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Alt 26-09-2006, 21:32   #46
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Hmm, es rührt sich wieterhin wenig - aktuell aber ein leichter Test der unteren Begrenzung der laufenden Seitwärtsbewegung.
Schöne Grüße
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Alt 20-10-2006, 09:13   #47
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mahlzeit, heute mal

nen nette plus von aktuell 8% bei allerdings kleinem Umsatz (19T). Hat jemand was gehört?
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Alt 22-10-2006, 23:25   #48
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Nix gehört - war aber auch die letzten Tage nicht mit dem Ohr am markt ...;-)
Schöne Grüße
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Alt 17-11-2006, 13:22   #49
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Empfehlung für Argentex aus den USA

von gestern nach Börsenschluss drüben:
Wealth Daily
M. Schaefer\'s Newest Mining Pick

By Mike Schaefer

Baltimore, MD * Jackson, WY * Missoula, MT
Thursday, November 16th, 2006

DENVER, CO -- If the venture capitalists knew what I\'m about to tell you, they may have thought twice about pouring billions into new alternative energy technologies. That\'s because this one material, a rare strategic metal, is the key to these technologies, but it\'s also very scarce. That is, until now.

It\'s a material you\'ve probably never heard of. But in today\'s high-tech economy, demand for it is soaring, in everything from thin film solar panels to flat screen televisions.

But the short story is, I\'ve found a tiny company with a treasure trove of this material, and they\'re just beginning to find out how big, and how lucrative, it is. And that\'s why we\'re faced with a double-barrel profit opportunity, as this company exploits one of the few new strategic deposits of this material.

This metal is indium.

The company I\'m going to tell you about, Argentex Mining Corp. (AGXM: OTCBB), just discovered a cache of indium that could give us an easy double over the course of the next several months.

The stakes are incredibly high. And the thing is, no one sees it coming.

I can tell you this much...this opportunity is going to blindside the market. If not only for the simple reason that hardly anyone knows about indium, then definitely because prices of this strategic metal have already increased over 100%, and are going higher.

Need proof?

Salman Brothers, the only firm I know of who has been paying attention, recently cited a report stating:
indium demand should exceed supply by 120 tonnes this year (we estimate this gap to be equivalent to 15% of global demand);
demand should exceed supply by 150 tonnes next year;
prices should rise another 20% by the end of this year.

So, at a time when strategic metals are becoming more scarce, demand and technological advances are pushing prices sky high. And that\'s just one reason why I expect gains in AGXM to be fast, and quite large. In fact, we could see 100% gains in a matter of months. But the story goes much deeper...

The New Tech Boom
The race is on to supply the massive and growing strategic metals market. These high tech ores, compounds and minerals have already exploded in price. But the real profits will be made investing the companies who find and develop new sources of these vital elements.

By being on the leading edge of the discovery and development of new supply, we\'re perfectly positioned for outsized gains.

Fact is, Argentex has a market cap of just over $20 million. And get this...one ton of indium sells for over a million dollars.

How\'s that for leverage?

Already, huge Japanese hi-tech conglomerates are lining up to get a piece of the action.


Because, from flat-panel LCD displays to thin film solar to nanotech applications, these metals are vital in some of the most cutting-edge technology and security applications in the world. And access to indium and other metals is the only way to ensure continued production of these high tech consumer goods and alternative energy applications. So these giant conglomerates are scouring the earth for additional supplies, because, let\'s face it, these are massive industries. As a result, I expect shares in Argentex Mining (AGXM: OTCBB) to blast off as the company develops its newly discovered strategic metals trove in Argentina.

But that\'s not it...

On top of that, the company has its hands on a world class gold and silver discovery on the very same property.

I probably don\'t have to tell you that these two metals are also in a screaming bull market, rising 33% and 71% in the past year alone. But it\'s the strategic metals that really caught my eye. Get a load of this...

Over the past several years, uranium prices have soared by about 1,000%. And, as you might expect, any company with a uranium deposit has rallied too-big time. In that same time frame Cameco, one of the largest uranium producers, has rallied 1,034%, and has a $12 billion market cap. With indium, we\'ve got a similar scenario. And as far as I can tell, Argentex is the only way to play it.

Believe me, the indium alone could send shares through the roof. Add in the precious metals and we\'ve got a double barrel profit opportunity. Considering that Argentex has a microscopic market cap of only about $22 million, it\'s easy to see how this discovery could send shares through the roof. But before the rest of the investing world catches wind of Argentex, we\'ll already be in line for profits from the company\'s one-two punch of strategic and precious metals.

Next Generation Profits
A few short months ago, Argentex discovered a treasure trove of indium, zinc and other metals on its Argentina property, called Pinguino.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, this property also hosts high grade quantities of silver and gold, which make it a safe bet for major upside in the coming months as the company develops the property and reveals just how much of these key elements it has.

