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Alt 22-08-2021, 11:19   #1
TBB Family
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Ackerland, Farmen, Bauernhöfe

Motivation zum Thema:

Das Video
"Bill Gates Has Sold Huge Stock Positions: A Warning To All Investors", 03.06.202, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcuIswW3B3o analysiert Bewegungen der letzten Quartale in Bill Gates' gewaltigem Aktienportfolio.

Bill Gates hat in seinem gewaltigen Aktienportfo viele große Tech-Firmen reduziert bzw. ganz verkauft und stattdessen "Farmland" gekauft.
Folge: Bill Gates ist demnach mit inzwischen 269000 Acres (= ca. 1088,6 Quadratkilimetern) der größte Eigentümer von Farmland weltweit!

Farmland ist nicht vermehrbar, also wertbeständig und die Ernährungskrise wegen steigender Narungsmittelpreise wird Ackerland immer wertvoller machen - ein Megatrend.
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Alt 22-08-2021, 11:35   #2
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Sehr guter Artikel zur eigenen Umsetzung:

7 Legit Ways to Invest in Farmland

By Tim Lemke
Updated June 1, 2021, 7 Legit Ways to Invest in Farmland

1. AcreTrader
2. FarmTogether
3. Equities
4. Commodities
5. Mutual Funds and ETFs
6. REITs
7. Investing in Farm Debt

Real Estate Investment Trusts
are companies that collect money from portfolios of real estate. And there are REITs related to farming that you can invest in.

These securities often provide high dividend income because they are forced by law to return profits to shareholders in exchange for avoiding corporate taxation.

Gladstone Land Corporation [NASDAQ: LAND] was the first farming REIT, specializing in buying land and leasing it to farmers. As of 2019, it owned 90 farms and 75,000 acres.

Farmland Partners [NYSE: FPI] is the nation’s largest farm REIT with about 162,000 acres and 125 tenants.

For non-accredited investors that don’t qualify for AcreTrader, these REITs can be a good alternative to hold income-producing assets.
Problem: Die Wirtschaftlichkeit von Farmen ist abhängig auch vom Wetter und der Klimaveränderung.

1 Quadratkilometer = 4046,86 Acres
1 Acre = 4046.86 m2

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Alt 22-08-2021, 11:48   #3
TBB Family
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Gladstone Land Aktie
WKN: A1KCL7 ISIN: US3765491010

News: https://www.finanznachrichten.de/nac...orporation.htm

About Gladstone Land Corporation:

Founded in 1997, Gladstone Land is a publicly traded real estate investment trust that acquires and owns farmland and farm-related properties located in major agricultural markets in the U.S. and leases its properties to unrelated third-party farmers.
The Company, which reports the aggregate fair value of its farmland holdings on a quarterly basis, currently owns 153 farms, comprised of approximately 105,000 acres in 14 different states and 20,330 acre-feet of banked water in California, valued at approximately $1.3 billion.
Gladstone Land's farms are predominantly located in regions where its tenants are able to grow fresh produce annual row crops, such as berries and vegetables, which are generally planted and harvested annually. The Company also owns farms growing permanent crops, such as almonds, apples, cherries, figs, lemons, olives, pistachios, and other orchards, as well as blueberry groves and vineyards, which are generally planted every 10 to 20-plus years and harvested annually.
The Company may also acquire property related to farming, such as cooling facilities, processing buildings, packaging facilities, and distribution centers.
Gladstone Land pays monthly distributions to its stockholders and has paid 102 consecutive monthly cash distributions on its common stock since its initial public offering in January 2013.
The Company has increased its common distributions 23 times over the prior 26 quarters, and the current per-share distribution on its common stock is 0.0451 per month, or 0.5412 per year.
Additional information, including detailed information about each of the Company's farms, can be found at www.GladstoneLand.com.
Quelle: https://www.finanznachrichten.de/nac...esults-200.htm

by Christofer Oberst
“It’s a simple business model,” David tells me. “I’m a very methodical lender and investor. We just want to buy a good farm, lease it to someone, and hope it sits there forever and a day with the same farmer farming it. Our goal is to continue to buy land and put good tenants in place on the same farm for the next 20 years.”
Quelle am 22.08.2021: https://www.thesnack.net/article/fea...rst-top-of-her

