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Themen-Optionen Bewertung: Bewertung: 6 Stimmen, 5,00 durchschnittlich.
Alt 07-12-2005, 15:43   #46
TBB Goldmember
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kann nur gut für den Kurs sein:

gerade in nem anderen Board gefunden, sehr schön, wie da die Bewertungsmöglichkeiten durchgespielt werden

Dear Wealth Daily Reader,

It's was about 6:30 in the afternoon when Jeff Johnson took us to the Petroleum Club of Fort Worth across the street from his office.

The Petroleum Club is a private social establishment, steeped in history and old money...oil money. It's about as " old boys' network" as they come.

You might see Pickens, Forrest Garb, or any of the big Texas oilmen sitting at a dimly lit corner table, with a snifter of Cognac, hammering out deals, or just relaxing after a day in the trenches.

Then, if you're lucky enough to catch the right night, the doors close behind you...

This happened to be one of those nights.

You see, we had flown into Dallas earlier that morning. At the airport I met the Phantom Trader who flew in from Montana. There, we were greeted by one of the early-stage investors.

Jeff took the three of us to his offices in downtown Fort Worth. For the next 8 hours, Jeff told us about " secondary and tertiary oil recovery" and how old, abandoned oil fields in Texas were about to experience a resurgence.

He told us that there was a " buzz" about Texas oil he hadn't heard in at least a decade.

Jeff is the CEO of Cano Petroleum (CFW - AMEX). And this meeting took place in July 2004.

During this meeting, Cano was still a young oil company, trading on the bulletin board for about $4.

Today is a different story.

The stock now trades on the American Stock Exchange and yesterday hit a high of $6.40 a share.

And the best might be yet to come.

Below is a report from the Phantom Trader regarding Cano's latest acquisition. By the way, the Phantom Trader has been involved in Cano since it was trading at the high $3 levels.

It's another example of his " little black book" plays, unknown stocks that deliver one thing: profits.


Brian Hicks

P.S. It was during this meeting that Jeff and Phantom Trader convinced me Cano was the real deal. I recommended shares shortly thereafter to my members of New America Investor.


Going Back for More: Cano Petroleum (CFW: AMEX, $5.97)
Regular readers need no introduction to Cano Petroleum.

Cano stunned the market this week with news of its $55 million acquisition of WO Energy and $115 million financing facility. This deal alone boosts production 200%, and proven reserves have grown by 700%.

And get this: A third party SEC Engineering Report gives the new proven reserves a PV10 value of $287 million.

(PV10 is the present value of estimated future net revenues to be generated from the production of proved reserves, determined in accordance with the rules and regulations of the SEC (using prices and costs in effect as of the date of estimation) without giving effect to non-property related expenses such as general and administrative expenses, debt service and future income tax expenses or to depreciation, depletion and amortization and discounted using an annual discount rate of 10%.)

Cano's proven reserves increased in value from $59 million to $347 million. Those reserves grew from 5.5 million boe to 40 million boe, an incredible jump.

Based on Cano's 27 million outstanding shares, the acquisition gives the company a PV10 value of $11.24 per share.

Daily production will be about 1,200 barrels, and operating revenues will be roughly $800,000 per month.

This is the incredible part. In fact, five oil patch veterans I spoke with this week were simply astounded by the figure: Cano paid approximately $1.45 per proven boe.

A steal!

Shares were up on big volume after the news, and I fully expect a revaluation over the coming weeks as news flows through to the institutional community.


There are three common ways to value an oil & gas deal.

This is by far the most conservative method. Based on Cano's news release, this acquisition will bring in $800,000 per month. This puts the company at about $10 million per year in earnings. So with 27 million shares out, that gives us a conservative figure of $0.30 per share in earnings.

Based on a simple 20 P/E multiple enjoyed by the non-growth majors, this gives Cano a value of $6 per share.

Keep in mind that this earnings impact is immediate and we'll see numbers accrue this quarter. Also keep in mind that this type of valuation method doesn't really apply to Cano, largely because of the massive upside in development of its producing properties.

Mid-line value
The company's net PV10 is over $280 million. Average stagnant companies typically trade at a small discount to their PV10. Some trade higher.

A straight-line calculation here gives Cano an $11 per share valuation.

High-line, reserve-based
This method gives most companies between $10 and $15 per barrel of proven reserves. Cano has 40.5 million proven barrels, which equals $400 million, or $14.90 per share.

On the conservative side, analysts typically offer $10 per barrel of proven-producing reserves, plus $5 per barrel of proven undeveloped reserves.

Cano has 7 million proven producing, or ($70 million), and 33 million proven undeveloped ($165 million). Subtract $50 million in debt and we come up with $6.85.

This gives no value to Cano's 80 million probable barrels of reserves, which are worth another $1 per share.

Right now we're looking at, conservatively speaking, an $8 stock. But, and this is the reason we initially bought, there's still 500% upside on the development of its probable reserves through enhanced recovery methods.

Cano's management team is stacked with EOR specialists, and I think we can bank on a big part of those reserves moving into the proven and producing category.

We're still looking at an excellent buy in Cano. And this thing is going to move fast.

If you're new to the Cano story, I urge you to read more at the company's website: http://www.canopetro.com/

In the meantime, I rate Cano a buy at current levels.


Phantom Trader
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Alt 15-12-2005, 15:27   #47
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Cano: Kursziel 8 € von der Aktionär!

die mal wieder:

Der Aktionär - Cano Petroleum bei Schwäche kaufen

08:08 15.12.05

Die Experten des Anlegermagazin "Der Aktionär" empfehlen die Aktie von Cano Petroleum (ISIN US1378011068/ WKN A0B5TJ) an schwächeren Tagen zu kaufen.