Right now, the company is gearing up for a big drill campaign, starting in December. So that means we\'ve only got a few weeks before the buzz begins. And once we start to see results from the drill campaign, look out. The cat\'s not out of the bag yet, but the big companies are already sniffing around.

Shortly after Argentex released the news of its discovery, the giant Japanese firm Dowa Mining, which happens to be one of the largest producers of Indium, came calling. Dowa signed a confidentiality agreement with Argentex. So the company is committed to look at the project, and could make an outright offer at any time. Usually, the hint of a deal like that is all it takes to light a fire under a tiny stock like Argentex.

And it will.

But as I mentioned, there\'s more to the story than just indium and zinc.

This time, we\'ve got companies tripping over themselves to sign on with tiny Argentex. Not only did Dowa come calling, but several major precious metals firms have knocked on the company\'s door too. I\'ve been told that one of the largest silver producers has also signed a confidentiality agreement. And why not? It only makes sense they\'d try to get a piece of the action. But the Argentex is too smart to let this asset go so quickly.

This is how they\'ll play it...

Profit Tsunami
You see, Ken Hicks, the lead geologist and President of Argentex, is no stranger to success in the industry. Ken had past successes in diamonds and gold in Canada\'s northern mining territories. So he knows how the game is played. And now that he has the attention of these major firms, he\'s going to up the ante.

The initial discovery has been made. Now, we get to find out how big it is.
"Originally thought of as strictly a silver-gold property, the high-grade copper, lead, zinc, silver and indium intersections we have discovered at Pinguino have added new exploration targets and attracted interest from major mining companies,"
-- Ken Hicks, President of Argentex.

So over the course of the next several weeks, we\'ll see Argentex step up its exploration program and drill several more holes to get a handle on its indium discovery, which will give us a better idea how big it is. Then we\'ll see two things happen:
It\'ll give the company much more bargaining power with the big mining outfits who are interested in the property.
It will also send a message to the market. Once the news comes out from the Pinguino property, we\'ll see some major interest in the stock.

It\'s that simple: Positive news is what drives these tiny exploration stocks. And that\'s why we have to own them before they get discovered.

Here\'s how to play it: no one knows about the discovery-yet. But as the company develops the property and releases a new round of results, the market will sit up and take notice. This is what the game is all about. By doing advance due diligence, we\'re positioned for profits of 100% or more-within weeks.

The company has over 35 miles of mineralized vein systems on the property. Plus, they\'ve already discovered not just indium and zinc, but gold and silver too.

And here\'s the slam dunk...

The chances of the next results meeting or exceeding the past grades is very high. That\'s because the drill program is designed to expand the discovery, and based on what I\'ve been told, they haven\'t even hit the sweet spot yet.

It\'s about as close to a slam dunk as you can get.

And that\'s why I expect AGXM shares to ride higher.

Safety Net
The fact is, I\'ve been following Argentex for some time. The company first came to my attention because of its excellent gold and silver property in Argentina. So far the company has a clear discovery on its hands. And if the past is any guide, it could be absolutely massive.

See, the company has already advanced its gold and silver discovery, which is on the same property as the indium discovery. And here\'s what they\'ve found.

Right now, they have a good idea of the vein systems that host the gold and silver. But, what they don\'t yet know is the exciting part. The geology behind this type of vein deposit is pretty much the same across the region.

Nice Neighborhood
Silver Standard\'s Pirquitas project is a nearby example of just how rich the area is.

The company\'s 43-101 report estimates reserves of 107.1 million ounces of silver. Further, the Pirquitas Project Report shows an average of 9.6 million ounces of silver per year, or about 135 million dollars.

Plus, the company has received interest in the associated zinc, tin and indium associated with the deposit. Although the veins are high grade, and contain quite a bit of gold and silver, they were created by a totally different system...a thermal system deep inside the earth.

Now get this...

The company has done advanced geophysical mapping, a sort of geological X-Ray, and what they found is astonishing. There\'s a massive anomaly...a magnetic mass underneath the vein system. What this means is, if Pinguino is like 99% of the other similar vein type deposits out there, this is the "belly of the beast," or the driver of the vein deposits that show up on the surface. And that means it\'s highly mineralized with gold, silver and, you guessed it, indium. Better yet, these deeper deposits are typically much, much larger than the vein systems above. In fact, they can be more than ten times bigger.

The Boiling Pot
All this geological sleuthing fascinates me. Probably because I\'m interested in geology. And definitely because I like making money. And this is exactly how the money is made in this industry.

We get the inside track on a company with a viable deposit. (In this case, however, we already have the inside track on a discovery...a more advanced type of play.) Then, as the company begins to prove just how big and lucrative the deposit is, more analysts catch on. Now, when you get even a whiff of success from a company with a $22 million market cap, you can imagine what happens to the share price.