Gladstone Management's team operates pubilc companies and private partnerships. See www.gladstone.com to learn about them. The companies makes loans to small and mid-sized businesses, acquires small and mid-sized businesses, acquires commercial, industrial, retail and medical real estate as well as farmland and farming buildings. The public companes are listed on NASDAQ under the trading symblos GLAD, GAIN, GOOD and LAND. The company is a registered investment adviser and has a broker dealer.
Quelle: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-gladstone-b499198/
The Gladstone Companies are a family of investment funds, headquartered in the Washington DC area, that provide financing to and acquire lower middle market companies, acquire commercial real estate and farmland nationwide, and pay monthly cash distributions to their shareholders.
Quelle: The Gladstone Companies are a family of investment funds, headquartered in the Washington DC area, that provide financing to and acquire lower middle market companies, acquire commercial real estate and farmland nationwide, and pay monthly cash distributions to their shareholders.
Einer dieser investment funds ist:
"Gladstone Land Corporation"
(Nasdaq: LAND) is a real estate investment trust (REIT) that specializes in purchasing farms and farm-related properties and leasing them to farmers.

Link zu INVESTOR RELATIONS: https://www.gladstonefarms.com/investors

[Gladstone Land Corporation] Currently owns 141 farms with
approximately 104,000 total acres in 13 states, valued at over $1.2
billion. Our acreage is currently 100% leased.
Quelle (auch jeweils von der 2. und 3. angehängten Abbildung): Jun 30, 2021: Investor Presentation as of May 12, 2021 https://d1io3yog0oux5.cloudfront.net...1-v5-lores.pdf
Also 420,9 Quadratkilometer Farmland im Wert von ca. 1,2 Milliarden US-$.

Meine persönliche grobe Kauf-Peilung: Ab dem 21.09.2021, etwa bei 20,289$ (=38er Retracement)

in US-$:

Quelle 4. angehängte Abbildung: Auszug aus "COMPANY INFORMATION" https://www.gladstonefarms.com/inves...ny-information
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Geändert von Benjamin (22-08-2021 um 12:48 Uhr)
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Alt 22-08-2021, 12:55   #4
TBB Family
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Farmland Partners Inc. (NYSE: FPI) is a publicly traded real estate investment trust (REIT) that manages and seeks to acquire both high-quality farmland and land with excellent agricultural development potential located throughout North America. The company was founded by farmers, and its management team has hands-on farm operations experience. One of our primary goals is to align ourselves with top-quality operators in various parts of the United States in an effort to build a diverse portfolio of agricultural assets across the spectrum of crops. This diversification, combined with stable rental income generation and potential value appreciation, provides an attractive risk-adjusted return over time.
Quelle: http://www.farmlandpartners.com/about-us/

Farmland Partners Inc. is an internally managed, publicly traded (NYSE: FPI) real estate company that owns and seeks to acquire high-quality farmland throughout North America addressing the global demand for food, feed, fiber, and fuel.

We take pride in our heritage in farming, and we see the partnership with our farmer tenants as key to our long term success. We work with our tenant base to lower their input costs and improve our farms, as a result increasing both their profitability and ours.

As of August 4th, 2021, Farmland Partners owns approximately 157,000 acres in 16 states, including Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Virginia. This land is currently being farmed by over 100 tenants who grow 26 major commercial crops.
Quelle: http://www.farmlandpartners.com/

Aktie: WKN: A2PN1A ISIN: US31154R2085
In US-$:

Geändert von Benjamin (22-08-2021 um 13:00 Uhr)
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Alt 22-08-2021, 13:11   #5
TBB Family
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Gladstone Land Aktie, WKN: A1KCL7 ISIN: US3765491010, in €
DAX Index, €
FARMLAND Partners, Aktie WKN: A2PN1A, in $

Angehängte Abb. stammen aus Quelle "Anlageklasse Ackerland", https://www.portfoliomix.de/anlagekl...sse-ackerland/
Zitate daraus:
Eine andere Möglichkeit Volatilität von REITs zu spielen, ist es die Entwicklung von Net Asset Value pro Aktie (NAV, Substanzwert: Wert des Landportfolios) und Aktienkurs über längere Zeiträume im Blick zu haben.
Bei einem volatilen Aktienkurs und einer erwarteten deutlich geringeren Schwankung des NAV, kann man so teure Kaufzeitpunkt mit Aufschlag auf den NAV (hohe Differenz von Aktienkurs – NAV pro Aktie) und günstige Gelegenheiten mit im besten Fall Abschlag auf den NAV (Differenz von Aktienkurs – NAV pro Aktie ist negativ) erkennen.
Die folgende Tabelle zeigt Net Asset Value pro Aktie, Aktienpreis zum gleichen Stichtag und resultierenden Auf- bzw. Abschlag von Kurs zu NAV für Gladstone Land:

