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Alt 04-05-2002, 22:32   #31
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Intels neuer Champion: 2,53 GHz

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Alt 10-05-2002, 12:42   #32
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Rambus hat die letzten Tage wieder an der Marke von 7$ angeklopft ... leider bislang ohne Erfolg ...
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Alt 10-05-2002, 19:32   #33
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...auch der Versuch heute Nachmittag ist vorest gescheitert...
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Alt 13-05-2002, 13:24   #34
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heute geht es vorbörslich machtig abwärts. Waren eben schon kurzfristig bei 5,30 USD. Aktuell bei 5,57 USD.

Konnte bisher aber noch nichts finden, warum es so abwärts geht.
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Alt 13-05-2002, 13:30   #35
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Rambus facing FTC lawsuit: USA Today (RMBS) 6.60: USA Today is reporting that the FTC is preparing an antitrust lawsuit against Rambus, charging that the company worked with the industry to adopt a memory chip standard while simultaneously applying for patent rights to that design; article says FTC will seek to prevent RMBS from collecting royalties on SDRAM and perhaps DDR memory as well.
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Alt 13-05-2002, 13:41   #36
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noch was gefunden:

05/12/2002 - Updated 09:00 PM ET

Rambus faces antitrust lawsuit

By Jayne O'Donnell, USA TODAY

The Federal Trade Commission is preparing an antitrust lawsuit against once-highflying computer-chip maker Rambus, people familiar with the case say.

The FTC lawsuit would charge that Rambus worked with the computer industry to adopt a memory-chip standard while quietly applying for patent rights to it.

Chipmakers could pay Rambus $1 billion in royalties before the case is won or they figure out how to design around the patent.

FTC officials wouldn't comment.

Rambus general counsel John Danforth says the written rules governing the semiconductor trade group that worked on the standards require companies to disclose approved patents, not pending patents. But John Desmarais, who represents chipmaker Infineon, which won a case against Rambus that is on appeal, says the trade group's manual requires all patent applications to be disclosed.

A few years ago, Rambus was the darling of the tech world because it was reinventing computer memory. Big PC makers continue to sell computers with Rambus' technology and consumers are paying extra to get it because it is faster. Intel's next-generation network processor and Sony PlayStation 2 use Rambus' memory.

The FTC lawsuit would seek to prevent Rambus from collecting royalties on its SDRAM memory and possibly its more advanced DDR memory, according to lawyers familiar with the FTC probe.

Rambus is expected to fight the FTC in court. Danforth would not comment on the company's plans.

Companies often work together to develop industrywide standards for products so that equipment made by different manufacturers can be used interchangeably. For instance, a standard for VHS videotape makes it usable in all VHS videocassette recorders.

The FTC watches for patent violations during this process because competition can be hurt if companies are forced by the standards to use a patented product.

The FTC also is investigating whether energy company Unocal patented clean-fuel formulations while helping draft a standard that oil companies say mandates Unocal's process. Unocal has said its process is not the only way to make gas meeting the standard.

The FTC has closed a probe into whether Sun Microsystems failed to disclose patents while helping draft an industry standard for computer memory modules.
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Alt 13-05-2002, 14:16   #37
Benutzerbild von OMI
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So siehts kurz vor Öffnung der US-Börsen in Deutschland aus:

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Alt 13-05-2002, 14:45   #38
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Sehr hohes Volumen, mittlerweile wurden auf Island 248.000 Stück gehandelt!

Ich hab auch nochmal bei Euro 6,15 zugeschlagen.

Mittlerweile geht der Kurs weiter aufwärts auf USD 6,11.
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Alt 13-05-2002, 15:07   #39
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Gutes Näschen!
Der Kurs erholt sich in den USA deutlich:

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Alt 13-05-2002, 19:48   #40
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Rambus vor Anti-Trust-Klage?

Die Aktie von Rambus stürzt im frühen Handel zunächst bis auf 5,51 Dollar, bevor sie sich unter nahezu verdoppelter Handelsaktivität wieder etwas erholt. Grund für den heftigen Ausschlag ist ein Bericht aus den USA, in dem von der Vorbereitung eines Anti-Trust-Verfahrens gesprochen wird.