It blasts off.

Just like it did for Aurelian Resources, which went from $0.46 to $32.50...a gain of 6,965%.

And that\'s where we are today.

As you read this, Argentex is advancing the discovery, proving up the gold and silver deposit on one part of the Pinguino property, while simultaneously going after the indium at other locations. And at some point before year end, they\'ll test the belly of the beast, to determine just what\'s underneath all these strategic and precious metals.

By now you probably already know the drill. We need to own the stock before any of these events take place. Because, like I said, even the slightest positive development from the program is going to be a major tipoff.

And I don\'t want to be watching from the sidelines.

That\'s why I\'m recommending shares for immediate purchase.

The bottom line is, we\'ve got all the winning ingredients in place.

We\'ve got a double shot discovery on the company\'s massive Pingüino property. We\'ve got major mining firms panting like dogs in heat to get a piece of the action. We\'ve got an experienced management team, and an existing discovery.

What we don\'t have is much time.

By picking up shares now, we\'re positioned ahead of the news from the company\'s upcoming drill campaign. But we have to act fast.

Buy Argentex Mining (AGXM: OTCBB)
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Alt 20-11-2006, 16:00   #50
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get schön weiter. schon über 1,51 USD

heute im Tagesverlauf. Mal schaun, vielleicht kommen wir ja zum schluss noch mal drüber (aktuell 1,48 USD bei 285T gehandelten Stücken) ...
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Alt 20-11-2006, 16:02   #51
Benutzerbild von OMI
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Ja, es kommt Schwung in das Teil....
Schöne Grüße
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Alt 27-11-2006, 14:26   #52
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Viel versprechende Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen auf Pinguino

Projekt! (soweit ich das überblicken kann). Mal schaun, was die Amis daraus machen ...

Argentex reports strong preliminary geophysical results from Pinguino property, ArgentinaTicker Symbol: U:AGXM

TORONTO, Nov. 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Argentex Mining Corporation is pleased to announce the receipt of initial results from the Induced Polarization (IP) geophysics currently underway at its flagship Pinguino property in Santa Cruz province, in the Patagonia region of Argentina. Part of the company's ongoing exploration program, the geophysical testing is being conducted on areas that are independent of the drill targets currently defined and proposed for drilling under the recently signed contract with Connors Drilling.

"We are very pleased to have discovered a greater number of veins with significant chargeability anomalies at depth than our initial surface examination had indicated," said Ken Hicks, President of Argentex. "These preliminary results suggest that we may have a more extensive network of potential sulphide mineralization than we thought. This new geophysical data is very encouraging."

Limited geophysical testing conducted in 2004 returned a strong chargeability signature on the high-sulphide Marta Centro and Yvonne veins. Both vein systems returned significant zinc, copper, lead, silver and indium intersections in early 2006 drill testing.

Geophysical testing currently underway is focused on new areas adjacent to those completed during 2004 testing as well as new vein targets within the Pinguino property. Argentex hopes to identify a chargeability signature similar to that identified in 2004.

Initial Results

To date, approximately 20% of the proposed work has been completed by independent Argentine contractors using industry standard IP geophysics to measure subsurface chargeability and resistivity.

The first area (Area 1) tested was the intersection of the Marta Sur vein at the southeast end of the Yvonne vein. Results of geophysical measurements from Argentex's current program indicate a large and distinct chargeability anomaly approximately 400 meters (1,312 feet) long at a depth of approximately 37 meters (121 feet), following the trend of the Yvonne vein.

The second area (Area 2) tested was Kasia, an oblique vein with a southwest-northeast strike that is perpendicular to the dominant northwest trend of property veins. Untested by trenching or drilling to this point, a chargeability anomaly approximately 200 meters (656 feet) in length has been discovered at a depth of approximately 37 meters (121 feet).

Geophysical testing is also complete at Sonia (Area 3), a vein that is poorly exposed on surface and untested by trenching or drilling. A small chargeability anomaly of approximately 150 meters (492 feet) at the 37-meter (121-foot) depth level expands to a very strong 500-meter (1,640-foot) anomaly at 74 meters (243 feet) below surface.

Geophysical maps showing the results from Area 1, Area 2 and Area 3 will be made available on the Argentex web site at www.argentexmining.com.

Quality Assurance

Exploration on the Pinguino project is being conducted under the supervision of Mr. Kenneth Hicks, P.Geo., Argentex's President and a "qualified person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

A number of data lines from the 2004 geophysical program have been repeated in the current program and the results show good correlation, which provides for a level of consistency in the two ages of surveys.