[IMG]Am Jahresende 2015 gab es einen Rabatt von fast 50% auf den NAV. Dies war ein günstiger Einstiegszeitpunkt, der mit über 200% Rendite bis heute belohnt worden wäre. Inzwischen muss man einen Aufschlag auf den NAV zählen. Nach dem zweiten Quartal 2020 betrug der NAV pro Aktie nur noch 11,06 USD, was bei einem Aktienkurs von 16,50 USD (10.08.2020) einen gewaltigen Aufschlag von 49% bedeutet: kein guter Einstiegszeitpunkt.

Was wir der Tabelle ebenso entnehmen können: trotz beträchtlichem Wachstum der Agrarflächen im Besitz, steht der NAV pro Aktie heute unter dem Wert von 2013. Wachstum war nur über die Ausgabe neuer Aktien möglich (die Einnahmen wurden größtenteils als Dividende ausgezahlt), was die bestehenden Anteile verwässerte und die enttäuschende Aktienperformance erklärt.
Zudem gibt es auch bei LAND Zweifel an der NAV-Berechnung und eine Korrektur würde Abschreibungen und damit ausgewiesene Verluste in den kommenden Jahren zur Folge haben, so dass wie bei FPI [= Farmland Partners, WKN: A1XE4J] ein gehöriges Einzelaktienrisiko besteht.
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Geändert von Benjamin (22-08-2021 um 13:40 Uhr)
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Alt 22-08-2021, 14:12   #6
TBB Family
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Gladstone Land Aktie, WKN: A1KCL7 ISIN: US3765491010, in €
SPDR Dow Jones Global Real Estate UCITS ETF, WKN: A2PRUC ISIN: IE00BH4GR342
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Real Estate ETF, LYX0Y0
iShares Agribusiness UCITS ETF (Aktien) A1JKQK

all data:




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Alt 22-08-2021, 14:30   #7
TBB Family
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Gladstone Land Aktie, WKN: A1KCL7 ISIN: US3765491010, in €
S&P 500 Indexzertifikat, WKN: 702980 ISIN: DE0007029803, in €

Gladstone Land Aktie, WKN: A1KCL7 ISIN: US3765491010, in $
S&P 500 Index, in $





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Alt 22-08-2021, 14:40   #8
TBB Family
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LAND - Gladstone Land Corp. (NAS)

Kursziele in $ kann ich ableiten bei:
  • 27,06$
  • 32,64$


Meine persönliche grobe Kauf-Peilung (Stand 22.08.2021): Ab dem 21.09.2021, etwa bei 20,289$ (=38er Retracement)
Kursziele in $ kann ich ableiten bei:
  • 27,06$
  • 32,64$
Stoposs: -3% vom Einstiegskurs



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Geändert von Benjamin (22-08-2021 um 15:10 Uhr)
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Alt 22-08-2021, 15:35   #9
TBB Family
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Gladstone Land Aktie WKN: A1KCL7 ISIN: US3765491010, in €:

Merkwürdig ist das unterschiedliche charttechnisch abgeleitete Timing einer Kaufoption beim 38er Retracement
  • 14.12.2021 bei ca. 16,73€ nach €-Chart
  • 21.09.2021 bei ca. 20,3$ nach $-Chart
(wg. unterschiedlich identifizierter Anfangs- und Endpunkte bei der zugrunde liegenden mutmaßlichen Welle 3); Kaufzeitpunkt wäre in jedem Fall das Ende der mutmaßlich laufenden Welle 4.
Stoploss spätesten bei Unterschreiten des oberen Endes der mutmaßlichen Welle 1.

Im €-Chart liegt das 62er Retracement mit 14,45€ weit außerhalb des Trendkanals und nur knapp über dem (aus Bullensicht) tiefstmöglichen StopLoss bei 14,10€. Unter 14,10€ (>2 Tage) dürfte die Aktie absaufen...


1) Verlauf entsprechend bei den o.g. Marken zu beobachten.
2) Kauf nur
  • nach klar eingetretener Stärke nach den o.g. Kurs-Zeit-Peilungen
  • über einige Tage hinweg.

€-Chart: unten angehängt
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