Das US-amerikanische Erdgas-Unternehmen habe am 30. November die Übernahme von WO Energy für 55,2 Mio. USD mitgeteilt. Die nachgewiesenen Ölreserven von Cano Petroleum würden mit der Übernahme von 5,52 Mio. Barrel auf 40 Mio. Barrel ansteigen. Die Tagesproduktion werde von rund 400 Barrel auf ca. 1.200 Barrel Öl zunehmen.

Die Experten hätten die Cano Petroleum-Aktie bereits im Januar dieses Jahres bei einem Kurs in Höhe von 3,25 Euro empfohlen. Bis heute habe das Papier um 52,6 Prozent auf 4,96 Euro zugelegt. Das Kursziel sehe man bei 8 Euro. Zur Absicherung sollte ein Stoppkurs bei 3,80 Euro platziert werden.

Die Cano Petroleum-Aktie ist nach Meinung der Experten von "Der Aktionär" an schwächeren Tagen ein Kauf.

in den USA sind wir bereits bei knapp unter 7,00 USD
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Alt 22-12-2005, 13:08   #48
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8 €

haben wir noch nicht, aber bald die 8 USD - gestriger SK war schon 7,26 und hier zurzeit immerhin schon 5,99 € (was nebenbei bemerkt klar unter pari ist - das wären 6,14 €)

ciao und allen ein frohes fest!
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Alt 27-12-2005, 09:28   #49
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CEO Interview

hey, nen interessantes interview mit Cano CEO Jeff Johnson bei Börsen Radio Network:

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Alt 02-01-2006, 23:20   #50
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Seit Dezember ist richtig Power drin

Schöne Grüße
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Alt 06-01-2006, 11:00   #51
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Kannst du laut sagen! Jetzt schon

7,50 € in Frankfurt ...
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Alt 10-01-2006, 08:03   #52
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News! - und zwar Supernews

09 Januar 2006 06:36 PM Zeitzone Berlin

Cano Petroleum Achieves Improved Recovery Rates in Extended Testing at Nowata, Initiates Testing at Davenport and Discusses Strategy at Putnam

FORT WORTH, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 9, 2006--Cano Petroleum, Inc. (Amex:CFW) announced today that extended laboratory testing to evaluate enhanced oil recovery (EOR) of its Nowata Field has yielded significantly increased recovery rates. Further testing of potential flood formulations has increased ASP (alkaline-surfactant-polymer) coreflood recovery to 24% of the original oil in place (OOIP), compared to the Phase III results of 18% of OOIP. While additional testing continues, construction of the ASP pilot area and facilities is underway at Nowata.

Jeff Johnson, Cano's Chairman and CEO, stated, "These improved results underscore the importance of conducting comprehensive tests in the lab before making a significant investment in the field. Compared to the field, experimentation in the lab is cheap, improves the potential for recovery success and reduces the financial risk. More importantly, the decision to extend the testing at Nowata beyond Phase III occurred as a result of the knowledge and field experience of our in-house engineering staff working effectively with the laboratory expertise of our consultants."

Surfactant-Polymer (SP) testing of core samples taken from Cano's Davenport Unit is currently underway. Initial results are expected to be available in the second calendar quarter of 2006. The Davenport field, located in Lincoln County, Okla., has produced approximately 22 million barrels through primary and secondary recovery of an estimated 58 million barrels of OOIP. Proved reserves are estimated at 484 Mboe with probable reserves (anticipated to be recovered through SP flooding) estimated at 10,527 Mboe.

Cano has acquired a number of leases in an undisclosed area in Texas which was the subject of a successful pilot polymer flood in the 1980s. As the Company is continuing to lease in this area, it is referred to here, and in previous communications, as the Putnam field. Cano intends to execute a pilot program in this area where a surfactant-polymer flood will be injected and then produced through a horizontal well bore. The latest in SP technology will be coupled with horizontal drilling techniques to most effectively exploit the benefits of both.

Johnson added, "We are very excited about ASP and SP flooding as part of our overall Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) business model. While these flooding technologies have already proven successful worldwide, further refinements in the technology and its applications are inevitable as their deployment becomes more widespread. Cano will remain aggressive in its strategy to acquire assets that are suitable for surfactant-polymer flooding and other EOR applications."

SP and ASP flooding are enhanced oil recovery techniques that can be employed to recover additional oil over and above primary and secondary recovery methods. Low concentrations of surfactants, polymers and other additives are added to the waterflood operations already in place, to "clean" stubborn or hard to reach oil from the reservoir, much like soap in a greasy dish pan.


Cano Petroleum, Inc. is an independent Texas-based energy producer with properties in the mid-continent region of the United States. Led by an experienced management team, Cano's primary focus is on increasing domestic production from proven fields using enhanced recovery methods. Cano trades on the American Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol CFW. Additional information is available at www.canopetro.com.

INFORMATION REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: Except for historical information contained herein, the statements in this press release are forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause our actual results in future periods to differ materially from forecasted results. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, volatility of natural resource prices, product demand, market competition, and risks inherent in our operations. These and other risks are described in our Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Cautionary Notes to Investors - The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) permits oil and gas companies, in their filings with the SEC, to disclose only proved reserves that a company has demonstrated by actual production or conclusive formation tests to be economically and legally producible under existing economic and operating conditions. Cano uses "non-proved reserves" in this news release, which the SEC's guidelines strictly prohibit it from including in filings with the SEC. Investors are urged to also consider closely the disclosure in Cano's Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2005, available from Cano by calling 800-769-7205. This form also can be obtained from the SEC at www.sec.gov.
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