Argentex Mining Corporation is a junior mining exploration company with significant holdings in the Patagonia region of Argentina. It currently holds an option to acquire 100% mineral rights to more than 30 properties with over 377,490 acres (152,766 hectares) of prospective land, located in the Santa Cruz and Rio Negro provinces of Argentina. The company trades under the symbol AGXM on the OTCBB.

Statements in this news release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Words such as "expects", "intends", "plans", "may", "could", "should", "anticipates", "likely", "believes" and words of similar import also identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on current facts and analysis and on forecasts of future results, estimates of amounts not yet determined and assumptions of management. Forward-looking statements in this news release include statements about the Company's belief that "preliminary results suggest that we may have a more extensive network of potential sulphide mineralization than we thought" and "Argentex hopes to identify a chargeability signature similar to that identified in 2004." Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors beyond the Company's control. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, competition for qualified personnel and risks that are inherent in Argentex's operations. These and other risks are described in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Cautionary Note to US Investors: This news release may contain information about adjacent properties on which we have no right to explore or mine. We advise U.S. investors that the SEC's mining guidelines strictly prohibit information of this type in documents filed with the SEC. U.S. investors are cautioned that mineral deposits on adjacent properties are not indicative of mineral deposits on our properties.

Argentex Mining Corporation

CONTACT: Argentex Mining Corporation, Investor Relations, 1-866-594-7687,
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Alt 19-01-2007, 15:49   #53
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Thumbs up Neue PM zu Argentex

Hi gerade raus


Toronto, Ontario, 19. Januar 2007 ˆ Die Argentex Mining Corporation (OTCBB;
Over the Counter Bulletin Board: AGXM) gab heute den erfolgreichen
Abschluss des letzten Bohrprogramms bekannt, das auf ihrem
Pinguino-Gebiet, einem Gebiet mit Polymetallvorkommen in der Provinz Santa
Cruz in Argentinien durchgeführt wurde.

Insgesamt 30 Diamantkernbohrlöcher mit einer Gesamtlänge von 3000 Metern
(9,842 Fuß) wurden gebohrt und ausgewählte Bohrkernproben wurden zur
Analyse verschickt.

'Mineralvorkommen von Zink, Blei, Silber, Kupfer und Gold in beachtlichem
Ausmaß wurden durch unsere beiden letzten Bohrprogramme epithermisch im
Pinguino-Gebiet ermittelt und bestätigt', sagte Ken Hicks, der Präsident
von Argentex. 'Im letzten Programm haben wir uns darauf konzentriert,
Regionen mit gesicherten Mineralvorkommen einzugrenzen und wir erwarten,
durch diese gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zusätzliche Zielregionen bestimmen zu

Die 30 Bohrlöcher wurden mit der Zielsetzung gebohrt, oberflächennahe
Mineralvorkommen in den Regionen Marta Centro und Yvonne zu bestimmen. Von
den 30 Löchern wurden 23 in Marta Centro mit einer Gesamtlänge von 2 475
Metern (8120 Fuß) und sieben in Yvonne mit einer Gesamtlänge von 525 Metern
(1722 Fuß) gebohrt. Die durchschnittliche Tiefe der Löcher betrug 100 Meter
bei einem Neigungswinkel von durchschnittlich 55 Grad.

Mit dem Abschluss des letzten Bohrprogramms hat Argentex ca. 500 Meter
(1640 Fuß) des 700 Meter (2297 Fuß) großen Marta Centro Segments durch
Probebohrungen abgedeckt.

Marta Centro ist eine neue Entdeckung aus dem Bohrprogramm vom Frühjahr
2006. Die 23 Löcher, die in Marta Centro jetzt gebohrt wurden, befinden
sich nahe bei zwei vorher gebohrten Löchern (P53-06 and P54-06) aus dem
Frühjahrsprogramm. Diese beiden älteren Löcher kreuzen sich mit
beachtlichen Werten an Nichtedelmetallen, Silber, Gold und Indium. Die
daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse wurden in einer Pressemitteilung vom
12.September 2006 diskutiert.

Bohrproben wurden den Acme Analytical Labs zur Analyse zugesandt und
mögliche Vorkommen werden nach Erhalt und Auswertung der Ergebnisse
bekanntgegeben. Argentex geht davon aus, im folgenden Quartal ein weiteres
Bohrprogramm durchzuführen.