Die U.S. Federal Trade Commission soll dem Designer u.a. von Speicher-Chips vorwerfen, er habe zusammen mit anderen Anbietern im Rahmen eines JEDEC-Komitees an der Standardisierung von DRAM-Bausteinen gearbeitet und gleichzeitig eigene Patente zum selben Thema eingereicht. Die FTC will das Unternehmen dem Bericht zufolge daran hindern, weiterhin Lizenzen zu kassieren. Davon betroffen sollen Einnahmen bei SDRAMs, vermutlich aber auch aus dem DDR-DRAM-Segment sein.

Die RMBS-Aktie notiert 7,9 Prozent tiefer bei 6,08 Dollar. Der 52-Wochen-Bereich liegt zwischen 4,86 und 14,04 Dollar.

Autor: Klaus Singer (© wallstreet:online AG),19:26 13.05.2002
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Alt 13-05-2002, 23:50   #41
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Nun, letztlich schloss die Aktie bei knapp 6,50$ und damit nahezu auf Vortagesniveau.....
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Alt 14-05-2002, 07:12   #42
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Die erneute Empfehlung von Fred Hager vom gestrigen Tag wollte ich euch nicht vorenthalten.


Fred Hager recommends the following stocks: RMBS

CHICAGO, May 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Even in volatile times, investors turn to Fred Hager for profitable recommendations in the technology sector. Read what technology stock he believes is ready to recover from the recent recession. http://www.featuredexpert2.zacks.com .

Here are the highlights from the Featured Expert column:

RAMBUS INC. (Nasdaq: RMBS) Rambus stock price could go up over 2000% by the end of next year. If Rambus wins its current patent litigation, and I believe it will, it will eventually collect royalty on practically all the DRAM memory sold throughout the world.

The reason why the potential is so huge is that the stock is currently priced as if Rambus had already lost the litigation. I believe that Rambus will eventually win, and the stock price could go from its current price of around $7 to over $150 before the end of next year. Background:

Seven of the top ten DRAM memory manufacturers have signed licensing agreements with Rambus for the disputed memory technology, but three are fighting Rambus in the courts. Those three are Micron Technology, Infineon, and Hynix.

In 1990 Rambus invented and filed patents in the U.S. and Europe on what was then revolutionary inventions in DRAM memory. Some of those inventions were later put into the industry standard SDRAM and DDR memory by the memory manufacturers through their participation in JEDEC, an industry standards body.

The patent application in the U.S. was deemed by the U.S. Patent Office to have too many inventions in it and it was split into eleven divisionals by the U.S. patent office. Rambus was then told to decide which ones they were going to pursue. Rambus still retained the right to pursue the other divisionals at a later time, and Rambus still had a priority date of 1990 for those technologies.

Rambus lost the first trial in Richmond, Virginia, (Rambus vs. Infineon) one of many still ongoing, but Rambus has appealed that loss to the U.S. Federal Appeals Court in Washington, D.C.

There are two memory types involved in the litigation, SDRAM and DDR. Winning SDRAM is not that important but winning DDR is. DDR memory is the newest one and will probably displace most of the SDRAM memory sales by the end of next year.

Rambus does not have a good chance on winning SDRAM, because the jury in Virginia gave a verdict that Rambus committed fraud against Infineon by not divulging the fact that Rambus had an SDRAM patent application when the industry standards body (Jedec) developed the SDRAM specifications.

The most important issue in the U.S. still to be decided by the Federal Appeals Court in Washington D.C. is the "Markman" ruling. This is the process of defining certain words in the patents. In Virginia the judge gave narrow meanings to some very important words in the patents and therefore caused Rambus to lose the infringement issues. The Federal Appeals Court is going to issue a new Markman, which could reverse the earlier one in Virginia and would then mean Rambus could win the decision on DDR infringement.

To get all 19 of Fred Hager`s current technology picks, click: http://www.featuredexpert3.zacks.com . About Zacks Featured Experts

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Geändert von Snowfun (14-05-2002 um 07:14 Uhr)
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Alt 14-05-2002, 14:44   #43
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Nachdem Absturz von gestern sieht es doch momentan gar nicht so schlecht aus.
Kurs steht aktuell bei 7,50 EUR in Frankfurt (6,75 USD).
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Alt 14-05-2002, 21:46   #44
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Etwas schade: die Aktie machte huete wieder einen Versuch, die Marke von 7$ zu knacken - leider weider erfolglos...
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Alt 15-05-2002, 18:23   #45
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Haben soeben die 7 USD genommen.
Kurs steht aktuell genau bei 7,07 USD.
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