Welt und der erste in Russland, der vertikal integriert ist. Lukoil fördert pro Tag fast zwei Millionen Barrel Öl und Gas. Der Konzern verfügt über ein Öläquivalent von 20,1 Mrd. Barrel. Damit liegt er weltweit auf Platz zwei nach ExxonMobil und vor BP. Bei den Rohölreserven übertrifft er alle anderen an der Börse gehandelten Unternehmen der Welt. Sie betragen 16 Mrd. Barrel. Das sind 0,4 Prozent der weltweiten Ölreserven.
Quelle: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lukoil

Despite rising production, Lukoil nevertheless managed a reserve replacement ratio of 150% -- meaning that it added 15 barrels of oil (or its equivalent measure of natural gas) for every 10 barrels pulled from the ground. That's an exceptional performance for a company the size of Lukoil, and also a testament to the untapped potential of Siberia's energy fields.

Heavy Oil Reserves As a percentage of total commercial oil reserves by company:
TotalFinaElf 19.4%
ConocoPhillips 17.2%
ExxonMobil 13.5%
Chevron 10.4%
Royal Dutch Shell 8.6%
BP 0.7%

Symbol LUK.FSE
ISIN US6778621044
WKN 899954

10 Tage:

3 Monate:

1 Jahr:

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All data:

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