Die Erschließung des Pinguino-Projekts wird unter der Leitung von Herrn
Kenneth Hicks, Professor der Geologie, des Präsidenten von Argentex und
einer 'qualifizierten Person' nach der Maßgabe von National Instrument

Der Bohrkern (Durchmesser 61 mm) wird vor Ort in zwei Hälften gesägt, wovon
eine zur Probeanalyse kommt und die andere als Referenzmaterial dient. Die
zur Analyse bestimmten Proben werden den Acme Analytical Laboratories in
Santiago, Chile, zugesandt. Acme Analytical Laboratories ist ein nach ISO
9000:2001 anerkanntes kommerzielles Vollservicelabor, dessen
Firmenhauptsitz sich in Vancouver, Kanada, befindet. Die
Sachverständigenanalysen werden von der Alex Stewart (Metallprüfanstalt)
Argentina S.A. in Mendoza, Argentinien, durchgeführt. Argentex, Acme und
Alex Stewart unterhalten sämtlich umfassende und unabhängige
Qualitätskontroll-/Qualitätssicherungsprogramme. Die Bohrarbeiten wurden
von Connors Drilling, einem anerkannten kanadischen Unternehmen,
durchgeführt, das ein Büro in Mendoza, Argentinien, unterhält.

Die Argentex Mining Corporation ist ein junges Bergbauunternehmen mit
beachtlichen Beteiligungen in der Region Patagonien in Argentinien. Sie
hält derzeit die Option, 100% der Mineralschürfrechte in über 30
Besitzungen mit über 152,766 Hektar (377,490 acres) Prospektionsland zu
erwerben, die sich in den Provinzen Santa Cruz und Rio Negro in Argentinien
befinden. Das Unternehmen ist unter dem Symbol AGXM im OTCBB (Over the
Counter Bulletin Board) aufgelistet.

Argentex Mining Corporation
Investor Relations
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Alt 24-05-2007, 14:12   #54
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Exclamation Good News - Argentex Mining

Argentex expands Pinguino exploration program to include additional trenching and drillingTicker Symbol: U:AGXM

TORONTO, May 24 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Argentex Mining Corporation is pleased to report an expansion of exploration activities on its polymetallic Pinguino property in Santa Cruz province, Argentina. Following successful results from its recently completed 3,000-meter (9,842-foot) diamond drill program, including the highest zinc-lead-indium intervals encountered to date, Argentex is intensifying its work program to include trenching in overburden areas, trench mapping and additional drilling. Trenching will start immediately as equipment and personnel are in place and drilling is scheduled to commence after trenching is complete.

"The geophysical signature of the Marta Centro and Yvonne mineralized zones has been successfully tested by drilling. These wide intervals of disseminated sulphides have given us a geophysical template to focus on for additional drill testing here and as we expand to include other areas of interest at Pinguino," said Ken Hicks, President of Argentex. "It is also important to note that we have so far tested less than 10% of the areas containing this same type of anomalous geophysical signature at Pinguino."

Detailed prospecting in covered areas with anomalous geophysics but no exposed veining has identified small quantities of oxidized and goethitic material, the weathering product of sulphide veins. Argentex plans to test the veins by machine trenching, followed by diamond drilling where it appears warranted. Specific veins targeted for testing include Yvonne Sur, Yvonne Norte, Sonia, Kasia and Savary.

Results from the recently completed drill program on the zinc-lead-indium-silver-copper and gold zones of Marta Centro and Yvonne were very positive, showing consistent polymetallic zinc-lead-indium-silver-gold-copper mineralization along strike and to depth. A total of 23 holes drilled into Marta Centro showed a consistent high-grade base metal core surrounded by wide intervals of disseminated mineralization. Preliminary testing of the higher copper and gold values at Yvonne suggests that it might be a higher temperature zone.

About Pinguino

Argentex's Pinguino property is located in Argentina's Patagonia region, within the Deseado Massif of Santa Cruz province. Both silver-gold and base metal discoveries have been made through the completion of almost 8,000 meters (26,247 feet) of diamond drilling to date. Mineralization remains open-ended along strike and at depth, and numerous targets remain to be tested by drilling. Current exploration has focused on zinc-indium-lead-silver-gold-copper discoveries in the Marta Centro and Yvonne areas of the property.

Pinguino is easily accessible, situated approximately 500 meters (1,640 feet) above sea level in low relief topography. An existing system of all-weather roads provides year round-access to the property.

There are currently two operating precious metal mines in Santa Cruz province. In addition, Pan American Silver is receiving great cooperation from the Federal and Provincial governments in Argentina and believes that its Manantial Espejo project remains on schedule to commence production in May 2008, as referenced in a press release issued by Pan American Silver on April 19, 2007. Also in Santa Cruz province, Minera Andes projects that its San Jose gold-silver development project should begin operations in 2007.

Quality Assurance

Exploration on the Pinguino property is being conducted under the supervision of Mr. Kenneth Hicks, P.Geo., Argentex's President and a "qualified person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

Samples selected for analysis are sent to Acme Analytical Laboratories sample preparation lab in Mendoza, Argentina. From there sample pulps are sent to Santiago, Chile for fire assay gold analysis and to Vancouver, Canada for Group 1DX multi-element MS-ICP analysis. Samples with over-limit zinc, lead, silver and/or copper are reanalyzed using an ore-grade high detection limit 7AR analysis, also conducted in Vancouver. Acme Analytical Laboratories is an accredited ISO 9000:2001 full-service commercial laboratory with its head office in Vancouver. Referee analyses will be carried out by Alex Stewart (assayers) Argentina S.A. in Mendoza, Argentina. Argentex, Acme and Alex Stewart all maintain comprehensive and independent Quality Control/Quality Assurance programs. Drilling was conducted by Connors Drilling, a Canadian company with an office in Mendoza, Argentina.


Argentex Mining Corporation is a junior mining exploration company with significant holdings in the Patagonia region of Argentina. The company holds an option to acquire 100% mineral rights to the Pinguino property and owns 100% mineral rights to more than 30 properties with over 377,490 acres (152,766 hectares) of prospective land, located in the Santa Cruz and Rio Negro provinces of Argentina. Argentex trades under the symbol AGXM on the OTCBB.


Argentex Mining Corporation

Investor Relations


Statements in this news release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Words such as "expects", "intends", "plans", "may", "could", "should", "anticipates", "likely", "believes" and words of similar import also identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on current facts and analysis and on forecasts of future results, estimates of amounts not yet determined and assumptions of management. Forward-looking statements in this news release include statements about the Company's belief that the wide intervals of disseminated sulphides have given us a geophysical template to focus on for additional drill testing here and as we expand to include other areas of interest at Pinguino, and higher copper and gold values at Yvonne suggests that it might be a higher temperature zone. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors beyond the Company's control. These risks and uncertainties include, among other things, competition for qualified personnel and risks that are inherent in Argentex's operations. These and other risks are described in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Cautionary Note to US Investors: This news release may contain information about adjacent properties on which we have no right to explore or mine. We advise U.S. investors that the SEC's mining guidelines strictly prohibit information of this type in documents filed with the SEC. U.S. investors are cautioned that mineral deposits on adjacent properties are not indicative of mineral deposits on our properties.

Argentex Mining Corporation

CONTACT: Argentex Mining Corporation, Investor Relations, 1-866-594-7687,
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Alt 10-07-2007, 14:34   #55
TBB Starmember
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Toronto (Kanada), 10. Juli 2007. Die Argentex Mining Corporation (WKN: A0B9RY, ISIN: US04012E1073) ist sehr erfreut, bekannt geben zu können, dass sie eine Finanzierung durch Privatplatzierung mit einem institutionellen Anleger zu einem Bruttoertrag von 2.070.000 USD zum Abschluss gebracht hat.

Argentex plant, diese Erträge für die Fortsetzung der Bohrungen auf dem Pinguino-Gebiet des Unternehmens zu verwenden, welche massive Sulfid-Mineralisierung mit Zink, Blei und Indium sowie hochgradigen Silber- und Goldwerten ergeben haben, sowie die Entwicklung seines Santa Cruz Land-Portfolios mit zusätzlichen Bohrungen auf anderen Abbaugebieten in Santa Cruz (Argentinien) auszubauen, und diese Erträge für allgemeine Unternehmenszwecke zu verwenden.

„Soweit wir wissen ist dies die erste institutionelle Investition in unser Unternehmen“ so Ken Hicks, Präsident von Argentex. „Wir glauben, dass diese Investition eine Anerkennung unserer großen Fortschritte im Pinguino-Gebiet und Vertrauen in dieses Potential zeigt. Diese Investition gibt uns die nötigen Ressourcen, um das Projekt effizienter und energischer zu entwickeln, als das bis jetzt der Fall war.“

In der Finanzierung hat Argentex 1.800.000 Einheiten (die „Einheiten“) zu einem Preis von 1,15 USD pro Einheit ausgegeben, wobei jede Einheit aus einer Stammaktie und einem halben Optionsschein besteht. Jeder ganze Optionsschein berechtigt den Inhaber bis zum 4. Juli 2009 eine weitere Argentex Stammaktie zum Preis von 1,50 USD zu kaufen.

Eine Aktualisierung zum derzeitigen Bohrprogramm von Argentex wird vor Ende Juli 2007 erwartet.

Argentex Mining Corporation ist ein Bergbauerkundungsunternehmen mit bedeutenden Besitzungen in Patagonien (Argentinien). Das Unternehmen hat die Option, 100% Mineralrechte an seinem Pinguino-Gebiet zu erwerben, und besitzt 100% Mineralrechte an mehr als 30 Liegenschaften mit mehr als 377.490 Acres (152.766 Hektar) Abbaugebiet in den argentinischen Provinzen Santa Cruz und Rio Negro. Argentex wird unter dem Symbol AGXM an der OTC-BB und in Deutschland unter WKN A0B9RY und ISIN US04012E1073 gehandelt.
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Alt 19-07-2007, 15:33   #56
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Argentex Mining Corporation / Sonstiges


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Toronto, ON, 19. Juli 2007 - Die Argentex Mining Corporation (WKN: A0B9RY, ISIN: US04012E1073) freut sich, heute bekannt geben zu können, dass das Unternehmen während seines vierten Bohrungsprogramms auf seinen polymetallischen Pinguino- Liegenschaften im argentinischen Santa Cruz sechs neue Sulfidvorkommen erfolgreich getestet hat.

Insgesamt konnte vor Einbruch des Winters in Patagonien die Bohrung von 18 HQ-Diamantbohrlöchern in einem Bereich von 1.357 Metern abgeschlossen werden. Die sechs neuen Vorkommen wurden angebohrt, um eine oberflächennahe eiserner Hut-Ader im Grundgestein innerhalb der neu erhobenen Gräben zu untersuchen. Die optische Untersuchung des Bohrkerns zeigt, dass alle Vorkommen über einen hohen Anteil von Sulfidadern verfügen.

'Die Durchschläge bestätigen eine hohe Anzahl von Sulfidadern auf den Pinguino-Liegenschaften. Zusammen mit denen in Marta Centro und Yvonne haben wir nun sechs weitere sulfidreiche Gebiete entlang des Streichens und in der Tiefe' erklärte der Argentex-Präsident Ken Hicks. 'Wir sind gespannt, welches Expansionspotential die Mineralisierung auf dem Pinguino-Grundstück bereithält und planen weitere Testbohrungen an diesen Neuentdeckungen und an anderen wichtigen Stellen.'

Im Vorfeld des jüngsten Bohrprogramms waren die Testbohrungen an bekannten Mineralvorkommen auf die Adern von Marta Centro und Yvonne beschränkt, die nur 10% der beträchtlichen geophysikalischen Anomalien ausmachen, die bisher festgestellt wurden. Der Beginn der Vorbereitung weiterer Bohrungen ist für September geplant.

Nachdem Argentex die vorangegangenen Bohrungsprogramme im sulfidreichen Marta Centro und Yvonne zum Abschluss brachte, intensivierte das Unternehmen zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt in diesem Jahr die Untersuchungen im Pinguino-Gebiet, die zusätzliche Grabungen und Bohrungen in Gebieten von Yvonne Sur, Yvonne Norte, Sonia, Kasia, Savary und Luna beinhalten. Oberflächenziele wurden auf der Grundlage ihrer geologischen Signatur bestimmt, die sich aus Anomalien auf geophysikalischer und geochemischer Ebene zusammensetzt. Insgesamt wurden 20 Einzelgräben untersucht, wobei sich diese sechs Vorkommen deutlich in dem zuvor unentdeckten Deckgebirge hervorheben.

Die optische Abnahme des HQ Diamantbohrkerns zeigt, dass in allen sechs Fällen bedeutende Sulfiddurchschläge zutage gefördert wurden.

Die Ergebnisse vorangegangener Bohrprogramme in Marta Centro und Yvonne ergaben einheitliche polymetallische Zink-Blei-Indium-Silber-Gold-Kupfer-Vorkommen entlang des Streichens und in der Tiefe. Insgesamt 23 Bohrlöcher in Marta Centro zeigten einen gleich bleibend hochwertigen Basismetallkern, der von breiten Intervallen von verstreuten Mineralisierungen umgeben war.

Weitere Analysen und Erkenntnisse werden nach Erhalt der Proben und Ergebniserfassung in den Acme Analytical Laboratories bekannt gegeben.

Über Pinguino

Die Pinguino-Liegenschaften von Argentex befinden sich in Patagonien (Argentinien) in Deseado Massif der Provinz Santa Cruz. Sowohl die Gold-Silber als auch die Basismetallvorkommen wurden bisher durch den Abschluss von Diamantbohrungen in einem Bereich von ca. 9.350 Metern entdeckt. Die Mineralisierung ist entlang des Streichens und in der Tiefe und eine Vielzahl von Zielen ist weiterhin für Untersuchungen durch Bohrungen vorgesehen. Bei vorangegangenen Untersuchungen konzentrierte man sich hauptsächlich auf Zink-Indium-Blei-Silber-Gold-Kupfer-Vorkommen in den Gebieten von Marta Centro und Yvonne, innerhalb der Liegenschaft. Jüngste Maschinengrabungen und Oberflächenbohrungen haben neue Sulfidadern in Yvonne Sur, Yvonne Norte, Sonia, Kasia, Savary und Luna erbohrt.

Pinguino ist leicht erreichbar und liegt ca. 500 Meter über dem Meeresspiegel in einem Flachrelief. Ein bestehendes Allwetter-Straßennetz gewährleistet einen ganzjährigen Zugang zu den Liegenschaften.


Die Untersuchungen am Pinguino-Projekt werden unter der Leitung von Hr. Kenneth Hicks, P.Geo., dem Präsidenten von Argentex, und einer 'qualifizierten Person' gemäß der kanadischen Norm National Instrument 43-101 durchgeführt.

Die zur Analyse ausgewählten Proben werden an die Acme Analytical Laboratories, ein Labor zur Aufbereitung von Proben in Mendoza, Argentinien, geschickt. Von dort werden aufbereitete Proben nach Santiago, Chile, zur Goldanalyse per Brandprobe und nach Vancouver, Kanada, zur Group-1DX-MS-ICP-Multielement-Analyse gesendet. Proben mit Zink, Blei, Silber oder Kupfer über dem Grenzwert werden mit einer 7AR-Analyse des Erzgrades mit hoher Nachweisgrenze nochmals analysiert. Dies wird ebenfalls in Vancouver durchgeführt. Acme Analytical Laboratories ist ein gemäß ISO 9000:2001 akkreditiertes, universelles gewerbliches Labor mit Sitz in Vancouver, Kanada. Gegenanalysen werden durch Alex Stewart (Prüfer) Argentina S.A. in Mendoza, Argentinien, durchgeführt. Argentex, Acme und Alex Stewart unterhalten umfassende und unabhängige Programme zur Qualitätskontrolle/Qualitätssicherung. Die Bohrarbeiten wurden durch Connors Drilling durchgeführt, ein kanadisches Unternehmen mit einer Niederlassung im argentinischen Mendoza.

ÜBER ARGENTEX: Die Argentex Mining Corporation ist ein junges Bergbau- und Schürfunternehmen mit beträchtlichen Anlagen in der argentinischen Region Patagonien. Das Unternehmen hält derzeit eine Option zum Erwerb von 100% der Abbaurechte an dem Areal Pinguino und besitzt 100% der Abbaurechte an mehr als 30 Liegenschaften mit einer Gesamtfläche von mehr als 152.766 ha an potenziellen Lagerstätten in den argentinischen Provinzen Santa Cruz und Rio Negro. Das Unternehmen wird am OTCBB unter dem Kürzel AGXM und in Deutschland unter den Symbolen WKN A0B9RY und ISIN US04012E1073 gehandelt.

WEITERE INFORMATIONEN: Argentex Mining Corporation Investor Relations +49 (0) 40 41 33 09 50 info@argentexmining.com

Abgesehen von den hierin enthaltenen historischen Informationen sind die Erklärungen dieser Presseerklärung Prognosen, die Risiken und Unsicherheiten unterworfen sind. Wörter wie 'erwartet', 'plant', 'beabsichtigt', 'kann', 'könnte', 'sollte', 'sagt voraus', 'wahrscheinlich', 'glaubt', sowie Wörter mit ähnlicher Bedeutung bezeichnen ebenfalls Prognosen. Prognosen basieren auf aktuellen Fakten und Analysen und Voraussagen zu zukünftigen Ergebnissen, Schätzungen von noch nicht bestimmten Mengen, und Annahmen des Managements. Prognosen in dieser Pressemitteilung beinhalten Aussagen über die mögliche Ausdehnung der Mineralisierung im Pinguino-Gebiet und weitere Bohrungen in den neu entdeckten Arealen sowie andere wichtige Pläne und Vorbereitungen zu Bohrungen, die im September beginnen sollen. Auf Grund einer Reihe von Faktoren, die das Unternehmen nicht kontrollieren kann, können die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse erheblich von den derzeitig erwarteten abweichen. Zu diesen Risiken und Unsicherheiten gehören unter anderem der Wettbewerb um qualifiziertes Personal sowie Risiken, die der Branche und dem Geschäft von Argentex innewohnen. Für eine umfassende Darstellung dieser und anderer Risiken verweisen wir Sie auf Jahresbericht des Unternehmens auf Formblatt 10-K und anderen bei der Börsenaufsichtsbehörde eingereichte Unterlagen.

Warnhinweis für US-Investoren: Diese Pressemitteilung kann Informationen über angrenzende Abbaugebiete beinhalten, an denen wir kein Recht zur Exploration oder zur Ausbeutung haben. Wir weisen US-Investoren darauf hin, dass es die Richtlinien der Börsenaufsichtsbehörde SEC strengstens untersagen, Information dieser Art in Dokumenten, die der SEC vorgelegt werden, anzugeben. U.S.-Investoren werden darauf hingewiesen, dass Mineralvorkommen in angrenzenden Abbaugebieten kein Indiz für Mineralvorkommen in unseren Gebieten sind.
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